You guys are voting for battleborn for best visual design, right?
You guys are voting for battleborn for best visual design, right?
I don't understand why people like Overwatch's Pixar style over Battleborn's unique anime style
>battleborn on the shortlist
Fucking nuke that awards already.
>read that as golden dick awards
Goddamn I'm horny
Horny for dick?!
Fuck off Randy
Just to let you all know Overwatch will win GOTY.
Doesn't it also look like shit?
Overwatch is in almost all categories, we all know its gonna win cause of the fake 10/10 reviews and mindless blizzard fans. Nobody seems to realize that Blizzard literally said themselves that it's a game created from scraps of a bigger project. They are literally selling scraps and people fell for it. If people had any common sense they would vote Battleborn.
>abzu has 505 games
>battleborn has 2000 games
We all know who's the winner here
Well I'm trans, so yes.
Battleborn is the "As Told by Ginger" of mobas.
>not liking anime
I think you mean FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genera-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice+ EPIC BATTLEBORN HEROES!
FUCK websites that let you do a bunch of shit and only tell you that you need to log in at the end
Lmaoing@ur dressers, room, shitty led Paul knockoff, socks/stockings, pawprnt panties, and hair.
I suggest suicide.
I'll bite.
Name one (1) thing wrong with Randy's statement.
hot. more?
>Gearbox's "biggest game by far" is completely crushed by Blizzard's "scraps"
>it's nothing but western trash and indie trash, save for ZTD in the story segment
Where the fuck is Odin Sphere? I'd vote for it in visuals, music, and story easily.
>youtube celebrity of the year
who the fuck are these guys
>competitive play of the year
is that the 300 DOLLAR PRIZE POOL tournament?
The very same tournament that failed to get enough players registered to make its brackets.
>innovation of the year
>they're all fucking shit
Eh, as long as the front is passable I'd do you, cute butt user
>all these entrants from last year and indie shit no one played
Goddamn 2016 has been fucking shit. They could've atleast given Mankind Divided a few nominations though.
>YouTube personality of the year
>3 different vr sets
>shit that has been out for years
what a great list of innovations
>300 dollar prize pool
Gee user stop being so Savage
Their latest tournament set is apparently trying the same setup and is currently setting at 0 registered teams across all 3 platforms.
Why are they even trying?
Hey user.
I know you're a fucking redditor, so why don't you go back there?
To try and prove that the money invested into Battleborn was not wasted I would guess.
Climbing the tallest building in Mirror's Edge Catalyst was fucking amazing, I hope it gets more votes it probably won't though since no one bought the fucking game :(
i can't even
You have no ass. Still I hope you're happy.
Some of the options are blatantly wrong so if you vote on them, your other votes don't count because you're a dumb shit.
TFW this is making me notice how weak this years games were.
Who the fuck are these people?
Just vote for the qtest grill.
How the fuck is Civ 6 on pc games of the year? It's not even out yet.
not even voting thats some biased shit, I couldnt even vote for Deus Ex on some of them so fuck that bullshit jew shit
Buying a game forom a company that made Colonial Memes, never again
Hell yeah, nigger
>FIFA 16 pack openings
Truly quality entertainment.
What anime did that nigger pitchford state it was inspired from?
I heard FLCL, Gundam and Samurai Champloo.
Skip, my man
What? Source on this?
Is Harada our guy?
He can say that all he wants, Battleborn has no elements from any of those shows.
Other than that there are some mecha-like characters. But that's bullshit that doesn't count.
>we don't even know if people will be interested or not
Isn't it just reskinned OW? People are eating that shit up by the toilet bowl, I'm sure they'll have enough trash to fill their quotas
Battleborn came out before Overwatch. And if it was just a reskin it'd have more players, just look at Chinese knock-offs of practically any other game, they literally have better numbers.
What pisses me off the most is there's no Deus Ex on any of those lists how fucking jew is this awards?
voted for NMS twice
only by like 4 fucking days
22 days. How the fuck do you think Battleborn can """copy""" Overwatch if it literally came out before it? Battleborn's retarded, but you might edge it out, idiot.
Either way they're basically the same game and they're following a tried and popular formula.
That wasn't me that was some other fag although I'll admit I didn't know OW came out after Battleborn since I don't like either.