Ace Attorney thread

>ever yielding

Other urls found in this thread:!IlhHWAYD!YdqTSmqiHgDI0j6YjzXGSqUYra3fc9tUaBszCPWmVwI

don't forget the animations too
there was also a pic of her with glasses and they look good on her

>Trucy asks me to get something "big and black" from her purse
>Athena searches the bag and says "Oh, wow! She has--?! Oh, Trucy! You are BAD!"


she had embarrassing pictures of polly

Can someone upload the AA6 artbook?

Or post a link to it?

So, who's the best "bro" in the Phoenix Wright series and why is it still Raymond Shields

Yeah, this design was good. Her final design became really weird because of all the different random clothing they wanted in there, like how she needed a tie but wanted to show Widget at the same time

Speaking of, concept Nahyuta was almost the same as beta!Edgeworth, which kind of makes sense as he is to Apollo what Edgeworth is to Phoenix

Not sure if it's properly linked anywhere, but I'm finding these here

Also, here's some EVEN MORE ANDROGYNOUS designs, holy fuck

The shell on the head looks strange.!IlhHWAYD!YdqTSmqiHgDI0j6YjzXGSqUYra3fc9tUaBszCPWmVwI

That's not Datz

Datz wins

Thanks senpai

Artbook download where?

>outright female Nahyuta

Ray is great but he loses points for being the mastermind

Disregarding obvious choices like Gumshoe, this guy was cool

nahyuta was actually supposed to let you pick his gender and have no canon one

glad they went with male, I guess, apollo already has a sister

fuck me

I want to fuck the haughty out of this hottie.

>Posting the killer of Case 5

Heh, keep thinking that....kid

>nahyuta was actually supposed to let you pick his gender and have no canon one

i really doubt this

Do you even have to ask, pal?

I didn't want to believe it either

She's like 14.
ib4: so what?

:3c *glomps u*

So what?
sorry but I've had that pun ringing through my head since I first saw her. I don't actually have any sexual interest in her but she is cute.

It can't be anything that embarrassing, she did ask APOLLO to look through her bag, not Athena.

How badd are you Sup Forums

It would've been very difficult not to mention obnoxious in English to avoid calling him either gender for the entire game.

Apollo is her bro afterall, he'll understand.

She probably has a dildo that says "APOLLO" on it, which she intended for him to find and put two and two together.

But of course Athena had to ruin it.

Just go with they in first person and make it a running joke that you never get to find out the gender because people keep using ambiguous woding

>we missed out on Wolfy
Reveal of a third sister in the next game, r-right?

Wow naughty.





Just use they and you all the time, not such a big problem. I'd honestly prefer if they made him as planned.

That thing really bothers me for some reason.

What about his voice?

Is there anyway to truly mask a voice to sound both male and female? Or possibly, switching between two voices?

The bottom right one is Satsuki Kiryuin

>"Khura'inism is freedom! The Holy Mother is liberty! Divination Seances are truth! You pigs dressed as lawyers!"

voices are usually pretty androgynous in AA unless they're edgeworth

>Get to the final part of the case
>"Well Apollo, what do we do"
>"Give up"
>Think to myself this might be a 2-4 ordeal where I could get a "the miracle never happen" ending
>Think for a minute
>Smile, and think "Well, a dragon never yields"
>Apollo says the exact same thing

As autistic as it sounds, I enjoyed the scene a lot more.

Speaking of that choice, are there any bad endings if you choose the wrong choice or do you get railroaded into picking the other one? I didn't pick the wrong choice once, so I dunno.


D-does he actually say that?

It's a very well made edit, sadly

Can someone post the full artbook with the concept arts? I'm curious



Nayuta's anal beads


DGS Juror system might slow down trials more often than not, but having a guilty verdict with that music really put emphasis on the crisis.

And in the same way, it feels quite satisfying to objection theme running when you could pull the usual turnabout.

I'm starting to think that the scripters did a very thorough job with the screenplay but weren't as creative as before for the cases themselves.

>I'm starting to think that the scripters did a very thorough job with the screenplay but weren't as creative as before for the cases themselves.
Yeah. I also found a bit artificial how every case in London has everything quickly going to shit with the jurors being swayed into passing a guilty verdict. It does create suspense but it also becomes predictable by the last case.

yaoi lawyer doujins

Trucy knows the good stuff.

Well, I thought most of their guilty verdict was sort of understandable, but case 4 went a bit too trigger happy with "full guilty verdict" nearly twice. Case 3 was more modest as opinions changed over the course of the trial which was sort of ok.

I think one issue with DGS cases so far is that there aren't many pieces of evidences that blow on your face
Case 4: The fact you realize the fourth book was burnt was one of the very rare piece of evidence triggering some epiphany, but aside of that it is a bit too predictable as it is, ironically, lacking of plot twist.

The only exception is case 3 for being filled by tons of red herring. I'm starting to understand why some people consider case 3 as high tier considering its development but also impact on Ryuu.

