Console-keks BTFO!

Console-keks BTFO!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Build gaming PC for $500
>Still has no games


laziest bait ever here's your (you) kid

The iPhone is, like, 300 bucks.
You go to the guy and you tell him that there're far better android phones for 300 bucks.
He'll tell you he doesn't understand those phones. He likes the iPhone for it's simplicity or comfyness or some shit like that.

It's exactly the same in this case. Console gaming appeal to the masses that don't understand/don't want to understand how to computers. Those are the guys with the big bucks.
And for those who want better graphics, there're the pro/scorpio version of said consoles.

The argument is stupid, really.

>building ISA looking PCB

Correction, those are the guys with average/no money that would prefer to not have to do anything.

But there's way too many of them, so lots of consoles get bought.

>Those are the guys with the big bucks.

I'm fairly certain anyone with a lot of money and an interest in gaming probably knows how to use a PC, since they most likely use one at work. And if they're loaded and lazy, they could just buy a pre-built ayylium ware

>Windows is not included
How am I supposed to play my video games then?

Windows is free.

It's neither free as in free beer nor free as in free speech.

Except they have been proven to be a tiny minority that mostly play cheap online games on steam.
The average joe still get consoles and cod every time a new gimmicks are out, making them the real money.

Then how did I obtain my copy of Windows for free?

Normies are the ones that keep the industries alive since they buy everything. Hardcore users are generally only a nuisance for the devs since they'll complain about every single detail and most of the times won't even buy the products.
Just look at Sup Forums, most of the people here cancel their preorders when they discover that that one little, stupid thing isn't aligned to any of their stupid views.

PC has all PC/PS4, PC/Vita and PC/XBONE multiplats. That's much more games than your PS4's exclusives.

You le "stole" le it.

It is though. You can install Windows 10 without a key and still use it. It'll just nag you from time to time to buy it.

>Choosing a fucking i3



Seriously, what is the reason to own a console today when you can use both a ps3/ps4 controller and a 360/Xbone controller on PC? A console is not worth it for the few exclusives it has. The only people that i can understand why own consoles are adults with families etc, some normies, and so forth.

Try playing PC/Vita and PC/XBONE exclusives on your precious PS4 :^)


Still not there Sup Forums
Show me a gaymen pc that is stronger than the ps4 pro for the same price

Are they making powerful PC or powerful heater?

Ok so if that's what it takes to build a "cheap but powerful" pc, then what can I afford if I double the budget?

You have that reversed you dumb faggot. Adroid appeals to the masses.

OP is already stronger than PS4Pro which is weaker than a Radeon 470.

Reasonably priced but powerful PC.

Consoles are popular because of ease of use and cheap prices. The reality is that personal computers will never become the dominant video game platform because of normies. And while PC may be stronger and more reliable, consoles will be the most popular because there is a larger demographic.
You retards need to stop arguing about this.

the possibilities are endless

unlike a console

>500 bucks
>No windows

Building a budget PC with "future proofing" in mind.
Literally a retarded notion.

You build a barebones PC to get things going then you add to it.
You don't build a $500 PC to last you 3 gens worth of graphics cards.

You build one as a skeleton which you can replace bits and pieces easily to get yourself up to speed, rather than dumping 2k on a fresh build.


of course

There are now thousands of native games for Linux with more confirmed to be on the way.

Feral Interactive, one of the most prolific companies in bringing games to Linux just tweeted this today.

Plus of course you have all the same compatibility layers and emulators that you have on Windows plus a few more that can handle any legacy software up to DX9 level sometimes better than the compatibility layer in newer versions of Windows.

Plus you get support for the latest hardware without any spyware required something that can no longer be said for Windows 7.

Before or after you pay for the multiplayer?

>Have to build the thing yourself which requires patience and instructions
>Still have to purchase a monitor, keyboard, mouse
>Install drivers for everything, install all necessary components
>Install Origin and Steam
>Purchase games you'd like
>Install game
>Hope that you don't need to hotfix a problem or you receive an error
>Plug in your console
>Play the game

Is it really that hard to understand?

