Sup Forums says Uncharted 4 has bad gameplay

Sup Forums says Uncharted 4 has bad gameplay

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it does m8

Cause it does.
The game overall isn't bad, really pretty, good story, but the frame rate and gameplay are unacceptably piss.

Pressing X to cutscene isn't exactly what I'd call gameplay.

why did that massive bell fell apart?

The MP is really fun I still play it. Progression system is garbage though.

yeah really pretty mate

>that console "aiming"

just embarrassing

does not

It's an alright game, but the first 7 chapters are shit.

After that I enjoyed it but jeez it took forever to start.

If I wanted to watch a movie, I'd watch a movie

If you like ropes, wheeled boxes, and sliding slopes it does.

The player or the enemies?

Ah, so it's just another generic console war thread where people try to poke holes and (You) farm instead of make reasonable statements and not be pieces of shit.
Peace, I'm out, have a nice day, user.

>b-but it's all cutscenes! it's basically a movie!

>the same tired old webm of that one setpiece towards the end of the game

I've played it and it's a 4/10 gameplay wise at best

>easy mode

>overly long melee animation
>jump over the wall and into a cover based shooting encounter

I'm sure it's followed by an ebin qte fest as something you're climbing collapses around you right after this

Amazing gameplay

>that obvious railroading from the rope
Wow, it's just like real life.

get a load of this gameplay boys

>50 people shooting at you and they can't hit shit

is this supposed to be a parody?

>If games are not like in le real life are not le epic :(

Not defending uc4, but you're a fucking retard and you should kill yourself

the melee animations are long on purpose, so you cant just go around killing everyone with punches instantly like its hotline miami. It's supposed to give enemies a chance to shoot at you so you are discouraged from doing it out in the open

easy mode

You completely misunderstood what he said

A rope should at least act like a fucking rope and not a metal pole.

Rope physics have been in games for a decade at least now.

you can turn the camera and take a picture of Sully for a 'cheeve

let me guess

the phone he's using is sony

That's not even what he meant you basketball.

so you're stuck in cover, where you're essentially immortal all game?

Cover based shooters are the fucking worst

Yup. The pacing is horrible. Other than that, it's an enjoyable game (just like the rest of the series).

Easy mode is the best mode for rope swingan

Sure, samefag.

How did he misunderstand what you said? You said
>Wow, it's just like real life.
Clearly mocking how it wasn't realistic. To which he said why it would be stupid for it to actually be realistic.

Are you actually retarded?

It's hard to believe anyone could be this stupid.



>a-are you retarded? Forget the fact that I have no argument, but a-are you retarded?

no, because cover is destructible. That and they flush you out with grenades and flank you from cover of their own

Isn't it obvious the Uncharted series isn't supposed to be like real life? I mean theres a strong independent black woman that can beat the shit out of a white man. And you mean to tell me she's owns her own private military?

after thirty fucking seconds they do

Max Payne 3 is the only game to do it properly and this is a fact

no. u

Clearly mocking the failed effort to be realistic. Dumbass.

They were firing at Sam too so not everyone was firing at Nate and destroying the cover.

Again, not defending uc4, but it's obvious you have an irrational hate for it.

Worse than batman.

Shut the fuck up.

no. u

no, it's perfectly rational
the fact that they were shooting at someone else doesn't mean shit, all it achieves is making the game boring as fuck

>press x to swing around for a sec


>Max Payne 3 is the only game to do it properly and this is a fact
lol no

Carring about
> What Sup Forums says
> Console exclusive
> What is a vidya analog of summer blockbuster (eg mindless, one time fun)
Seek help user

I've never seen someone try to rationalize their irrational hate for a game. Just admit why you hate it. No bullshit like "it's le boring and unrealistic Dx"

Is it because it's on PS4? Is it because you don't own it? Is it because you already have a hatred for Naughty Dog and/or Sony?

The fuck is wrong with his voice? Did a hamburger get stuck in his throat?

it's a wonderful game, but i finished it in 7 hours

>that moonswinging
>that autoaim
>that low framerate
>those ugly graphics


donut drake is canon

This is the only place that still talks about Uncharted 4

I dislike it because it's a braindead cover based shooter that's filled with retarded CINEMATIC SETPIECES that just boil down to qtes while shit happens on screen, so yeah I guess it's just because I have an irrational hatred for sony despite owning every console they've ever put out

it is goty

Wow you press buttons to activate a mechanic in a game! All games are bad now wtf

when that ""mechanic"" lasts more than half a second and takes control away from the player the game is bad, yes

Calm down

a button to activate mechanics*

Except it can last longer and can change direction so you are in control but said mad and spout bullshit PCuck

>but you can change direction!


never heard of a heavy attack? You commit to a longer wind-up animation in order to perform an attack that does more damage

Nice rebuttal

there's nothing to rebut, you're fucking stupid and I can't be bothered wasting time spelling it out to you

that's nice but when the game is filled """heavy attacks""" like in you'll have to forgive me for not finding it fun

user, the grappling hook whatever thing is a good gameplay mechanic. You use it to add mobility to the character/player. What the fuck is even going on here? Grappling hooks are the shit in any video game.

Stay mad PCuck

what game has your favourite heavy attacks Sup Forums? Mine would be heavy rain when you press x to jason

of course

point out a single instance of me mentioning grappling hooks.


"Press X to swing around for a sec"

If that's not you then sorry, but I thought the discussion was on the grappling hook mechanic?

I was referring specifically to the long animations that can happen when you press a button in combat, not animations out of combat

Shitty games tbqhwyfamily



wow look at that cover destruction and grenade tossing

>playing on easy
>guns feel like they shot water
>shot people in the head and half the time it misses
my favorite is when i start hitting somebody online and i get killed despite starting meleeing first

That's to make it easy. It's the first real encounter in the game
They don't start throwing nades until you start fighting as Nate

Uncharted 4 has great combat.

Its biggest problem is that there is so little of it.

>whole game the retarded nigger whore trying to kill main characters
>lets not kill her! we can talk this!!
fuck anyone saying this is a good story

>lets go of swing, lose all momentum for some reason
why is this allowed?

Nice timestamp samefag

it was a good movie

Killing her wouldn't help them though.

Rafe should have killed her in the middle of the game. It would have made both of them much better characters

It's a good game that is overrated by critics and fanboys.

Just like all the Uncharted games and TLOU.

what did he mean by this?

it helps me to not see a fucking retarded character anymore
>killing the head of the army doesn't help you in fighting that army
sure thing pal

at GDC 2016 Josh Sawyer literally called Naughty Dog games "movies".
admit it sonyponies u got btfo

it is bad: shallow, repetitive, and there's barely any of it

Better than any other TPS faggot, end yourself

Max Payne? Vanquish?

Nice MS Paint job.

>better than Dead Space 2 or RE4


Mechanically RE 4 isn't great, but those problems are all deliberate and are what makes it great