But thus far, I'm enjoying DGS quite a lot for what it is. Certainly not the most challenging or surprising title, but it is entertaining on its own right.

I've seen you talk about DGS in this thread and the last. How exactly are you playing it?

Following a guide off youtube while you play, or do you know Japanese?

He's watching this:

Never played the DLC case back when I was going through Dual Destinies. Is it worth going back to before I get into SoJ?

The DD DLC is actually really good. Better than 5-2 anyway.

Watching a YT channel as said, although I know enough Japanese to handle non technical stuff, so I can tell the translation is actually quite decent.

I think you can definitely use it as some kind of guide if you want to play yourself although since he doesn't check evidence that often, it isn't exactly practical.

>Apollo hasn't had a trial with Gavin for almost two years
>Is STILL flustered by the mere mention of him in 6-2

Is Klavier winning the Apollobowl?

No, SoJ is already burning you out, play it when you feel empty after it's over and you need to wait 3 more years

Maybe, I'd have to hack my 3DS to get it though.

Besides, I'd rather wait for the fan translation

How is it anyhow?

Not a chance.
Not even Fujos like Klavier.

Why do Klavfags always "mistake sheer unadulterated dislike" for "embarrassed tsundere"

Translation is OK. In general, I'd say there is a lack of immersive dialogue considering it is mostly normal english instead of british, but that's fairly enough considering it is a fan translation. It is a bit too literal at times (especially Susato's manner of speech).

As for the game itself, it is best if you don't consider the game like a regular AA.
DGS has a very huge emphasis on screenplay, to the point it puts DD and SoJ to shame (multiple witnesses at the same time, jumping from one to another, way more animations for the characters than even SoJ, multiple character onscreen who faces the other if they are talking to them instead of Ryuu, Sherlock and Ryuu deduction sequences, etc).

And the OST is pretty much godlike. I was an Iwadare fanboy before, but even the latter can't compare to DGS tracks.

But as I said before, DGS is quite disappointing in term of cases because they aren't as "crazy" as usual. Some aren't that obvious, so it isn't that predictable, but you don't feel a huge sense of surprise when the case is unfolded over time.
This is also mostly because evidences speak for themselves with very rare instances where they actually blow your face, while cases themselves tend to be a drag (instead of arguing of a given situation with 1 evidence, you might be forced to present several evidences to make your way for a single situation).

I'd say that DGS is better at handling the plot and characters than usual, but is lacking as a "game" if I had to compare with AA flagship titles.

But Apollos husbando died.

Good points. I'd say it's most comparable to Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney.

I agree with everything except the music. I've never understood what people see in Layton vs AA or DGS' music.

I dunno, I feel the atmosphere with the music was really perfect in most situation, and I really love the characters and trial tracks.

Ryuu and Asougi BGM just suit them to a T, while straying, DGS allegro and objection really fit.

The music won me with just the first case.

>Layton vs AA ost
I think it's great because it mixes Layton ost with AA ost really well. Ilike PL games and music anyways so I'm bit biased, but that's how it is.

They still don't know they're siblings.

but incest is wrong





And another issue with DGS I forgot mentioning:

Van zieks is a bit too passive.
He is pretty charismatic for a prosecutor and never goes with ridiculous argument whatsoever unlike Franziska etc. However, while he does a good job at appealing the Juror, he doesn't really confront Ryuu that often, so he doesn't feel that oppressive in the end.

A bit similar to Blackquill, with more emphasis on his theatric mannerism than really merciless deduction from evidences.

Man, been forever since I updated this. Will probably still shuffle the SoJ cases around a bit, but this seemed pretty much right.

Do you have a link to the Dai Gyakuten Saiban artbook scans?

>feel happy that 6-3 was a great case
>also feel sad that it didn't continue the trend of being a shit case like 2-3 and 4-3

It's a strange feel

>Atena was the most dismayed at Apollo leaving

Oh my god, are her legs supposed to look like carrots


Both in DD and SoJ, even. Can't blame her, he's losing her dear senpai before she's able to really stand on her own.

I want to fuck Ms. Kisegawa

Female courtesan (male)

That's alright, as long as he acts like a girl.

>That DLC skit ending

Truly, the best possible timeline

>bad ending was a ridiculously darker timeline than it needed to be given the premise of the skit
Both were amazing.

>Dhurke might still be alive if Pearl had become queen


I'm sorry, user, but if you played only AA2 and AA6 you'd realize Turnabout Revolution is far better than Farewell, My Turnabout

We're still in that "honeymood" period for AA6 so let it digest for a bit.
I'm still wowed by Turnabout Revolution but we'll see how we feel in time.

this is the first insanely complex case with no glaring plot holes or asspulls, really

no >muh pendulum anywhere

>Mr. Reused plot twists

I also loved it for being two cases in one.

That whole case was boring and underwhelming as hell besides his real identity.

So disappointing.

Let's settle the big fight once and for all:

It's missing Revolution




Spirit of Justice case ranking: 2 = 3 > 5 > 4 > 1