Post the worst cases of censorship
Post the worst cases of censorship
It's a kid's game you sicko.
Wow, you're telling me that in the new Smash Bros, Princess Peach turned into Rosalina? That's awesome!
Please castrate yourself you filthy eunuch
Picture unrelated?
if he was a eunuch he would already be castrated
it was in canon that the cosmos was under her skirt you retard, she didn't even have legs in mario galaxy
they are two different characters, at least post a censored peach
I know. I meant to say he should do it again. My bad. Point is he's a piece of shit nu-male.
Why didn't you post peach from sm4sh? She's actually been censored while Rosalina's is canonical.
Parrot with double digit IQ detected.
There, we're done. Thread's over. Everyone go home.
>this triggered over no-ass in a kids' game
Weebs are as pathetic as tumblrtards these days, I swear.
The worst cases of censorship are almost exclusively done to western games released in Japan. On consoles games like Heavy Rain, The Witcher etc. have all the nudity removed and Until Dawn for example just cuts to black whenever something gory happens.
People complaining about minor dialogue alterations or whatever don't even realize how well they have it compared to those poor bastards.
I know right? I'm not an SJW but...
Fuck you faggot go back to wherever you came from
>she didn't even have legs
-1 vaginas
I hope instances like this keeps happening to trigger the fuck out of virgin-weebs for who everything must be sexualised trash
>m-muh pantsu
You have to go back
God bless America.
>hurr everyone who has more than an ounce of decency in their bones must be from tumblr or reddit
pls cry more over not having panty shots in a kids game
go watch porn you mongoloid
>God bless America
>UK video
>EU version also censored
Keep blaming the USA, Eurobitch.
If you support any kind of censorship you hate video games.
FE:Fates and this shit as if that piece of shit game weren't already horrendous
>Fire emblem going full weeb shit
>censor weeb shit in the West
You have ot go back
Daily Reminder to learn Nip and buy your NX from Nintendo of Japan, 2 years before "localization" happens.
Piracy wont be so easy this time around.
>Censorship only matters when it concerns digital titties and not words, ideas, or concepts
I will never understand this neo-meme.
stop pretending your version isn't different
>I will never understand this neo-meme.
Because you made it up
Except digital titties are the only kind of censorship anyone talks about. So....yeah.
On Sup Forums
Imagine fucking the cosmos
>Version provided by Nintendo of AMERICA
>"it's not america"
Kids are gonna grow up confused and retarded.
Thanks, Millennials.
Why, though?
Why do you like reminding yourself continually about all the things you hate?
How does this enrich your life in any way?
It's not smash, it's Japanese rating system that ordered them to cover the panties.
They wanted smash to be E10+ and the jap rating systems are super anal about panty shots. Allegedly that's one of the first things they check for.
Should have just made it T like all the others but oh well.
It's almost as if that's the most prevalent kind of censorship lately. I guess dialogue changes too if you count that as censorship, always gets people complaining about "memified" games here.
god damn, they could have at least given her some kind of shorts or tight pants under her dress, to avoid giving her panties. Instead they make it a fucking black hole
Why don't they put her on a burqa already?
>Soccerguy is a meanie he took our pantsu away ;(
And Sup Forums proves its ignorance one more time. If you want to point fingers do it to ESRB/Cero. They demanded to see every model from the bottom to rule out any mildly suggestive shit.
You know how Palutena has short pants? She used to have legit panties but if they wanted to keep the rating they had to make them short pants. Same with Peach, Rosalina is debatable since she always had that strange space thing under the dress.
Why they decided to be shitters until the fourth game I don't know, but you wanted a reason? There it is.
Probably did it because parents wouldn't be happy with panty shots on Amiibos, so to make it consistent they removed it from the game.
Kinda sucks, but it's a stupid thing to bitch about, especially when there's mods that fix it.
Cero the Japs censors was the reason panties were censored.
I wonder if in the future, since the NX is cartridge based, or so the rumor goes, Nintendo only releases one version of a game internationally and will load localized assets based on your consoles region?
so why the previous version arent censored faggot?
They wanted a lower rating for 4
wtf i hate america now
So, we're still at six then?
Maybe more?
