We pretend it's 2008


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No, my PC can't run it and I don't have any consoles.


nah senpai I'm more excited for this
cookie did it again and made the ultimate action game

I love all the details they added. The euphoria engine is amazing and gives the world a sense of life that cannot be matched. The thing that i adore the most is that this sets a standard for future Gta games. The future only holds more!

Have you guys heard of Windows 7? It looks like shit. Windows XP will always be the best OS.

Look at those graphics. So realistic, it beats Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas by a mile. This is the ideal graphics, this is what peak performance looks like.

I saw when you shoot someone in the foot its not fatal and they limp around. Its amazing. It makes me hope for the future as well!

>tfw last year of high school and still haven't kissed a girl

Oh man the wait for Versus XIII is killing me!

>euphoria is the future, guys, they're going to start using it in EVERY game

>Implying PS3 has games

>tfw its eight years after high school and you still haven't kissed a girl

>GTA delayed because of the PS3 port

Who cares about Uncharted!!!!
COD4, Gears of War & Halo all day bro

>2008 was 8 years ago


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>tfw no gf or sex since 2008


>my face when I just ordered this EPIC game!

Cant wait, faggots! :P



Man, since I got married I haven't been playing many videogames. I hope I don't get divorced, that'd free up so much time.

What is this console faggotry?

If you want open world Bethesda is releasing Fallout fucking 3.

The cake is a lie.

Metal Gear Awesome 2 is the funniest shit ever, when's the next one coming out?

Will we judge our current reactions as harshly as we judge the past?

I think we'll cringe a lot about words like "cuck" and the constant repeating of phrases like "What did he mean by this?"

God damn. Half Life 2 Episode 2 was so fucking good. Can't wait for the announcement trailer for the last episode. Should be coming up any week now.

It was such an innocent time.


lol, u guise need to watch this\
funniest vid so far, ez

if only there was a network where you could search for these kinds of things

I'm already cringing at that shit.

>I think we'll cringe a lot about words like "cuck"
I already am.

I'm getting kind of bored of it, but not really cringing yet.

Wonder what the next will be


>reddit spacing
you need to go back

Goddamn I loved GTA 4. It was uber realistic, if this is what the future of video games looks like, then I am really excited!! Can't wait for Saint's Row 2 later this year. I hear you can ride skateboards and BMXs

What the fuck are you on about lad

looks great but just imagine in the future how the gta series would be?

I hope in the next gta they'll do san andreas again, with all the cities. Otherwise i'll kill myself

I'm still curious as to ehat Square has in store for Agito XIII... a game for mobile devices? Sounds kind of fishy.

Yeah, I'm still holding out for San Andreas Stories though

back to gaia


It's strange to think there's one main generation that has aged along with Sup Forums. Like most of the kids back then are now mid-20s and the "newfags" haven't reached replacement levels as to nullify the changing culture of this site into something more "mature" (hence Sup Forums being the most popular board on Sup Forums which has a much more serious tone than Sup Forums ever was, even though most Sup Forumstards were Sup Forumstards back in the day).

Or maybe the underage kids now just try to fit in with the older crowd? Could explain new chanology movements like the "alt-right" - they'll claim it's different because mid-20 somethings want to be taken seriously.


Heard there is going to be "DLC" for this game, I hate that crap

Honestly I think its oldfags trying to fit in with newfags. At least it feels that way for me with all these newfangled memes, but I guess its important to be adaptable in this environment.

WTF are you even talk about dude??

Also what is the alt-right? Like some gay new conservative movement? Do they want MORE war or something? LOL. Is it a response to Bush?


>PC version announced
>tfw Pentium 4, Geforce 5200, 512MB RAM

Why even live?

When were these new Feels Good Man made?

>Not a single tripfag

I'm glad there aren't as many as there were then, but the ones that do exist now are insufferable

Were the spambots still active in 2008? I know before captcha that there were constant links to shoddy russian porn sites all over Sup Forums.

hi, my name is John Titor and I am from the future

what did he mean by this

The next GTA will be set in vice city, retard. Ive seen some theories

Prove it

at least we are not retards paying for online tho, suck it xbots

you guys up for some bad company?

