It's time to start pretending

This series was never good. It was just "good enough" for kids who owned a Mega Drive/Genesis and whose parents never got them an SNES. We would always kid ourselves into thinking it was a good franchise but we secretly would rather have been playing Mario. But we needed to keep a front up because the Sega vs Nintendo wars back then where so heated that we felt we need to pretend something that wasn't true to not look like idiots in front of the Nintendo kids.

But now Sega as a console maker is no more and Nintendo itself has arguably fallen to third place behind Sony and Microsoft. And no one cares about console mascots anymore

There is no reason to pretend anymore. Unless you are an austic member of the fanbase, there is no point pretending that Sonic was ever a good franchise


Nice projection sperglord.

Sonic is for faggots who weren't able to play actually good Mega Drive games.

I'd take Sonic The Hedgehog over the dull vanilla ride that was Super Mario World any day, and even them I'm not so developmentally stunted as to say things like "Mario was never good" or that the "Genesis rules, the SNES drools".
Both great franchises, both great systems, let go of 16-bit console war faggotry or blind corporate loyalism, it only embarrasses you.

Kill yourself

>let go of 16-bit console war faggotry
This isn't even about console wars, the Genesis/Mega Drive had so many gems. It's a shame something as mediocre as Sonic became its mascot.

This. Out of all the gems that are still remembered today, Sanic is the least deserving of it.


sonic 2 is the best game ever made.

>t. Nintendrones

Bonk has the best games of the three, and as far as mascots go, both Bonk are more appealing at a base level than a fat Italian plumber with a personality as dull as Mickey Mouse.

>Muh personality
literally who cares? Unless you're a Sonicfag and all you have to go on is early 90s "attitude".

>start pretending

genesis > snes

Nintendo was always shit cuck dads bought their wifes son a snes.

OST: Sonic>Mario
Gameplay: Sonic>Mario
Graphics: Sonic>Mario
Boss design: Sonic>Mario
Replayability: Sonic>Mario
price (back then and now): Sonic>Mario
Level design: Sonic>Mario
Saturday morning cartoons: Sonic>Mario
Why do people like Nintendo and Mario again? I honestly don't know.

>OST: Sonic>Mario
>Saturday morning cartoons: Sonic>Mario
That's all you're allowed to have.


Bonk is the equivalent of that one kid in school that would act annoying and random just to get attention. Take away all the weird shit and it's just a mediocre plateformer

Nice shitty box art you got there.

Have a superior one.

Nah. Sonic was great fun.

>Mario world graphics are really cartoony and looks like shit
>koopalings are basically the same thing and really exploitable
>Sonic started speedrunning by having the clock count up, basically a race to the finish, never gets old
>Genesis was cheaper than the SNES by the time the SNES came out
>Mario levels literally hold right and press A sometimes, don't need to memorize the other paths or fastest way to proceed through course because there is only one way

>>Sonic started speedrunning
stopped reading here

>It was just "good enough" for kids who owned a Mega Drive/Genesis and whose parents never got them an SNES
You need to work on your bait son

Owned and enjoyed both consoles and games. I'm sorry you're all spergs.

>OP thinks he speaks the truth
>just another shitty copy pasta about how he doesn't like Sonic, and the people with different tastes who enjoy it

I get it, kids like you sucked Miyamoto's dick throughout the 90s. Doesn't mean you should portray people who preferred Sonic as bad people.

Having shit taste doesn't make you a bad person.

But saying people with their own tastes have shit tastes makes you an even worse person.

But I just played Sonic 2, 3&K, and CD for the first time this year and fucking loved them, S3K is tied with Kirby Super Star Ultra as my favorite platformer ever. Mario games are fun but I'll take classic sonic over them any day. 3D mario whoops 3D sonic's ass sideways though.

>>Mario levels literally hold right and press A sometimes
Wait, why are you talking about Sonic all of a sudden?

this thread has made me realize that in 25 years you STILL won't be able to talk about Bloodborne or Halo without console war faggotry.

best 16bit game released on either genesis or nintendo

Wrong image, user.

>these words of advice in the jap covers

What does it mean?

we're doing this again
that being said, I really don't like S1 that much now, and I've been playing it repeatedly over the last few days

great music and visuals though

I can live without the spindash. S1's stage design is just kind of dick.
2's pretty fun until near end of the game, and 3&K is brilliant throughout, barring like 2 stages.

You're 100% right, OP. Sonic was never anything above mediocrity and was always the poor man's Mario.

>It's time to start pretending
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>It's time to start pretending

Subtlest bait I've ever seen, op. Nicely done.

>This game is going to blow your ass away

>I do not see the appeal in what you enjoy, but I respect your right to enjoy it

In a perfect world, shit posters don't exist

Yeah I noticed that S1's stage designed seems a bit mucky at times. Especially after the marble garden zone everything gets a little too crazy. You want to keep the momentum and movement fast.

apples and oranges man (srs) but i played mario 64 and it was ass, and the other 2 galaxy games personally bored me. i don't hate/dislike every genesis/2d game or anything. but the extremist fans of those games suck (not the regular guys tho) because sa1/2, unleashed. generations. were acceptable/pretty great at best.

>trying to revive 25 year old console wars

>STOP pretending


I love Sonic, but your only right about the OST, the Boss design, the price and the Saturday Morning Cartoons.

Hello IGN

That's exactly right, OP. The series was never good.

unlike your mom in bed

I like Sonic Adventure 1, love Generations, Colors and Heroes are okay, but I really can't stand the rest.