>Received massive praise upon release
>Dropped on the sales chart early on
>Nobody talks about it anymore
What happened?
>Received massive praise upon release
>Dropped on the sales chart early on
>Nobody talks about it anymore
What happened?
i don't understand the praise this game gets here, imo it was pretty terrible
shit arena locked leves, either you are in a small arena with a few sponge enemies or you wander empty halls and climb around like a monkey
"secrets" that you just walk into, also those secret old doom levels, what the fuck
stupid and pointless upgrade system, too much equipment and bullshit like the chainsaw, generic looking enemies that look like they are out of a nu-blizzard game, look nothing like they used to
but the worst of it all are the glory kill mechanics this shits all over everything doom games were
in all honesty brutal doom and other wads are a million times better than this pile of shit
Hi mark.
It's a single player shooter without good modding tools. I say that because the multi-player is garbage and nobody plays it. But single player games that aren't RPGs need modders to make new content for it to have longevity.
i live in southeastern europe, there are no marks here
The original DOOM is remembered because you can easily create levels and WADs, the new DOOM has a shit level editor and that's it.
>coming from a country so shitty you only refer to it by its general geographical location
How many linear shooters rely heavily on the modding community?
A game survives by it's multiplayer options. Kind of hard to retain players when you don't casualize your mechanics at all.
It was good, but once you've played through it once, there's nothing to go back for
each time someone says shit like that you can tell it's an extremely stupid and ignorant person since there are countries in that region which are great to live in
no wonder you like shit games, they are made for retards like you
>retards released multiplayer made by completely different team
>everyone shat on it
>single player released
>people probably decided to forget everything DOOM related and never touch it again because of the multiplayer
>Sup Forums memes about Todd and shills
Except Doom survived by people making WADs of the game.
>brutal doom
Because it was a good classic single player game but had no real multiplayer or replay value in an 'open world'sense so got drowned out by the massive influx of new titles that stream out endlessly. This happens to most good games.
The lack of proper mod tools happened
It's shit
Nu-male's version of DOOM
Only the singleplayer was good.
The arenas in the first third of the game are okay, if you're into that kind of stuff. It's way better than Painkiller, though still can't make arenas entertaining for longer than maybe 3 levels.
NuDoom sadly is one of the only good attempts at old school singleplayer shooters. It's kind of sad but it objectively is better than Rise of the Triad 2013 and Wolfenstein.
Nonetheless it doesn't feel like a true Doom game but more like a metroidvania style shooter.
implying brutal doom isn't the main source of inspiration for NuDoom
Denuvo syndrome, no one remembers Denuvo games even though they were good or bad
The single player was decent, but it got old fast, like most single player FPS's.
People who like it are playing it.
Its the best fps on PC for me right now, I just hate how demons have to spawn perhaps it was technical limitations, but it feels weird.
If you're complaining about glory kills you just need to get good.
Good players never go for them, there is plenty of ammo, you should just keep shooting at everything.
How to spot the underage
It's a singleplayer game. What said is pretty much what happened. Game is good but it's an FPS focusing on the gunplay so there's really nothing to talk about.
Doesn't mean that the game is bad. We got a lot of contrarian retards trying to say it is though for absolutely asinine reasons and only a few that genuinely dislike or just don't like the game for legitimate reasons.
>massive praise upon release
top kek
It's campaign was a little short and the multiplayer is nothing remarkable.
It's a great game, but there really isn't anything that'll make you keep playing it to the end of time.
The MP is god awful and there's really only so much you can talk about when it comes to the SP.
>Received massive praise
By marketers and Bethesda shills. Anyone with sense already recognized this turd for what it is before the game even came out.
Unfortunately its post-release support is lacking, much like other games published by Bethesda.
There are more people playing Doom WADS than there are people playing NuDoom right now.
>By marketers and Bethesda shills.
And people that actually played the game.
it doesnt matter, DOOM does. carmack has always devoted for open source and thats what kept original doom alive and well up to this day
Did DOOM flop?
It didn't even sell a million on PC and I seriously doubt DOOM sells better on consoles.
The single player was good but it's very short, there's not much to talk about, the multiplayer is garbage.
>/still trying to meme D44M into the new Tortanic
It's over, Sup Forums. It's a good game. Accept it already.
It was shit.
Gimmie more CoD.
It also survived on multiplayer dumbass. Doom multiplayer's popularity was literally why they made Quake multiplayer
It did sell a million copies on PC, it passed the million mark in August.
Because numale's DOOM is not that great
bethescucks that did not play the original DOOM praise the game because they don't know any better
It' still getting free MP modes and snapmap content, but MP is meh, and snapmap is still limited compared to modding tools.
Doom WADs are free and can be ran on any toaster produced in the past 2 decades.
Nu-Doom is a console shooter so it would make sense to do better on consoles.
MP updates are coming out way too slowly. The team seems to be mostly satisfied with the mediocrity and low skill ceiling. PC version already died, only active playlist is TDM with a small community
It's great but it's not that long and the multiplayer isnt good enough to give it staying power. I imagine I'll probably play through it again at some point later this year.
