What went wrong?
What went wrong?
>localization rapes the shit out of the game, removing all the bad resolutions to quests
>originally you're supposed to pick a side to each quest, each one having a good resolution for one side, and a bad resolution for the other, and then like in the first, you go through and complete each quest satisfying both sides since you know exactly what is going to happen
They only changed that because people conplained, I think the system they have is fine.
>they only changed that because people complained
Completely dumpstering the characters' personalities, Edea especially
Having two Tizs in one party making it boring as fuck and having Magnolia just boring waifubait
Rampant memes even in the original Japanese
Completely wasting the awesome concept of Ba'al enemies and only having them be relevant in the last hour or so
Worse soundtrack
>Worse soundtrack
This so much, I mean I suppose it's fine as a soundtrack to a jrpg and all, but none of the tracks really stand out
>bringing back that one guy from the dead so he can lend you his boat just to kill him off again after that
fuck this game man
You STILL couldn't fuck Airy.
Bravely Default
>t. doesn't know what he's talking about
you'd have to do 4(2) playthroughs to get both asterisks and see both endings. there was no 'bad ending' in any case. what you got was Edea questioning her choice without ever seeing the conclusion until you picked it again
they fix the biggest issue with Bravely Default, the endless eight, and you idiots still parrot what you heard Sup Forums lie about months before the game came out. i'm beginning to think someone is behind it all
But that happened when I played the game. I beat the boos and the other guy was like AAAAHHHHHHHH YOU MOTHERFUCKER HOW COULD YOU
I just want to have a bravely thread where we discuss sexy thick thigh fairies and debate which fairy was better
old and busted. she's at least 11 hundred thousand years old
pic unrelated: its the new hotness
I feel bad for Airy. I think she was genuine at one point, but after being forced to kill all her friends over and over she just lost all feeling. Then at the end she gets chased down and killed like just another monster, who she's seen the party slay a million times.
To clarify - Airy runs. She doesn't sit on a throne and await the heroes, she's trying to save her life and you fucking won't let her.
Bravely wasn't good to begin with
Nothing. It's a solid game which improves upon the original in many ways.
But it seems everyone finds something that they can't stand about it. I didn't mind the writing and new characters, but the shitty music and reused areas absolutely killed it for me. Which is sad because I was pretty obsessed with the original and that teaser at the end had me hyped to hell.
Airy also pretends to be under some sort of control, and then mocks Agnes for believing it. Don't make her into a woobie, she's a fantastic antagonist and bad guy
Lackeys cannot be villains. Game should've ended with Wicked Flight and made Orbus optional
>shitty music
its still above average for a JRPG soundtrack. the only crime it has in Sup Forums's eyes is that its not Revo. and the character themes suck comparatively, but thats all. the other changes, the new asterisk theme, the new dungeon theme, the final dungeon and the two final boss themes are all different but still pretty good on their own
>>bringing back that one guy from the dead so he can lend you his boat just to kill him off again after that
>fuck this game man
I've already seen you posting this in a previous thread. Kami'izumi doesn't die after being attacked by the cats, he's fine by the end of the chapter and you even meet him later. Also, the vast majority of the old asterisk holders were brought back due to Deneb time-travelling and saving them, I don't know why you single one out.
>lackeys cannot be villains
She may or may not have been pressed into service, Anne reveals in BS that fairies like her and Airy are created with purpose but she was enjoying every moment of it. she may not have been THE villain, but she was definitely villainous
Ouroboros (and everything that happens during his fight) was a way more memorable final boss sequence, I can't even remember the name of Second's final boss off the top of my head.
Other than that, I enjoyed it.
I sincerely cannot believe the guy who wrote Stein's Gate had anything to do with Bravely Second. His presence is what made Default unique but that's all gone in Second, they must've put a 3cm leash on him.
because it's retarded
Anne ok but Airy will always be the best fairy
S;G guy didn't write BS. They changed writers.
Why was fairies evil again?
>has to turn into a giant bug to fight
fairies have never been outright good outside of disney. and even then, Tinker Bell tried to kill wendy
First Revo, then S;G, and then they have the BALLS to call this a sequel? Literally everything that made BD unique, gone because lel we don't care.
Holy motherfucking shit, how could a company be this terrible? Thank god I didn't pay for it.
To break your heart, basically.
>fixed magnolias outfits
>fixed tomahawk
>fixed art book
>fixed sidequests
>i dont get it? why dont Sup Forums support this game?! they took the time to fix so many things wrong with it!
>I didn't pay for it
>I think I still have the right to complain
Fuck off, you deserve shit.
>tfw they finally based a city on my nation
Only took 30 years but I'm happy
Game's still so DAMN EASY
I tried everything, I'm playing on hard, staying 5 levels below the minimum range for the dungeon, not using the most OP passive combinations, I still can one shot everything on the first turn using Yew as Wizard/Black Mage and Magnolia as Astrologer/Exorcist
That's shocking, I had the same restrictions in BD and I got completely assraped by every boss.
post more of her armpits please
Bravely Third is taking a while to show up. Not even a hint at it since second's launch. I wonder what's happening with it.
