
>come on Sup Forums thinking about making a DB thread
>DQ is at the front of the catalog

so it is written

Still thinking about how to build your character in XV2? Excited about cross-game functionality between Extreme Butoden and Great Pirate Colosseum? Does anybody here even play Extreme Butoden? Still worried no game to come will surpass the far reaching appeal of Tenkaichi 3? One of the three people who wish they'd made another Super Dragonball Z? Wondering when people will realize Advanced Adventure is GOAT not only as a DB game but as an SNES styled platforming dash-n-mash on the GBA?

Budokai sucks.

Other urls found in this thread:


I haven't played Extreme Butouden. The lack of online play is a huge bummer given that the game doesn't have an abundance of other modes either.

Ultimate Butouden for the DS is pretty fantastic, though.

It got patched with online shortly after release. And now they're adding cross-game Vs. with the new One Piece FG for 3DS that ArcSys is making.

Tenkaichi 3 has the best mechanics. Why cant they return to the formula?

Wait what the fuck. I didn't know that. I remember being curious about the game before its release because the sprite work looked good, but then when it came out and I heard it didn't have many modes I just forgot about it. Now the One Piece cross-play thing makes more sense. I just assumed it was some kind of local match feature.

Is the online decent, or do you know?

>Objective: Kill 100 Meta Cooler in under 10 minutes!
>Ultimate Finish Requirements: Kill 100 Meta Cooler in under 5 minutes then kill the giant Meta Cooler Core while infinitely respawning Meta Cooler assault you!

>tfw getting XV2 deluxe for 60 dollars

I hope XV2 isnt so one sided on being either Ki or Physical based. I also want to be Physical based without having to be a big bulky male.

No idea. Got rid of my 3DS ages ago, r.i.p. But people have online matches uploaded to youtube and it seems fluid.

>Meta Cooler in the movie could hold his own against Goku and Vegeta
>Games always make them jobbers


>Xenoverse 2 STILL doesn't have the same depth and care as Tenkaichi 3 had

Disgusting. We are supposed to pay $100 for this if we want all of the content?

They can't even manage to make SSJ hair spike up and have small variations between SSJ1 and SSJ2. In BT3, SSJ Goku's hair on namek looked different than in the Cell games as an MSSJ, as it should.

I am pretty unimpressed with XV2 right now.

>preordered Extreme Butouden
>got Super Butouden 2 as a freebie



jackie chun is a fuckign hacker

>does 46k damage to teq UR ssj3 vegeta

cool fucking game

One hope for xv2: let me fucking use a sword and not have it only as an accessory

I just doubled up on int Android 13 and took a bunch of SR's. He can't kill you if he only deals 100 damage every hit.

2 shitty new videos


>Using a TEQ card when mono-teams are to way to go in Super Strikes.

With INT General Blue, Jackie Chun barely attacks and when he does he does barely any damage. Jackie Chun is the easiest Super Strike so far in Global

>all this focus on Turles and Slug
I have a feeling the roster additions are going to be very minimal and very disappointing.

Don't bother with it. The online mode is fucking dead. I bought it hoping to play online and nobody does.

It's more about the improvements to cac rather than existing characters.

Blue is my main man, just an SR but always there for me.

With Strike 16 and INT SSJ2 Gohan I should have it easy. Wouldn't know, still farming apples.

level 24 shitter here on the first XV

What's the best way to dodge those annoying tiny bits of ki blasts that stun lock you?

I'm sure there's probably an easy way to break away, but I really am too stupid to be good at this game.

So many reviews of the Tenkaichi series stated the controls were too complicated. That's why.


Move towards them and you will automatically deflect them.

The guys making Hyper DBZ just released a new gameplay trailer for Piccolo

What if you're already in a stun animation from the first blast? Is there an easy way to break the stun?

what the fuck went wrong there

Hopefully Xenoverse 2 won't have insanely impossible battles for people playing single player.

>not being a pure kaio-ken striker

Thanks Doc!

didnt they get one-shotted once vegeta hit them really hard together ?

Leading with Android 13 is key. Chun loves to spam his super, and 13 makes it nothing

I knew this would be a thing, no super sayian spam /Blue hurricane now rip.

Yeah but that was after a long fight.
By that logic Broly is fodder too because he got defeated by Goku in one shot.

>he's not just the Dhalsim of the game

that command grab tho

I don't have Blue or Android 13.

I'm running this now and it's still cancer.

u wot? Tenkaichi was the only fighting game that I ever "got". All other games feel way less intuitive.

How simplified can the new games be?

