ITT: "Fuck you, I liked it."

ITT: "Fuck you, I liked it."

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>OP posts picture of cocks


Got platinum for it thrice, and kinda want to do it again.

Game mechanics are great. Dracula's Castle is great. Underbaked otherwise but still enjoyable.


is this literally the only site you visit

I agree tbqh.
Yeah some of the stages are embarassingly bad but using action replay to play through the levels at max difficulty is the only thing Megaman related that can ever give me a challenge anymore.

Best Ninja Turtles game in years.

Plus it has the best OST in the X series.

Totally dudders.

I unironically love X6



The hype ruined it.

I'd put 5 and 8 after 4 but yea, spot on.

>This doesn't even play like MGS
>It's not even canon
So what? It's fun

would've been 9/10 with local co-op

you can't play turtles over wifi, you need to be on the same couch with your bros and pizza


objectively wrong in every way imaginable

Bland storyline.
Bland characters.
Bland story missions.
Awful driving control.

And for some fucking reason, I liked it.

It's not that bad. Certainly better than X5.

Excellent game, Hero Mode with the Ganondorf amiibo is god tier.

Remove all neps.

I want to play this someday.


really why?

The first game is THAT bad?

I loved it aside from no couch co-op. It was so fun and I loved the art style.



At least it ain't x7

I enjoy playing it but I know it's shit. I find it annoying and the level design is bad and its riddled with horrible design decisions but I'll still play it every now and then.
I don't know what that means. I think it's a masochistic thing. Maybe I just enjoy the OST. Or maybe Hideofbeast's playthroughs inspired me to play through with unarmoured X and I found that challenge enjoyable.

Whatever. Fuck X6. I'll probably replay it later this year.


Deus Ex mankind Divided



But why?

If Capcom ever returns to the X-series like they did with MM (as if), I hope they go with the 32-bit aesthetic of the ps1 games instead of the SNES style.

Gameplay was enjoyable and graphics were good for PS2. Character design and writing was awful.

Not that OP but I thought it was a decent time waster. Terrible Crash game but decent on it's own merits.

Plus hearing Cortex call Nina a skank will never not be funny.

Well I guess I can respect that.
As long as as yall niggas didnt like mind over memes

God I honesty love this game, also shadow armor best armor

I heard the game was originally going to have a fully customizable armor system, hence why X's unarmored sprite was always under the armors. Shame the game had to be rushed but I guess no one was really going to pick up a ps1 game as late as 2002.

Haven't played that one. I like the box art, but it almost looks nothing like the Crash design used in the two games.



Got this for 3 bucks, I should at least try it. It's fun?


English dub only, was a pain to find, too. Tried undub but it makes the game too generic, the bad voice acting made it enjoyable.


This shit was annoying with it's rubberband mechanic

It wasn't too horrible if you pretended you weren't playing a Crash game

Mind over Mutant though was fucking disappointing and too damn short

Brawl. Unmodded.

Hey man, I'm with you

FEAR 2 was good. Now if your image was of F3AR, then it would be relevant to the thread.

>Character design and writing was awful.
I disagree
Tattoo Crash sucked but the rest of the character designs(especially Coco) were pretty good

Writing was hilarious and entertaining as is the case with most Crash games

That's just the boxart
In-game he looks exactly like in Crash of the Titans(garbage just like Tattoo Crash in CotT)

I hate what they did to Coco though
She had such a cute design in Crash of the Titans and they made her ugly as hell in Mind over Mutant

Funky little title. The artstyle was pretty good too.

40 hours and going

It's terrible but I enjoy it.


>but the rest of the character designs
I wish that would be true, just look at fucking Tiny