TGS starts today

>TGS starts today
>No TGS general thread

Are you guys not excited?

Other urls found in this thread:

not really


I don't own a smartphone so no.

I want news on the new Vanillaware


>No NX reveal so no NX games so no reveals from Nintendo
>Everything important from Sony was announced already
>Xbox is LOL
>Nothing important for PC
>RE7 got more gameplay the day before
>Don't really care about weebshit
>DMC5 will never fucking come out, just like Viewtiful Joe

What the fuck SHOULD I be excited about?

TGS day 1 already passed you idiot.


TGS is gay

is pretty much a discount E3

>>Don't really care about weebshit

Might as well leave this board

I am expecting some neat 3DS games and a truckload of mobile games.

E3 is just Western Cinematic shit

So far we have great games like Yakuza 0 and 6, Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link, Last Guardian, XV, Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2, World of Final Fantasy, KH 2,8 etc

And yet shits all over it each year.

>Show that actually shows off games


>Show that talks about specs and hardware for 40 minutes with scripted game trailers

okay, sure buddy.

Saturday user

>I am expecting some neat 3DS games

Nintendo doesn't assist TGS, and they just had a 3DS Direct a week ago


What the fuck is wrong with that series, why don't they just release 3?

Nigger, I didn't say first party games. Capcom and Squeenix usually show some 3DS games at TGS.

I pretty sure SE doesn't want KH3 to hurt the sales of Versus XIII by releasing them in the same time frame.

What 3DS games is Square-Enix working on?

Only DQXI and i doubt that they will show it.

Capcom will only show Monsta Huntah.

Yeah, all games that have already been revealed before they even get to the show floor. We want announcements. We want Nintendo showing off the NX. We want Devil May Cry 5, we want good games to look forward to. We already know about all the games at TGS besides EDF 5 and a few others.

The World Begins Anew got revealed last night as a sequel to that TWEWY game

Speak for yourself, kiddo.

If you're seriously alright with just seeing two minute trailers for games we already know are coming, you're a fucking idiot.

It's not that. Don't speak like you represent a bigger group of people.

You'd think after asking this question thousands of times in every thread you would have found your answer already.

The answer is kill yourself.

Fuck you I'll do whatever I want. There are plenty of people who agree with me.

Off topic question:

Can PS4 play DVDs or only bluray?

I don't.

Blu-ray only I think.


Who the fuck still use DVD's?

I mean, they could show unannounced games, you know. Games we don't know they exist yet.

Damn. I have a ton of anime DVD I want to buy but it does me no good if it only reads bluray

Can I get a Soul Calibur VI announcement? All this SC activity on social media, but no new game. Come on, Namco, I'm dying over here.

His views are shared by many, including me.

TGS has been pretty damn boring so far and things aren't looking up.

Trailers for already upcoming games and low-budget literally who trash (musou/EDF)? Wish I was as easily satisfied as you.

It never happened, kid. That advertising you saw while buying your first console last week was a lie.

Get a DVD player

Was the street fighter announcement already?

I actually don't agree with you.

I don't want another box.

I'm going over to play some games on Sunday. Gotta get ready for some fuckawful lines considering this year's lineup.

Square-Enix usually announce new stuff at Jump Festa if i'm not wrong

Capcom miiiight show something new but i highly doubt it, they are focusing a lot on re7.

start when?

Any streams or anything? I'm usually hyped for TGS but most announcements happen during or right before it. Plus, from what I heard Bamco Namdai is fucking retarded and haven't brought Ace Combat 7 this year.

The only thing I'm hoping to hear about is La Mulana 2.

New Monster Hunter getting anounced.

Generations was like a fucking anime filler story arc. I want an actual installment.

Not me.

well more investors care about e3 than tgs, so hardware and stuff is kinda important.

I find curious that Sony Japan Studio hasn't shown anything new except for Last Guardian..

Where do i watch it on youtube?

get a dvd drive for your pc

Watching anime on PC isnt comfortable

doesn't every fucking blu ray reader on earth also read dvds?
Kinda like dvd players that read cds

just fucking stream them, it's even in full HD and it's free

>All my games get delayed the game show
No thanks

>BTOOOM! Online

Source please?

his ass


September 17
to 11:05 – Street Fighter V Special Stage – Featuring Tomoaki Ayano
(assistant producer) and guest Kazunoko (pro-gamer). Come see the true
ability of the Capcom Tour 2015 champion! There may be some new
information, too!