>I'm a retard who can't read
See Windows 10 is free. Just install and enjoy Microsoft being the good guys.

>LOL players alone is more than all PS4 sales
>Consoles are popular

I want to build a $800

>enjoy Microsoft being the good guys.
>forced ads
>horrible UI
>forcing updates
>broken compatibility with older titles
You must love that cock in your mouth

Consoles are more popular. Are you going to give me a WoW sub count next?

>buy 400 dollar console
>have to buy the TV
>have to buy a table or something for the console
>have to buy mic too
:^))) am i memeing right

the PC allow to actually create content though, even though I'm sure consumerist cattle like you have an excuse to never want to create anything.

>Windows 10 is free.

It was only free upgrades of existing machines, and didn't that expire recently?

There are actual Free operating systems out there with no strings attached.

>Consoles are more popular.
Citation needed

>F2P game

>400 dollars average on launch + games
Yeeeeeah nice way to look at things

why not? wow also shits all over your precious console "popularity".

I like this meme that you can just play a game on a console by putting the disk in, never mind the constant 10gb day one updates on games that take hours to install just so you can play.

In that time you can build a PC and start your pirate journey.

> Asus gpu
> i3
> 430w psu
Fuck are we going to play on this, games from 2004 ?

Elaborate on this, what would be a good skeleton build? I wish to join the mustard race by cybermonday and I have no idea where to start.

>LOL players alone is more than all PS4 sales
[Citation Needed]

>In specs thread
>People post their specs that include Windows 10
>Multiple people laughing at him with le funni reaction images

Not him but this has no relevance, it just shows that it's a fact, more people game on pc than console

>forced ads
Never seen a single ad since I installed W10.
>horrible UI
Easily fixable if you're not a retard. Also W7's UI is also just as bad as W10's, so I don't see your point. Just fucking fix it, it's not that hard.
>forcing updates
So you are also an illiterate retard? You can fucking disable update just like for every Windows version. That's what I actually do.
>broken compatibility with older titles
False. I haven't had a problem yet since last December.

PC has all games of the past, PS4 has all games of the future, until PC emulate PS4, but until then, the PS4 games will be now on the past.
Which means you have to have both, if you want to have ALL the time under your control.

>more people game on pc than console
This is some serious delusion.

Tellign a normie to build a pc is literally the same as telling him to just buy parts and build a fucking car
It will not actually force you out of your OS. Unless they changed that since before it should be still the case. It will only limit your wallpaper.

most core i3 toaster that you either have or you can pick up+ GTX 1060/RX 480.
Post yfw total PS4 sales is less than month user of LOL

Motherboard and case would be where I'd spend money.

I bought a really nice case a decade ago and other than cable management its still pretty current in terms of features with practically no tools required for anything short of replacing case fans and removable sub assemblies for everything making it very nice to work on and live with. Its currently housing its fourth system.

After that the motherboard depending on what you buy should be able to survive through several major upgrades. Possibly by November we'll see socket AM4 boards out that would let you get a very cheap APU that you could then replace with Zen+ and a discrete graphics card down the road.


>PS4 has all games of the future

you mean the wate games? I heard they have awesome graphics
>tfw using shitty statistics to justify my wasted purchase

Except with Windows 10 they have the ability to upgrade it at any time, and you can be sure more stringent anti-piracy measures are on the way.

I hope if you've done that you've never used the Windows Store or put in your credit card information. If you have Microsoft have enough to start legal action against you, though if you're lucky they might just bill you automatically.

If you don't want to pay for an OS there are Free options available that need your support.