The word "cringe" is going to become meta and it'll be replaced by another word, like grimace.

>mfw red box spam
>mfw anontalk spam
I stopped browsing for a month straight because of this shit, I still remember replying at it to fuck off.

wouldn't it be cool if Donald Trump was president?

>supposed to play like RE4

i'm so excited holy shit

I've been playing RE4 on my PS2 for weeks because I'm so excited

>I think we'll cringe a lot about words like "cuck"

LMAO gud1 bro! what's after him, a black president? XD

I bet you stay kissless even well into 2016 lmfao
What a fun 8 years you have to look forward to

The rich orange douche on the apprentice? Why would I want him for president? I thought it was cool seeing him get stone cold stunnered at wrestlemania last year

I'm really looking forward to a black president, desu. I think if we elected a person of color, racism would finally be truly dead. We're close now, but I think that would seal the deal and prove we've moved on as a country and can talk about other problems like income inequality.


Forget income inequality. In 2 years the new MLP will be released. It's gonna take Sup Forums by storm, I guarantee it. Mark your calendars. But when it does Sup Forums will be introduced to a kind of people it never knew existed. People who will bitch about cross-eyed chracters being fun off. Ableism.

Sup Forums will lose its innocence in 2-3 years trust me.

How could you even bear being seen in public with a woman who has a black baby

Idk about you guys but I couldn't do it. I'm just not cuck enough for that shit

What's MLP some kind of anime?

What the fuck is reddit spacing? Another hot new meme I'm supposed to cringe at?

Nah bro, I think that Hillary woman should run for president. It's 2008 for atheism sake, we should be more progressive.

Anybody still playing Most Wanted?

No way, it's just a boring cartoon for little girls. Why would anyone suddenly care about it?

im going to play some "lol" tracks

those are my favorite

it's very common on reddit to put a new line after each period, and even leave a space after one has quoted a post.

a lot like this, actually.

see what we mean?

it's really fucking annoying because it takes up retarded amount of screen space.

i really hope it stops soon.

one day it will, but who knows.

>playing a gypsy

It's happening this year guys, I'm really feeling it can't wait for E3 release date.

what did he mean by this?

because that baby was obviously adopted, her skin is too dark to have a white parent.

saints row is much better OP

i don't wanna go back

People on reddit need to hit new line twice to avoid some formatting issue, so it creates a space in between each line if they use the same technique elsewhere. They also put new sentences on new lines for some reason, even if it's only one or two words, which I don't understand.


Wow, you guys sure spend a lot of time on reddit, huh?

We're doing Longcat and Tacgnol on Drawball
get the fuck in here

I know what AIDS is and how it kills people, but that doesn't mean I have it.

Shit man, all I've got is a PS2 and I heard that it won't be coming to it...

Guess I'll just have to play it over at yours.

No, I just heard it from some anons here.

This game is really sweet! I'm gonna play all of this series!

Nigga I pay 4 to 5$ a gallon and you expect me to buy triple A games likes GTA4?


gta 4 looks so cool! Maybe my mom can get me it for my birthday!

>never winter nights stopped working on my computer


Hey user I come here to give you a warning from the FUTURE

Persona 5 comes out in 2016 and its a disappointment, SMT4 gets a brand new spin off game on the latest Nintendo handheld called the 3DS and its better

Dude, I'm so hyped for Wrath of the Lich King. After Burning Crusade, I can't wait to see what other quality content Blizzard can put out!
Holy shit, WotLK is 8 years old in November. I recall going to that midnight release with my brother and his friends.

>mfw i bet against the housing market and made a billion dollars

Same, I recall EXTREMELY well the day I went and picked up WOTLK, hard to imagine it was 8 years ago, feels like 2-3 at most.

>it's 2008
>i'd be 11

pretty comfy playing kingdom hearts, Ratchet and clank and final fantasy 10 every afternoon since i dont have a computer.

or internet

gosh i love living rural

Oh fuck! Its gonna be great, right guys?

Can't believe it's finally releasing, I hope PC will never stop getting great exclusives like this.

I think we can all agree that MGS4 will be the greatest game ever made.