What are some arguments Sup Forums just can't avoid getting into?
What are some arguments Sup Forums just can't avoid getting into?
"Your favourite game is a memegame"
platformwar stupidity
people who want to post e-celebs vs everyone who isn't a faggot
60 FPS is not needed in every game for every genera.
tf2 vs overwatch
platform wars
That delusional idiot that defends Nu-tendo games.
>"MGSV is a bad game"
Socialism vs Capitalism
Liberalism vs Conservatism
platform shitposting
This crossover was shit
Drumpf is for cucks
Was Timmy a nerd? I thought he was a freak
Are nerds not freaks?
Pleb taste: the post
All nerds are freaks but not all freaks are nerds.
>Jimmy's girl goes after him
>Timmy's girl only goes after him when he crossdresses
Timmy is better.
Anything involving Undertale, Piracy, Politics, Social Justice, game dev's personal lives, e-celebs, anime, off-topic threads, memes
Actually, fuck, it would be easier to list everything Sup Forums won't argue about, which is nothing. Thanks to shitposting, trolls, contrarianism, and a massively ballooning userbase, genuine discourse is now impossible. Wipe this board fron the face of the earth.
Console vs PC. The unfortunate part is no one discusses anything and just shitpost to hell and back. Now they dedicate whole threads to the shitposting aspect. I swear to god if I see another wojack or that golden smiling asshole in a console war thread...
I'm kinda surprised this hasn't been posted already: waifu wars
additionally, character balance arguments
>trips AND an ironic hybrid meme reference
good shit, user
My opinions(which are facts) >>>>> Your opinions(which are shit)
He's just an average kid, that no one understands.
DaS2 is gud guys apologize nao
fuck your (shit opinion) my (correct opinion) has more weight than yours
There was an attempt
An Ethiopian kid has more weight than your shit opinions famicom
Now you described something the entire Internet can't avoid get into.
Or the entire Humankind far before Internet being invented - since Stone Age.
Whoa whoa whoa when was Timmy a nerd? That dumbass gets "F"s constantly.
>blue rare
>fu*king graet tier
Hey user you dropped this
Timantha >>>>>> Jimmy > Timmy
Fuck you.
>well done that high
>rare that low
Take my (you)
He likes comics, vidya and it's shit at sports
That classifies as nerd
All of them.
I bet Sup Forums would argue over the proper way to put ketchup on french fries.
I lose my shit and go on an autistic spree the second someone implies MGS 4 is good and not a piece of shit
>medium rare
>that high
>well done
>that low
nice bate
>he pours ketchup directly on the fries
every time
>Medium Well
>Elder God
That looks fucking vile
O lord the ja/ck/ poster is here
>There are people who would eat uncooked meat or slightly cooked meat
Fucking animals
>Well Done
And here i thought Sup Forums only had shit taste in video games.
Restaurant fag here. Ground beef is a cesspool for bacteria. If you don't have your ground beef well done, you risk all sorts of shit. Ground beef is the only beef that should be well done.
Elder god tier
>medium rare
God tier
Good tier
OK tier
>medium well
Shit tier
>well done
Oh shit nigger, what are you going? tier
>blue rare
This fucker right here gets it.
Dipping them is better if you disagree you're a faglord
xc vs xcx
Never watched the show but, doesn't his mom and dad and Vicky always give him commands and shit?
need mind you I prefer mine medium rare, but the mere idea that you would put blue next to well done on that list shows that whoever made this was a stupid memer.
I hope the /ck/ webm guy comes to this thread just for you.
May as well just eat charcoal if you're going to be eating a well done steak. Medium rare/rare is the only way to eat steak, any other way is a waste of good meat and the chef likely spat in it because of this.
you called
>May as well just eat charcoal
People still think Skub is actually good.
You mean to tell me there are some arguments Sup Forums can avoid getting into?
Dragons vs Wyverns
Dragons have 6 limbs you faggots
Try as much as mentioning a console and you'll get Gaben's Witnesses trying to convert you for the rest of the thread.
the next part of this video is much better
he tries to force the ceramic knife straight down through the wooden spoon, it immediately breaks, and then he scoffs and says ceramic knives are useless
Just to remind you guys
Blue Rare is made by putting the steak on for, no kidding, 15 seconds.
Also, when cooked well done, a steaks quality drops by, like 90%.
TL;DR, this list a shit.
fuckin degenerate
what the fuck
What? WHAT?
I love meat, but I never ate steak before.
What am I missing out on?
Also what is your favorite meat dish,mine are spareribs.
>I love meat, but I never ate steak before.
literally how poor are you? what country are you posting from? fucking honduras or something?
how can you love meat and have never eaten steak? are you 5?
>I love meat, but I never ate steak before.
the fuck, are you indian or some shit?
Well done = medium well > medium > medium rare > rare > blue rare AKA the order of having your meat properly fucking cooked you barbarians.
>but I never ate steak before.
A choice cut of meat in many sizes with many different kinds and ways to cook.
Sirloins, Ribeyes, T-Bones, NY Strip, Ribeye, Bone-In Ribeye, Filets, and more.
You can get them at any size, 6, 8, 10, even 30 ounces in some places.
Can cook it Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Medium Well, Or if you're stupid, Blue Rare or Well Done.
Also I am the only person in the family who really likes meat so we never really go to a restaurant that specialized in meat dishes.
im assuming your a liberal capitalist?
otherwise your just an idiot :^)
I know I really feel like I am missing out on something, but I never got the chance to eat it.
I wantt make it myself, but I am afraid that I would ruin it.
anything fgc related
anything arena shooter related
platform wars
the next tortanic
tech/hardware speculation
walking sims, game or not?
art games
And I don't know if these are so much as arguments as people just coming in to rightfully shit up the thread, but e-cleb threads
7 if you count the tail
this should expand dong.... but it doesnt
post better TG art
that cum rations are not normal
Stay fat you slackjaw turbo perma virgins.
fuck off vegan gains
Doesn't meat give the proteins to grow muscles?
A little better
You motherfucker!
What the fuck is wrong with this idiot
This list is perfect
Steak fucking sucks,
So this power of Activated Almonds...
Not bad.