Shut up Markos.
It's pretty good for a modern shooter, but what's there to talk about? After you beat the campaign you're left with a fairly forgettable multiplayer, and a very limited mapmaker.
It's also not very silly, so Sup Forums can't get any memes out of it.
What happened?
>Better than Painkiller
>A game with a great variety of weapons and each weapon having multiple firing modes, some of which can be combined for additional effects
>A system of cards that allows you to pull ridiculous shit like hasting yourself and slowing time
>A transformation mechanic that is cool as fuck and useful too that promotes soul management
>A huge amount of different types of enemies
>A great variety of levels
Painkiller is an amazing fucking game that has several times more content than nuDoom and you know it. Yes, the arenas sometimes are a pain in the ass because some idiot mob gets stuck in the ass end of nowhere and you have to hunt it down, but everything else is top notch in Painkiller as opposed to NuDoom that falls apart very fucking quickly.
>Because numale's DOOM is not that great
>bethescucks that did not play the original DOOM praise the game because they don't know any better
And yet retards like you generally only have superficial complaints that generally can be boiled down to "It's not EXACTLY like Doom".
The worst part is that most of the complaints makes it obvious that most of you cucks have no idea what makes the first Doom great and seem to only latch onto it for either Brutal Doom or because you're an underage faggot that likes it because it's a classic, not because it's a good game. D44M had problems, like it relying too much on Arenas rather than switch it up with roaming enemies and a lot of secrets being too easy to find.
there's nothing to talk about with FPSs. that's why it's a shit genre.
Honestly, d44m is alright. MP was unecessary, some cinematics for acquiring items ingame were kind of annoying, but everything else is okay really.
it is, in my opinion a very competently made product full of good design decisions
it is also a short single player shooter, focusing on gameplay, so there's hardly anything to discuss after the first few days
>but why did it fail if it's good
horrendous fucking marketing, like, one of the worst i've seen
>let's release the shitty multiplayer, made by another dev team entirely, and ignore what's actually good about the game
if it were an indie game, i'd understand, but for a fucking AAA title, the one thing these studios consistently get right is the fucking marketing
As much as I hate to admit it
Vidya pretty much runs on DLC now. If you aren't releasing it, people aren't thinking about it.
Good game, though. Glad it hit 1m sales.
It's a triple-A game. There's nothing to talk about. No plot to discuss. No character quotes to make memes out of. It was a fun but shallow experience that offered little replay value.
If the game had better flow and wasn't just fighting in locked rooms, it'd be a lot better.
>it is, in my opinion a very competently made product full of good design decisions
your opinion is wrong
What are the Sup Forums approved Snapmap levels?
Single player is good, but snapmap is a joke. Pretty sure Halo 5's forge allows for more diverse architecture. In Zenimax's infinite wisdom, They're trying to milk with multiplayer DLC, instead of Single player DLC.
MP needs a "loadouts were a fucking mistake"
Only good I can say about the MP is that the multiplayer armors are better knock off Halo armor than modern 343 Halo's armor.
Game was most fun when you got HASTE, enemies were more intelligent, but original Doom is more fun because enemies are predictable, yet punishing, making you use your movement mechanics in more interesting ways, like curving Skeleton balls into other enemies.
>What happened?
it's a single player shooter. people played it, enjoyed it, and that's it.
the multiplayer part was ass, so most people didnt bother with it.
There actually s a plot and a pretty good one at that, it just happens to be buried in textlogs which the average player pays no attention to.
It's part of a single player focused series, of course people will stop playing.
I play games for the story or competitive multiplayer like csgo.
How good story does Doom have?
it was a pretty short single player game
>bethesda makes doom game
>0(zero) modding support
It's literally the one thing they could do right.
Waiting for the 5€ price during steam sales in december
new DOOM MP would have been terrific if it was actually arena style and had the armor customization with that
>enter room
>door closes
>enemies spawn
>kill enemies
>door opens
>keep walking
>enter room
>door closes
>enemies spawn
>kill enemies
>door opens
>keep walking
>enter room
>door closes
>enemies spawn
>kill enemies
>door opens
>keep walking
The shooting feels great but come on man.
The lack of modding is pretty bad, Doom had such a vibrant modding community. Even with the game being good, the lack of modding prevents it from having longevity and things to talk about.
>play the free demo
>its just glorified hard reset clone with big budget
also DENUVO is simply saying 'fuck you' for the fans memeing the DOOM into famous game
>>Dropped on the sales chart early on
They made enough profit to make a sequel. That's all that matters to them.
Also the MP is garbage, that has to do with %90 of the player drop when the SP has no mod tools or replayability.
>bethesda makes
ID makes the game, Bethesda sells it.
>>A huge amount of different types of enemies
If you mean visually then I agree
Mechanically though, you have like 2 enemies - a charging melee enemy and an enemy that stays back and shoots you.
I love Painkiller but I can't deny that the enemy variety is a bit lacking.