I hope they bring back Revo at least. He didn't work on second because of sound horizon work I think
>tfw no live concert of bravely second's music
that entire character is just out of place. She makes no sense as an indian, so they make her a cowboy, which fixes the sniper aspect. but then her skillset is called Shamanism, which really doesn't fit a gun wielding indian at all, and definitely not a cowboy
and most of all, her english voice sounds exactly like Harley Quinn, which was startling. I still like Aimee though. She just wanted a quiet life with her hubby and to have pancakes
>not using the most OP passive combinations
>uses the most OP active combinations
new game+ doesn't count user
but he does have the right to complain because the game was bad.
did Second have a teaser near the end of the game like Default did?
>no attack on titan live concert
Probably the worse future we in right now
Well, they tried to make magic better this time around with Spellcraft, but it just makes physical worthless
yes it did. the Yoko and Ringabel storyline within BS and the Sword of the Brave hints at another story to be told. Turns out Ringabel has been busy being a dimension hopping badass and been hunting down evil spirits
Ringabel is supposed to settle down and hammer Edea though.
the issue with JRPG 'balance' is that if its not gamebreaking, its not worth using. Typically the highest echelons of content within the game expect you to at least partially cheese it
Remember Spellblade Dual Wield Rapid Fire? FF6 then made physical attacks not scale as well as magic, and then FF6's magic became FF's most broken iteration. Magic hasn't been powerful in FF ever since
Bravely Second's issue isn't that physical attacks are worthless, its that in BD, you could nail elemental weaknesses 100% of the time with Spellblade. As you can't in BS, Dark Dark Hammer/Rain became the goto and completely overshadows it.
the spellcraft mechanic is probably the most interesting thing to come out of a JRPG in the last 15 years though
she gets with the local Alternis Dim
Check your mythology. Fairies (Fae-folk in general, really) are mother fucking evil little shits.
Problem with Final Fantasy 'balance' is that damage cap renders most stuff useless
Multiple low strikes become a better way to deal damage than one strong attack, Quad Wield > Amped Strike/Valkyrie skills, Spellcraft Rain > Summoner spells, etc
user you're hurting Airy's feelings. She just wants to bring the blessings of the crystals to the world
A consumer has the right to complain about something he spent his money on being bad. Not a pirate.
Ours are nice as long as you treat them well.
Exorcist was a really cool class. One of my favorite in JRPGs. Between it and Spellcraft, magic was really interesting and well done. Shame physical jobs tended to be boring, though.
this new wave of moralfags on Sup Forums is pure cancer
I'm not even saying he shouldn't pirate it, just that he shouldn't pirate it and have the galls to complain if he doesn't like it. It's like someone stealing a wallet and complaining there were only 20 bucks in it.
By the definition of folk lore everything is evil really, it was design to be grimdark. But the world of folk lore established from the get go that shit was a dark fantasy such as the witcher book, Bravely though, characters are relatively simple then suddenly you got these cutesy backstabing little shit that being evil for the sake of being evil.
I didn't say I didn't like it, I said it was a shit game ruining the legacy of a good game.
I think that other guy might be onto something, about you being cancer.
That's just a matter of how you look at it I suppose. We can't know true evil unless we have as much knowledge as the faeries.
He CAN totally complain about an objectively bad game regardless of whether he purchased it or not. IF the game was good and he pirated it he'd only be more inclined to give it not only a fair review that isn't influenced by money, but also be a potential future customer. Now please stop your moral faggotry shit. And talk about the game, not about how much money you spend on what edition
Who think replacing Ringabel with another Tiz is a good idea? The characters in Second was incredibly boring holy fuck.
morality has no weight on wether his opinion is well formed or not
>fairy apologists
>on my Sup Forums
>15 years post Orthodoxy
you're all suckers who'd do anything for a cute girl in thighhigh stockings aren't you
now you're just projecting, I'm sure male faeries with stockings exist too
not him but hell yea I am and i wouldnt want it any other way
delicious absolute line
Didn't squeenix changed all the staff for bravely second or something?
I swear, they are trying to kill everything that is not named Final fantasy.
Are you insinuating they aren't trying to kill Final Fantasy?
This, the first game felt way more serious / epic as if there was something to fight for, here it seems just like a cartoon show where no one cares
They are trying keep Final fantasy afloat no matter what, even if that means fuck up DQ for pretty much everyone.
Which is ironic as fuck since FF pretty much fucked up original square, enix saved them.
Good gravy, get on my level bro mrrgrr
Can we please stop talking about Airy's thighs and get to awakening the crystals?
Edea was 50% food, 25% hitting ringabel and 25% BLACK AS PITCH/WHITE AS SNOW
as she's gained a better understanding of the world and can see other points of view, and Ringabel isn't around, its all food now
I forget, does Tiz ever reunite with his brother or does he just kill him over and over again?
Til remains dead. The world Bravely Second takes place in is the same world as world 1 in BD
That's why I love Bravely Default. You move through dimensions and time, but only end up making things worse.
>plague that killed half of the world
>not even mentioned in the first game
yes it was. Victoria was a victim of that plague, and the Orthodoxy's unwillingness to help the peasantry is what spurred Braev Lee to start the revolution
Touchy subject maybe?
>ayy this is just like that time your mom, sister and daughter died
>fuck you Poron
>just fuck you
It was talked about a ton.
Nothing it's a decent jrpg, but it got drowned out this year with fates, dq7 and now smt4 getting lots of good reception and hype.