Nisa removed Dragon's Crown from EU PSN

>Nisa removed Dragon's Crown from EU PSN
>Atlus aren't bothered to republish in EU

Bought a physical copy from NA and it's been shipped. What i am I in for Sup Forums?

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boring medicore game with giant anime tits

if you play as sorceress, prepare for nonstop unrestrained breast jiggles. those things move like crazy with any amount of momentum its great.

oh and i guess its also 4 players w/ your "mates", provided you have any over there.

A pretty alright '80s-early '90s style beat 'em up with RPG elements and great artwork.


Fun couch co-op, but pretty stale alone.

Amazon and Elf are funnest classes
Fighter is boring but strong, Dwarf is fun but gets outclassed as the levels go up due to relying on the throwing enemies gimmick
sorceress and wizard are hardest to play as in the beginning

Muramasa and Odin Sphere are better.
but Dragon's Crown is alright.

>George didn't bring any 13 Sentinels news to TGS


I never brought dragons crown I hoped it would come out for ps4.

I bought DC a while ago but deleted is since then (games was whatever).

Can I redownload it?

I had to let Deep Silver know on Twitter that Catherine was no longer on the PSN store in the EU the other day because Atlus doesn't give a fuck.

A game that's really great for a couple of hours and looks amazing but gets boring after a bit.

Yeah. When licenses expire, they're generally not deleted from the servers, just de-listed from sale.

P.T. was an exception, since it wasn't ever actually sold, so Konami could yank it and not face any potential legal repercussions.

Your download list doesn't get changed unless it a huge legal issue like pt. You should be fine

A mediocre game that gets a free pass from sonyponies

It's a pretty fun game with co-op, decent if you're alone. If you were going to play it singleplayer you probably would have been better off with Muramasa.

A pretty bad game that people only enjoy for the tits. And if you just wanted tits, you didn't have to buy a videogame.

>Buying vita games

Odin Sphere Leifdrasir > Muramasa DLC > Dragon's Crown >> Muramasa vanilla


That's a really fucken weak insult.

what is PT?

Playable Teaser, a teaser of the silent hill game Kojima, Reedus and del Toro would have been involved in but was scrapped when he left Konami.

>pirate it on vita
>them fps drops
>"tweening is ok when vanilla does it"

Cool game sonydrones


The lack of level variety is made up for by character variety.

Don't worry about DLC. The game never got any DLC packs and the only purchasable are the voicepacks which can just be obtained in game.

>it's his first day on Sup Forums

it's been about a year and a half break



Vanillaware games are fucking boring. They're easy, repetitive, and they have more menu browsing than the average Japanese game which is a fucking disturbing triumph on their part. The art is nice, but choice of palette isn't the most striking to me.

>ignore genuine problems
>le u dont like ass meme XD

The ass and tits is the only good thing about the game.

I dont remember original Odin Sphere even having menu at all.