>More VRAM = future proofing

man this some shit

I have 8gb vram and hitting anywhere up to 3gb gets games running at 45fps

>cancel their preorders when they discover something isn't to their taste

Well, when I'm paying $60 for a product and I find that it doesn't suit my tastes I should be able to cancel my pre-purchase. If I was stupid enough to pre-purchase anyway. That shouldn't even be a thing - it allows devs to be lazy and just work on hype (see modern marketing budgets) instead of focusing on making a finished, polished product.

If you've already pre-ordered it doesn't matter if its good, it's a sale (unless you're on PC of course :)


>it has a fucking i3
>shitty 320 gb HDD

it's not powerful, it's shit...and it would last you like a year..maybe..after that you would need another 200-300$ for an i5/i7 and better storage


OK, let's go take a look at those benchmarks.

Wow, check out those silky smooth 30-55 fps at 1080/ultra graphics settings

>core i3 6100 2 core

Whoa, the future of 2009 is here, TODAY! 3.7ghz 2 core with a monster 3mb cache, definitely no bottlenecking here!

Oh wait, it's barely hitting 60fps with a far superior GPU

And that quality MOBO just screams awesome audio fidelity, reliability, heat dissipation, surge protection, software support, and life span.

The article was complete satire, right, guys? This guy expects to play actual games at ultra settings with consistently high fps, right? Otherwise, all he's done is build an ugly console and assembled it himself.

>kinda skimped on my mobo
>don't know if I can upgrade to a decent CPU, worried about throttling a 480 if I get it

>Girl gamer are playing game that has higher skill ceiling than yours
Must be hard to live a life as a cuck

Fucking normies amirite ecks dee

This has been done in a multitude of threads already. The PS4Pro is a consumer scam, plain and simple. Please stop shilling this piece of garbage.

>there are a lot less normies on pc

thank you cyber jesus for that

There's a serious difference in complexity between the two. Also, car parts aren't color coded.

This is almost as bad as a food analogy.

Yeah, you got stuck with mentally ill traps and bronies. What a world.

>Call other people's static shitty
>use unrelated shitty static
>being this denial
Not sure if falseflagging or really stupid and virgin

>core i3
>struggles to hit 60fps with msaa off

So I can assemble a shitty machine that gets outperformed by current consoles and will be outdated by the end of the year?

>being this denial
you need to go back to whatever 3rd world favela you came from

>$54 micro-ATX motherboard
>$33 Rosewill case made out of the cheapest steel on the face of the earth
>$22 320GB hard drive

But hey, at least you get an RX 470! You know, the card that can't even do 1080p right in a lot of current gen titles.

Its not that bad to go cheap on the motherboard as long as it can support the CPU and RAM you want. Its one of the more likely components to fail, and with ~$50 motherboards being fairly common and halfway decent the only real reason not to swap them out when you upgrade the CPU and RAM is that its more of a pain.

As mentioned before, you can easily disable Windows Update, so it's not a problem. Also personally I do not use the Windows Store, I doubt that many people use it, especially in Sup Forums.
Also what I linked is a legit way to get Windows 10 as "F2P". If you're gonna buy the OS I don't see the poinr of pirating games, so the whole anti-piracy thing is redundant.

You do realize most normie nowdays play LOL right ?
And like said, it has more players than both x1+ps4 combined

go overboard on the PSU too. those can last awhile if you drop the cash

projecting and personal insults are not an argument

>Go on Sup Forums
>Build a $1K computer
>Overwatch only gets 30 FPS
>It's 60 on consoles

I wish I could build a car as easily as I built my PC

That's basically the gist of getting a PS4 Pro.

>start your pirate journey.

with spywares. thanks no

Is it me or is there a lot of children on computer now .
Who asks their mom to buy a pc

Where's the cost of an operating system, keyboard, mouse, monitor, headphones, and mic?

>inb4 some idiot really thinks they'll be playing the latest games on linux

You really should've used a way more modern speccy shot.
>AMD A10 32nm
>HD 8650G

It's like you aren't even trying.

>123 degrees

top kek

>Doesnt know most LOL player are in EU
When will murifat stop being a cuck ?