Can we have a KOF thread?

Who are you maining?

Geese, Andy, and Robert
I'd imagine they wouldn't get along well.

>Team Mexico
>everyone is white
What did they mean by this?

Only Andy and Robert would get along

I have Robert on point.
I can only imagine how awkward it must be to have Andy and Geese standing next to eachother waiting for their turn.

Wasn't SNK supposed to announce something at TGS?

They will have a Talk Show this September 16th and an exhibition match this September 17th.

Notice that a Web Program and Game Trailer is still missing

Potential DLC incoming?


trump will win, kek

Hi Everyone~!

Thank Mr Skeltal

Fuck off, you stupid fucking slut

holy shit, fine jeez


I wonder if KOF XIV sold well.

I hope it sells over a million at least.

Margimaru Simpsaido

KOF13 only sold 900k on consoles+PC, but the mobile port did at least have 5 million downloads on Android.

King, Terry, and Kim
I was going to go Burger Kings, but I hate KoD.

I also want to learn Nelson and Ramon at some point

Why K' is the best boi?

how smug

Either they just forgot to update it since the game is out, or OROCHI TEAM DLC CONFIRMED.


>microsoft E3 presentation

I doubt it, they update their website when a trailer is out.

>Credits 51
Play on one credit or don't play at all.

>That one older kid who hogged the arcade machine with 51 credits


who best boi

>Not supporting based SNK

Kula, Love Heart, Kim

holy shit

who wears it better ?





really enjoying the game.


That is beyond sad. I wish mobile gaming would fucking die, but unfortunately the opposite is the case.

>Team South America is Black/Brown

What did they mean by this?

Rugal and his gay hitboxes for DLC when ?

>make a good read
>die because of it

Can we take a moment to appreciate King's lovely bottom?

It's amazing how they have people who look like hues, arians, negros and asians in a single country

Robert is really feeling it

>gay inventors.gif

mien nieger

Zarina butt or Kula Kulo?

Mature throws her EX projectile and follows it

what do you do ?

roll and get rekt as soon as I'm vulnerable

I really wish there was more fan art depicting her butt-based moves.



>team anime teenagers

>lovable Igniz has a well-animated whip
>whippy has blocky shit
Why is this allowed?

Because Igniz is lovable


I'm gonna buy it but wait till it goes down in price first desu



Does alice have a better meterless combo than:
C > f.B > Rekkas
cr. B > st. B > Rekkas?
i feel like i'm missing something.


What a badass, strong and clever character design. Truly the epitome of a fighter, a warrior. Rarely have I seen such poise, strength and skill as represented in a fighting game character. Im glad SNK not only pursuits the highest graphical achievement, but also design timeless characters without the affection of vapid popular culture trends.

Sylvie design is actually pretty good


She's a walking shout out to the Japanese Lady Gaga

she's not supposed to look good

I actually find her design refreshing

Look at SFV, stale boring new characters

Oh shit, Robert is about to kick your broke ass

what do you do ?



Is Alice in love with Terry?

i wish alice was better.
i also wish they gave her this move

>Team South America
>South America

You misspelled Brazil user

But Zarina is from Colombia

Nationalized Brazilian.


Anime when?

we're already in one

What is a noob friendly Team? I know there are strategies and roles for each Charakter, like battery char first and the last one uses the meter, but who to main?

Team Japan


Lobby when?

The noob team every game, Robert, Iori, Ralf

Thanks I will test them

This also Kula, Mai and Terry.



Should i main Sylvie?