Joke is on them. That is my fetish.
For those who don't know or forgot
Sakurai had Smash censored because back during brawl's "send a photo" everyone spammed him undie shots and he got so pissed he censored sm4sh out of spite to teach the fans a lesson
There are an infinite number of universes under her skirt, all with an infinite number of vaganias
It makes sense, it's colder in some parts of EU so it's not unreasonable that she'd wear more layers if she were in say the alps for example
because time changes. And japan needs to be "clean" for the memelympics. There's no blood in most shounen anime either, and pantyshots are relegated to fetish porn "because it's currentyear". Japan culture is getting "normalized" to that normie shit promoted by every american based social network.
>even less detail than before just like all of smash 4 compared to brawl
What's the fucking point?
Might as well mod her back into Smash 64.
Can someone explain to me why Nintendo would go back to cartridges? What benefit is there for Nintendo?
The localization was done by NoA with the help of Atlus US user.
Thankfully that's being fixed through mods.
>>even less detail than before just like all of smash 4 compared to brawl
>Smash 4
>less detail
Nice meme but actually play the games.
I did and they sucked
While that's believable bullshit reminder that in brawl one of the featured images was G&W implied tentacle rape
the lesson they were taught is that Smash is never gonna be good again so stick to melee
>sakurai: i-i-it's okay when japan does it!
This is a weak ass deflection.
We're talking about video games., if you want to discuss that other stuff you can do it on Sup Forums or something
if it's primarily a handheld i don't see why it wouldn't use catridges
Is Mashpotato Samurai "our" guy?
I seem to recall that the japanese dojo also had an image of peach showing her panties while slipping on banana
lmao virgin detected
He is the ruse master
>cherry picking and selective memory
Here is your reply.
kys for shilling, waveyiffing beeyotch.
You're retarded. MY board is 18+. back 2reddit
This is what really happened.
I want off the ruse cruise
>all that skin whitener and obvious botox
>Why they decided to be shitters until the fourth game I don't know, but you wanted a reason?
It's because some years between the release of Brawl and Smash 4, there was a new policy instated because some game, we don't know which, had a fully modeled vagina under a characters panties and tricky camera manipulation would let you see it.
So they decided to go full draconian on panties in general. If you have panties, you can't get the next CERO rating and Smash couldn't let themselves get that rating.
You have to go back
What you mean to say is that you seek out those kinds of conversations and therefore they are the only ones that you ever see. You're also being totally transparent right now. Get out of here.
>Rosalina is actually an entire Universe in disguise
>he's a nu-male because he doesn't want to sexualize fictional girls in a game made for children
>Might as well mod her back into Smash 64
Go home, gamer girl.
Peach wasn't in Smash 64
It's lore that she literally keeps the entire Cosmos under her blouse.
That's why her biker jumpsuit is so sexy.
Neither was Duck Hunt, yet he got modded into brawl just fine.
STFU, beeyotch. MY board is for mature adults that can discuss things intelectually. So maybe you are the one that should go back, gaylord.
You never belonged here.
As opposed to the good old traditional males who take upskirt shots of Nintendo girls and share them on Sup Forums?
Fair point.
I wanted to call you a retard but this is something that legitimately interests me
Does ur mum know you're using MY board in school?
go be a purtian somwhere else.
You have to go back
Nice ad hom. GTFO my board until you grow up.
What's wrong with that?
It gets pretty windy in Chicago.
I'd tap that lore, if u no what i meen smdh famicom
Don't post on MY board again until you learn to do so maturely and intellectually, Sup Forumseeyotch.
My board is 18+. Come back in 11 years, beeyotch. Or better yet, kys.
How do we supposedly know a game had a modeled vagoo but don't know which?
You'd think such a thing would spread everywhere in like 0.3 femtoseconds.
This. I was a long time fan of Nintendo's first party IPs up until recently and while it's frustrating to see them do this, it's not at all unexpected. They couldn't even give seagull girl a thong in HWL, the fuckers
Kill yourself braindead nigger.
>They couldn't even give seagull girl a thong in HWL, the fuckers
She doesnt even wear a thong in WW.
kys, faggotron, I'm 1,000,000x as smart as you. Stay in school, beeyotch.