They're not super or extreme int, max them out and it'll be a cakewalk. Use R's if you have to keep the cost down.

>Does anybody here even play Extreme Butoden?

Occasionally. But I'm more excited aboit Fusions getting a western release.

I get two shot, will that change everything?

You're not blocking effectively, when your hit you still are taking full damage as apposed to half when not Awakened vs a Z Awakened.

Question for Dokkan bros; should I bother awakening my INT Super 13 for the Jackie Chun super strike, or should I keep him unawakened for the lower team cost?

Should I replace the Androind 18 with INT Jaco?

Jacos a good stunner so yeah why not.

Awaken him. This is what I've been using and I only have to heal once. Takes a while, but I don't care.

I'd switch 13 with King Vegeta for the leader skill of +3Ki

Chun deals so little damage with Android 13 on lead. I've had him use 3 supers in one turn, which is bullshit, and only take away half my health bar.

fair enough, I just keep supering him seems to work out.

New demo with new characters

>he doesn't main Tien and Ginyu
>he uses CaCs

Anyone know how often 3rd Stellar Region Officer
Sorbet passive goes off?

>Very rare chance all allies' ATK & DEF +30%

>He doesn't use a buu waifu

Shame the autists killed the /vg/ thread with theirs

we will finally see if female Saiyan Super Saiyan 1 and 2 hair will spike

this being a great training mode monster game almost makes up for nobody playing it

>you can place platforms around the arena and customize their durability
shit was sick
Too bad you couldn't train in any of the actual stages.

have a combo video, my Super DBZ buddy

yeah. I guess they were trying to make training mode more of its own mode than a strict rehearsal for regular matches--but it's a missed opportunity for sure

I fucking love seeing this game at high level: youtube.com/watch?v=nlOur3o5LSs

I remember when I thought anime graphics couldn't go higher than this, like... I thought it was genuinely perfect for anime.

Did you not play Budokai 3 or infinite world before that point?

I remember them being awful after a couple minutes so never played them again

>Videl has a justframe

I NEVER knew this. combos off majin vegeta's counter are the sickest shit, too

/vg/ died because there was nothing to talk about anymore.

>>>>seriously not being striking based

Do you guys even want to master the game's mechanics?

striking is boring, all of the interesting and cool moves are ki-based

besides, most of the mastering is in the basic movies, you just put points into basic attk as a crutch when you don't need to

Deathbeam is good
inb4 it gets nerfed like Evil Whirlwind or rugbeater

I like using a mixture, and comboing into Ki stuff off basic attacks. Running away and spaming supers is lame.

pure meele is goat

>supposed to be a new trailer
>its the same trailer they showed 3 weeks ago

New trailer hasn't been uploaded yet. It involves Meta Cooler and Majin Vegeta. Photos of it are in this thread already.

are they waiting for tomorrows presentation to show it?

Where and how?

>too complicated

What a bunch of casuals. I could genuinely tear that game apart on the hardest difficulty.

personally I dont like copy pasta basic melee moveset with generic beams and RUSH supers
rush super cinematic where nice, but it got repetitive and it doesn't help that these rush supers have this dash in animation to trigger the cutscene

I bought the first Xenoverse with high hopes and expectations (maybe that was the problem) and ended up putting it down two weeks later. The fighting felt clunky and off to me. I really hope the second is a step above the first.

from all the gameplay footage i have seen
i can say the gameplay is the same
maybe its faster and has better hitboxes but the core gameplay is the same
if you didn't liked the first one i doubt you like the second one

>tfw can't wait to see the big guy again



>the PQ area is now under the dome and the store area is next to it.
having to walk to the stores was one of the things that were bad in the first game


Gotta start saving these Friend Points


casual filter combo

And the best art of the line isn't for the LR, just like with Goku.

At least the international version of dokkan isn't as stingy as the international version of kingdom hearts unchained.


any footage of the new demo yet?

Not that I've found, yet.

>We will never have another DBZ game as good as Tenkaichi 3
Xenoverse is a shit series, and you have some shit taste if you even find it remotely enjoyable.

>people don't have the same opinion as me so they must have shit taste
stop being autistic about other people tastes


Fuck off Xenoverse cuck.

God damn it I just want to know everything about the new CaC system

I don't give a fuck about new characters or modes

>muh tenkaichi
stay mad

Will be announced this weekend. There's no time left for it otherwise.



I grew up with DBZ and played some of the games for psx and ps2 but haven't played DB since a long time.

Should I play XV1 before 2?

not really
XV2 will have everything from XV1+dlc also improved gameplay