Sup Forums likes this game now

>Sup Forums likes this game now
what happened?

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Pretty sure TTYD shitters are still very vocal with their embarassing hate.

It's not even out yet, how can they like it.

>first three games were paper MARIO
>last few are PAPER mario

acceptance happened
it's better than nothing happened
but seriously real drons will eat even the biggest shit

i think its the opposite. I think autist will sustain retarded rage only for so long.

I mean after Super Paper Mario and Sticker Star I already declared the series dead to me.

This is just them dragging its corpse through the street.

Wiiu has literally nothing else for the rest of the year or next year for that matter

Haven't been following the threads too much, but I would guess that you are confusing "it looks a little better than sticker star" with legitimately liking it.

At its core it's still the awful SS gameplay formula, we've seen tons of boring gameplay confirming it. A montage of some unique setpieces all mashed together doesn't fix that

How can you see this and not fall in love instantly? Honestly I was on the fence before, but now it's a day 1 buy.

Thanks for the false flag, bro.

>I think autist will sustain retarded rage only for so long.
I don't think that you should call disappointed fans autists just because they have standards
drons on the other hand will rage over anyone who dares to criticise based nintendo who can do no wrong

>mfw I preordered this game today and there's nothing Sup Forums can do about it

>I mean after Super Paper Mario and Sticker Star I already declared the series dead to me.
And this is why I hate TTYD fags.

cucktendos are dry on games.

But sticker star was poop and Super Paper Mario was underwhelming.

Super Paper mario had decent plot and characters and fucked the gameplay to be a bare as fuck platformer.

Sticker star had a terrible plot with the most pointless gameplay I've ever seen.

Sorry you like shit games.

They're accepting some criticism.
There are some unique NPC and story interaction.
Sticker gameplay while not good overall, is being improved.

>not good overall
you're pathetic

>Super Paper mario had decent plot and characters

Even if you like that game, are you really incapable of seeing why others would think it is awful?

The game looks beautiful and like lots of love was put into it. Just because it's not an RPG like the first two Paper Mario games doesn't make it a bad game.

>Even if you like that game, are you really incapable of seeing why others would think it is awful?
Said by someone that thinks The Thousand Years Door is worth a shit over 64, that's actually a highly ironic post.

you're right, but the bad gameplay does.

Why do you think it's bad if you haven't played it yet?

it was a clunky platformer that was broken as hell. the characters were literally worse than the deviantart autism fanmade characters, and the plot was something out of a shitty anime or something. awful game. might actually prefer sticker star to it.

because i've seen enough gameplay and played enough sticker star to know that what they've shown so far doesn't work?

>You can't tell anything about a game before it comes out


It's not Sticker Star's gameplay though and also watching a game and playing a game are different. I've seen games that I thought looked like shit until I played them and realized how good they were.

I'm a TTYDfag, SPM was fun but mostly lacking. The Mimi chapter was godlike though.

it's sticker star's gameplay with another resource to manage, the paint, which is just yet another reason to stay the fuck away from battles.

>which is just yet another reason to stay the fuck away from battles
You're assuming that there isn't a reason to battle. You don't know the game's systems fully or what else is in the game yet. You just think it's Sticker Star 100% and also are butthurt it's not a copy-pasted TTYD.

Sorry shill, but I'm not going to buy a game if it looks like shit just on the off chance that everything they've been showing is completely unrepresentative of the game. You're also full of shit. This is 90% identical to Sticker Star's battle system.

Ok hater lmao fuck outta here no one takes you seriously

too much braindead gaters hating on it without argument, made the opinion do a 180.

god damn that's a lot of assumptions.
we've seen enough gameplay to know that you get nothing from battles but coins and exp to level the paint hammer to hold more paint
....which isn't needed if you avoid the battles.

we've seen long chunks of gameplay with overworld, entering battles, entire battles, and post battles, in different areas and environments and stages in the game.
we know what the game has to offer mechanics wise.

>It's not Sticker Star's gameplay though

Can you describe how it isn't?

The combat system looks straight ripped off from SS, except even worse because now you have to annoying color and flick every single attack, and you HAVE to use thing stickers on bosses, even if you wanted a challenge and decided to fight the boss without them, they are invincible, or they do 96% of your HP with one attack

said the fanboy

It wouldn't be too bad

if it was a different IP and not Paper Mario.