September 18
15:00 to 15:30 – Street Fighter V Update Information and Live Gameplay – Featuring Tomoaki Ayano (assistant producer).

n e v e r

Super Street Fighter V, screencap this


New Granblue Fantasy info?

Get a raspberry then

>a big screen and a good chair aren't comportable
>I prefer tiny shit screen with bad color fidelity and my piss stinking bed
Gen Z is such a disgrace. Literally animals.

once 3 comes out and doesn't live up to the 15 years of hype the series will die. they are milking it for as much as they can before they're forced to release it


How is a Computer monitor smaller then a Flatcreen TV? Not all of us want fuckhuge PC monitors user, and yes I greatly prefer lounging on a couch then sitting in a stiff wooden chair, don't we all?


Yes your PS4 can fucking play DVDs

look this sht up instead of asking the retards on Sup Forums who don't even have a PS4.

God damn.

The fuck are you on about?

They showed a new trailer for Gravity Rush 2, a new trailer for New Hot Shots Golf, and announced a VR No Heroes Allowed game.

She isn't nearly as cute as notmarisa Metallica

>He wants more MH

Kys sir. The only thing Capcom should worry about is Making another Darkstalkers to make up for fucking up SF so bad.

people actually care about MH.

yeah, let's make niche fighting game that'll be just as bland and forgettable as SFV, instead of more Monster Hunter. Great idea.

As much as I love Darkstalkers, kill yourself.

Kojima is going to be there on Sunday

>Not having a smartphone
lol it's 2016

>as much as I like
You dont like darkstalkers you fucking liar.

i guess it would be interesting to see new stuff on the Berserk musou if that's going to show up, other than that I don't really care about any of the games appearing at tgs, im tired of being blueballed by these nips with their stupid fucking RPGs that won't be released for 3 years

I'm genuinely curious what it's gonna look like.


Most of them which you already seen and knew about

TGS is shit

Better than E3 tho

I do, you fucking cunt. Felicia is best girl, Morrigan is a close second, Lilith is fedora tier. I'm a Donovan and Demitri main. Midnight Bliss is great.

And you know what? Monster Hunter is good too. And more MonHun won't kill Darkstalkers. Because CAPCOM killed Darkstalkers,not MonHun.

They probably take the best part of MGSV which was it's gameplay, give it actual coop content and build a retarded story around it.
Considering that it won't even be a full price title, I really don't see how they can fuck that up. Just give us crazy gimmicks and gear to play around with.

But since we're talking about Konami, people will hate the game anyway. Doesn't matter if it's shit or not.

> that'll be just as bland and forgettable as SFV
>SFV is bland and forgettable

The fuck OUTTA here. You obviously don't play fighting games.

>mfw is better than every MGS games Kojima pooped after 3
Rising already showed MG spin offs are acttually better than mainline games. Ac!d too.

> Felicia is best girl

Spotted the fraud.

>every game is now released on a console that requires you to pay an extra fee to be able to play online
Fuck everything. It's really, really hard to be excited for games anymore. I want to like the games, but I do not want a console that isn't even able to play online without an extra fee.

And because you fuckers pay anyway, it will never go away. And I do indeed blame you people. There were ample opportunities to just say a big "fuck you" to Microsoft and Sony but instead you cheered and defended them. And now it's an industry standard that will never ever disappear. You ruined it.
If you pay for online you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

>low throw or shimmy the game
It's garbage senpai

Hey, Q-bee is ok in my book too. Still better than Lilith. Shame she literally eats humans, that kinda turns me off.

You're right, I don't paly, I watch fighting games, and SFV gameplay is by far the most boring I've ever seen.

Fun fact:

There is an Eastern Europe New Stars Area and a Latin America New Stars Area at TGS

Eastern European Devs and Latin American videogame devs have their own stages

The Latin American Area is only composed by Mexican Videogame developers

It reads DVDs 100% sure I just confirmed f.a.m. so does the xboner

I kinda agree with him. SFV looks really boring. It is an improvement over SFIV with the art style but the gameplay itself, man, I don't know.

Too fucking stupid to buy an HDMI cable?
You don't deserve your probably weeb moeshit then.

>No Burgers

She eats EVERYTHING.According to an official Capcom character relationship chart she even views Huitzil as a potential meal. Talk about iron in your diet.

My brother used to main him, good times. I suppose Q-bee is the wet dream of most vorefags.