No mod support, lackluster map creator in lieu of said mod support short campaign and pisspoor multiplayer.
In essence it's just another FPS released in an over-saturated market. Which is ashame because it's an alright game. The DOOM name wasn't enough.
People finished single player campaign and moved on. What's there to understand?
Multiplayer was bad
Snapmap was bad
Casuals are too pussy to replay on higher difficulties so only DOOM fans and converts still discuss the game, and without some kind of expack the game's not really big enough to hold interest unlike DOOM 1/2.
I'd expect something in the veins of Wolfenstein TOB at some point though
How about we make it even more simple, you have only 1 type of enemy: demon from hell. And 1 type of gun, the one that can shoot.
>What happened?
What are you trying to say? The game was fantastic, but the multiplayer was utter shit and snapmap is worthless; once you beat the game you have the challenge to do it over again in a higher difficulty setting, so not many people will do it.
Then they decided to release all the DLC for the atrocious multiplayer and nothing for the base game.
Nothing "happened", quite literally, people enjoyed the game and moved on, but if they announced D44M 2/D55M, people would lose their shit.
>sponge enemies
>but everything else is top notch in Painkiller as oppused to NuDoom
I like how you just causally skip over the boss fights.
Exceptional taste.
I admittedly love the new D44M for what it is but you're pretty much spot on about everything there. I do hope that if they make a sequel, they will make less arenas and more roaming enemies. Perhaps give the option to raise the movement speed to Original Doom tier for those that want to and for speedrunning and add timescores like the first Doom games had.
I'm sure others could make some good suggestions too. All in all, D44M is a step in the right direction but there's things that can be improved upon, especially with the modding.
>Yes, the arenas sometimes are a pain in the ass
Well, that's my point. I just can't coup with fucking arenas anymore. I played through Painkiller Black Edition and that made me reconsider suicide. Painkiller style arenas just don't work as good as open level do in Doom.
What is there left to say? The single player is very good, shame about the lack of WADs and shitty multiplayer.
>it wasn't enough
what are you talking about? It sold quickly 1 million on PC alone, and that was just the early sales
Has there been anything since they added a handful of Hell pieces?
>lack of WADs
The idea that DOOM 2016 could ever support community mod maps on the scale of the original DOOM is ridiculous. The game is actually made of more than linedefs and spawn points.
Snapmap was a bad answer though, should have just done seasonal episodic level releases a la Halo 4 but actually good.
Skyrim and Fallout are supported by their modding communities.
tone it down retard
I didn't say it was realistic, I said it was a shame.
Yes and they both run on complete garbage engines made by tying sticks and rocks together. And it still takes a year or more after release for good mods to develop.
The fact those games live on mods is more a testament to how shit Bethesda are at programming than anything.
I'm playing it right now and it's fun to be honest but as this user here said, there are some things that I don't like also, primarily
>stupid and pointless upgrade system, too much equipment and bullshit like the chainsaw, generic looking enemies that look like they are out of a nu-blizzard game, look nothing like they used to
pretty much this.
It iss too much dispersive from the original spirit, doom used to be a fucking killfest because the tech those days only allowed to be fast and shoot thousand enemies.
Now with all the power we have yet we have a limited number of enemy on screen (13 if memory serves?) so you won't get that you-vs-all-the-hell-army feeling.
I was there back then in the days of the original Doom (i'm 32) and there was nothing like that. Fast, easy and filled with violence it spawned a whole generation of other games that were simply called "doom clones" as so much doom fixed those rules on hard stone.
Like another user said once, they really trapped that lightning in a bottle and those are things that happens once and everything else after that can be an improvement but not a ground breaking thing.
Take Duke Nukem 3D for example. It was a great game because that was one of the best improvements over the original precursor game.
Bottom line, it is a fun game nonetheless but you really see what happened there. It is just a good game but not a turning point, that's it.
I like the blood and violence tho, but they should have kept thing simpler. Fuck all those challenges, weapon mods, runes and shit.
I would have liked way more a game filled with at least the double of the enemies on screen, faster and with more but simpler dakka (i.e. weapons with just an alt-fire and stop).
I would rate it 2nd best game of 2016, but it's not very long. I already finished it 2 times, like 3 months ago.
Today we have this bad expectation, but not every game has to last for months. Padding is bad, I am glad they did it the way they did it.
This, except Brutal Doom is shit. Same as the """""music""""" in Nudoom. Numale beta cucks dig it though lmao
No it isn't.
I'm sorry you didn't like it, user.
Its a good game, but its not like some MMO that has near endless content you shitlords.
Is anyone going to play a singleplayer game this long after its release when its not some open world collectathon? No.
Atleast TRY with your bait or contain your stupidity if thats the cause for this thread.
>Oh, this 7-8 hour long game that was good 6 months ago got lots of praise and now nobody talks about it anymore!
>man the game mustve been bad!
>*proceeds to forget that new games come out every day and people talk about new stuff rather than old stuff for the most part*
>QTEs in a Doom game