>Look at me bashing a game i will never play because it's not what i wish it was

Autism, alright

>Being so far up Nintendo's ass that you think anyone criticizing their games is a "hater"
Sure thing.

just like they did with metroid prime federation force r-right?
fucking braindead gaters

see, i keep seeing this, but the problem isn't even that it's a beloved series that got fucked by the shitty gameplay, it's the shitty gameplay itself.

if this was a new IP that had nothing to do with mario, it'd still not be liked because the battle system isn't fun and it's flawed as hell.

try playin games before you shitpost next time kek fucking idiot

don't reply to me again retards lmao

ยจ>god damn that's a lot of assumptions.

oh the ironing

This, the plot was rubbish and the characters were flatter than paper

>deflecting the problem to another game
the cripple trains you all the same

you're the real shitposter here bud

The acceptance of SPM was what made them think experimenting with the series was okay.

says the guy shitposting about a game he's never played LOL

>spend money on a game before you decide if it's worth buying
Congrats, you're fucking retarded.

True but
1. It wouldn't sully Paper Mario's IP with a bad game
2. Since it's separated by it, you wouldn't keep comparing it to PP making the difference in quality even more apparent.
It's a 6/10 original game but a 2/10 Paper Mario

I honestly can't tell if posts like these are bait or people are legitimately this infantile anymore.

>play the game
>still surprisingly hate it because it's sticker star 2.0
>"you just hated it because you wanted to hate it, you didn't even give it a chance, you're just a bitter TTYD fanboy, worse than metroidfags, it's actually good because the toad rescue squad is muh waifu!"


>its dialogue translates to "I want... I WANT MORE!"

?my assumptions are based on what i've seen, and i've seen various 20+ chunks of gameplay showing the entire battle sequence from start to finish at different stages in the game.It's not even an assumption when you have that level of information, that's like saying I'm making an assumption about a book after reading the book.

So you played it?

He's right you know. Sup Forums just hates things they assume will be like the old things they hated. The huge nostalgia for the first two Paper Mario games doesn't help either.

why on earth would it be a 6/10 original game? my entire point was that it's a 2/10 game, pm or not. it's just not a fun system and only gets points for the art style.

it just looks better, competent and funny.

Battle system still looks pretty bare, but its not Sticker Star bland.

he's not right though, because we've seen enough of the game at this point to KNOW that it is sticker star 2. it's not an assumption. there's footage.

blandness wasn't the problem with sticker star's combat.

Yeah, the problem was that its not like muh old games. Dont care about that, Mario and Luigi does it better.

But I've never even played TTYD and didn't start with 64 until I was at least in my teens. People aren't assuming this will be like Sticker Star because they have this unworldly desire to heat things. They're assuming it will be like Sticker Star because most everything they've shown points to it having a lot of the same problems.

I've never played any Paper Mario game but all I see of this game sucks.

You're a complete water head, did you know that?

the problem was that attacks were all consumable items and it made more sense to hoard them since there was no exp or leveling to motivate you to spend them on overworld encounters. the combat was literally useless unless it was a scripted fight that you had to win for the story to progress like a boss battle. other than that there was 0 reason to fight, the game gave you more than enough stickers, and coins to buy more powerful stickers, than you needed for all the fights in the game. it served no purpose.

color splash is that, with the paint gauge added on top, but without leveling base attacks and the enemies getting stronger as you progress, again, there's no fucking point to battling unless it's needed to progress the story/finish the level.

I was initially against it, but something happened.

Fun happened.

sticker start want just bland, it was barebones. We were put into an RPG game with no XP, no proper battle system, and no incentive to participate in battles.

Or, you know, to upgrade your paint hammer. Never mind about that though, right? ;^^^^^^)

explain the purpose of upgrading the paint hammer, please.

