meanwhile in ye olde Sup Forums...
Meanwhile in ye olde Sup Forums
Guys the plague doctor told me I have 'the gay' and told me the only cure is to burn at the stake
wat do?
burn ye scurvy dog
Fellow Christians, I recently acquired a Catholicstation 4, but my neighbour is trying to pressure me into replacing it with a Protestantbox One. How do I make him stop without damning my soul?
and nothing of value was losteth
you must convince the fellow that his deeds are those of the devil and he will burn for all damnation for not accepting our true lord and savior Gaben lest he converts to our lord's beliefs, relinquish your catholicstation 4 and brandish a Personal Comjewter my son, for that is the true calling of man
more please
My men and I would like a word with you about your purse and your belongings.
Be gone, filthy beggar
Die thy degenerate shiteposter
Verily, those knaves of the kingdom of PS4ia needn't be acknowledged as humans
fellows, i found a peculiar note written in blood outside the market this morning
>be me-eth
>jousting a rather rude fellow with a peculiar masketh
>dashing fellow to say the least, he greeted me with open arms and proceeded to roll around swinging his monstrous blade
>the most dreadful dreary sound can be heard coming from his blade which seems to be of germanic origineth
>alas, i seem to hath been slaineth
>as i lay on the ground, mind blank and chest bleeding, he greets me with open arms once againeth
>then as hastily as he shown up, he disappeared, while i can faintly hear him mutter the wordseth
>"Thine legend will forever live on"
>alas, i was struck with the sudden urge to write poetry and perform pottery, but such deeds can hardly be done at a time like thiseth
>a sudden epiphany strikes me
>surely i can just write a short note of this encounte-
i doth nigh understand this message, what beast could possibly hath performed this deed?
How hast thou progressed from this...
Fellows, the Bio Wares industries latest game features Womenfolk voting! Absurd! Progressive!
these threads should be deleted on sight, it has or ever will have something to do about video games.
To what you see before you?
Most surely be thon OP a feckless pederast.
>Womenfolk voting!
begone knave, dosth thou naught evar git gud ye scrubbish fiend?
Greetings bretheren from another genetic pool.
Is there but one fine young lass which I may...get more familiar with? does thy brother have thy sister?
thou hasth be shiting me
Burning him at the stake ought to convince him of his wrong ways
Thoust hast besmirched the name of user, off with you, quisby!
If thine date of birth be after 1500 thou art a blaggard and a knave and doth not ken shite about the games of video
Never speaketh to me or the son of my betrothed again
Yay, verily. Forsooth.
begone tripheathen
>tfw no maiden
>tfw no crusades
>tfw no coins
do the gods hath to frown upon me?
What say yee about Todd of the house Howard? I have nary a trust for the chap
>not getting the islambox
Its as if you are trying your hardest to be an infidel.
Hail, Lord Howard is thy to be trusthe in fulleth faith. Thy product thy titled Thy Elder Scrollthe: Skyrim Remastered will bethe of upmost quality. Thou and thou first of kin shalth pre-order Lord Howard's game post haste!
>speaking Early Modern English
>believing in the gods in 1489
What trumpery is this?
>tfw le wrong generation meme goes back over 500 years
I user of yorkshire, declare god eater to be blasphemous, please spare thee the whine of a fat pesants scurvy voice
>Be-ith me
>Riding closely with thine comrade-in-arms
>Suddenly our horses nayith in pure terror
>In front of thine eyes lay two filthy heathens
>They're eating thy mutton, straight from the fire.
>Verily, I trotted towards these two filthy barbarians.
>"Lay down thy weapons and let us pass to the village, heathrns, or be struck down by God's wrath!"
>They both speakith in their heathen language, then stareith at thou and thine brother-in-arms.
>They strikeith first, slaying my horse from under me
>They then strike down my comrade as he unsheathed thine sword from thine scabbard.
>The last words I heard from their heathen mouths I dare not forget.
>"Nice work faggots, next time move around."
thou sayeth you're a heretic?
I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
And then the witch doctor he told me what to do he told me
He told me ooh eee ooh ah ah ting tang walla walls bing bang
ooh eeh ooh ah ah ting tang walla walls bing bang
doo doo doo doo doo doo
I wager that the hebrews are at the fault for this.
Eternal shame upon you horsemaster, that you would let a common heathen slay your steed. God's name hast been taken in vain on this day
>use personal tapestry
>able to be modified at will
>is stronger therfore it covers a larger area
>it is on my castle wall
>maidens are bewildered and dumbfounded
>knights mock thy PT as it is complex and holy
>they are jealous of my 4 giga herds of ram
>and my messenger eagle speed
>i, the kings son, have the finest PT
>laff biggly at pre-made tapestrys for the pesants
>only 100x100 cm
>not holy 1x1m
where are all the white maidens currently held?
more of these
How can anglos even compete?
>they are jealous of my 4 giga herds of ram
lmao look at that shit sword he couldn't conquer a farm!
Fair and noble maiden, doth thou reside in the Kingdom of London?
so what doth thee think of the new champion for the tourneys?
>Around moops, close your doops
>the courts declared that henceforth, children conceived out of wedlock are no longer backwards compatable
Alas, you have met the legend. The one and only. Thou is blessed with good fortune to be in his presence itself.
behold pesants PT nobililtiy here!
here is the contents of which make up thy holy PT:
16 giga herds of ram
italian bred Catholic Poor Undesirables
32 Recently Accessable Missionaries
1x1m display
impressive sound made by dying pesants
Black Plague mouse
Gates 7 castle edition
holy water pumped by the finest maidens
wool form the sexiest sheep in wales
and most impressive of all
my mother-aborad! , she enables me to destoy many kingdoms and holds together all my resources
Claim your maidenfu
I cometh from the far east with strange drawings depicting females with cat ears, peradventure the church would like to enlighten us on the matter if 't be true such things art heresey or not, for I like such drawings and I would like to travel once more to the far east to gather more drawings of such girls with cat ears.
Th're's nay such thing as a "half A presseth". t's eith'r an A presseth 'r t isn't.
Guys I came from the future.
Tell your grandkids to tell your grand grandkids don't trust hideo kojima
this is very important