You have pretty low standards

>le instakill special move with DUBUSTEPU

>Look at me calling others names, because they don't align with my opinions and thoughts
This can be played both ways

The problem with Paper Mario fags, and arguably Metroidfags as well, is that they can't accept the actual state of things. They live in the past and are blinded by nostalgia. For instance, they can't accept Paper Mario is not an RPG series anymore. IS moved on from that formula and Nintendo already created a replacement Mario rpg. Paper Mario fans think everything is and must be like it was before and they can't accept it's time to let go.
Pretty much like Metroid fans can't accept Metroid isn't and never was an important series to Nintendo and that the actual series has always been niche at best. They live in their false idea of Metroid being important as it was when they were kids (because most Sup Forums posters are actually gen 6 babies that grow up with Metroid Prime and GBa Metroid games).

Oh, did you not know that you power up your attacks with paint? Well, by upgrading you paint hammer you can hold more paint, thus meaning you can power up more attacks. You also use it to paint the world and it looks like you'll need to do so to progress at times. So having more paint all in all will make Mario stronger almost like leveling up, huh?

fuck off h8r

Nothing, it's a vocal minority of Neo Nintendrone shills.

For the most part, the people who dislike the game stopped opening it's threads, so the majority left in these threads are drones that defend every single thing Nintendo does.

so either you fight to upgrade your hammer so you can fight more
or you fight to upgrade your hammer to advance the story

wow great argument you've got there

No one put one over the other, you moron. Both games are good as they are.

>replace outdated gameplay with WORSE gameplay and shit story
>this is acceptable because it's new

That's what you're saying.

Then why not just make a new ip instead of shitting up an existing one? Sounds like even they didnt have faith in it and had to use the paper mario name to be able to sell

Or maybe the game looks to have interesting areas and slightly more varied NPCs than initially shown, so it won't be completely Sticker Star again. Mostly, but it feels more like a fully featured game.

yeah, but why do i need to upgrade it?

you see, i've actually watched the videos, and done my research before coming in blind and spewing shit. the amount of paint you use to color cards is negligible to say the least, extremely low. Paint is easily available by smashing just about anything on the overworld. There is no incentive to level up the paint hammer, because the amount of paint you use to color things in in the overworld is way smaller than the amount you can get by crushing things. The need for paint in battle is irrelevant if you just skip it, because again, there's no need for battling becauseyou're not getting stronger, the enemies aren't getting stronger and the bosses are all still 1HKOs.

You could breeze through the whole game without getting into a single overworld encounter that isn't story related and win the game handily.

But it's only true one way. I never played a Paper mario in my life, and it seems like a pretty fun game. I feel i am pretty impartial on the issue, again, having never played any of these.

You're right, I shouldn't be leveling up in tTYD, all it allows me to do is fight more and who wants that? I wish there was no way to level up in that game, it would make for a more engaging experience. All it does is allow me to progress the story and fight >:^(

You're right, no one can stop you from throwing away your money.

Oh my bad, I didn't realize you saw all the bosses, my bad. I'm clearly less informed and only spewing shit, unlike you shitposter-kun

Fighting is 50% of an RPG

In addition to this can't you also upgrade your hammer without battling? I thought I saw those lying around.

You don't need to know the specific characters to have seen the fact that every boss shown so far has a shitty thing card that you have to use against it, you dumb fuck. Keep strawmanning though, it's absolutely gnawing away the time I'm wasting before my meeting.

So did you play it or not?
Stop dodging the question
If youre defending without playing then you are no different than him

You silly goose.
You were replying to a guy asking the purpose to upgrading the hammer, which apparently is the only reason to fight.
>color splash is that, with the paint gauge added on top, but without leveling base attacks and the enemies getting stronger as you progress, again, there's no fucking point to battling unless it's needed to progress the story/finish the level.

And you answered saying you upgrade the hammer so you can fight more (which again is pointless) or to advance the story. So you basically proved his point while trying to counter it.

the thing is a lot of people thought the same thing about sticker star before buying it, then they bought it and hated it. the only difference is that you didn't experience sticker star, so you don't see all the inherent faults that are left over from SS.

And the only reason to fight in previous games was to level up, what a pointless waste of time.

you stupid fuck, there aren't instakills in TTYD, and the on the ground enemies get a lot tougher as you go. CS doesnt.

Great rebuttal. Face it, you got proven wrong.

>we've seen enough gameplay to know that you get nothing from battles but coins and exp to level the paint hammer to hold more paint
You need the paint dude, look how weak your cards are when you don't use any.