Are there video game genres you avoid?
Are there any games in those genres that are widely considered to be must-play vidya classics?
If so, why haven't you played them yet?
Are there video game genres you avoid?
I give jrpgs a try roughly once a year. Each time I'm reminded that I just plain don't enjoy them.
I avoided ARPG until I played Grim Dawn. I was bored very fast with PoE and Diablo 1. I didn't play Diablo 2 but maybe I will.
RTS and Starcraft
I simply can not get into RTS, those games work on an entirely different level than I'm on and every time I try to play one, I get wasted like on the third level.
The only RTS game I enjoyed was Dungeon Keeper and that's hardly an RTS.
Driving games
Sports games
go fucking play Mega Man X and Super Metroid right fuckin now
I would add that for some reason Grim Dawn became one of my favorite game ever.
First person shooters cause I have terrible reaction time
This and stealth games for me
Stealth games are an exercise in patience. It's a pain to play them.
Fighting games and the online aspect of RTS games. Im old and my reactions are shit, I havent the patience for this kind of stuff anymore and just play games for enjoyment, not to sit through a losing streak.
I'm really put off by first person shooters and the entire first person perspective in general.
I'll try Morrowind and Doom one of these days.
I used to just mash buttons when dicking around in fightan with friends until I actually tried playing street fighter 5 seriously
Fightan games
Fightan and sports just really bores me. Horror and platformers are something I dont have the patience for. Tried Shovel Knight and Mighty Switch Forces, ehh.
I don't think retarded nep and miku games are classics, so I think I'm good.
>Are there video game genres you avoid?
FPS, Moba and sport games.
>Are there any games in those genres that are widely considered to be must-play vidya classics?
I guess so. Doom, LoL, Madden maybe? I really don't give a fuck about those genres.
>If so, why haven't you played them yet?
I don't think there is a logical explanation. I find them simply boring and unappealing. However, there is an exception, which is tf2. I used to love it for its artstyle. Most fps are too realistic,I hate that.
diablo style games
I just dont fucking get them
Most fun I had with them was in torchlight 2 but the autistic modding community ruined it for me so I couldnt finish it
JRPGs are a pretty huge genre. I hated most of the ones I tried but found I love the Shin Megami Tensei and Etrien Odyssey games quite a bit. It's all about finding your own niche, don't keep trying different Dragon Quests or Breath of Fires if you played one and didn't like it.
Diablo-like games and platformers
SK is designed around you already having played a lot of platformers and MSF is designed around speedrunning
you should download ZSNES and follow 's advice
horror games
cause I'm fucking pussy
Any kind of slow paced time consuming strategy games especially the more serious grand strategy stuff. I'm sure I'd like them if I gave them a proper chance but I don't have the patience and prefer fast paced action games.
Fighting games. I'm awful at them, too many buttons confuse me. The only thing that I can play is Brawlhalla Also Mobas, because I just burned out on them, I quit LoL for a year twice now, with friends always convincing me to go back and when I am back and learn all the new things in a week it's the same boring shit all over again. It made me realize that 95% of fun in Mobas is bantz w/ m8s.
I've been trying to get into SRPGs for some time now. I've actually finished FFT, but I haven't had much success with Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea. Started the latter a few times already, but I always drop them at some point.
Weeb games
I know that feel. But somewhat, I learned that I manage to play horror games with a third persion point of view, like Silent Hill. First person horror games are a NOPE for me.
Horror, Grand Strategy, RTS, Mobas, cRPGs
JRPGs (aside from Pokemon, which has ruined my life), ASSFAGGOTS, and action RPGs. I blame not having a Playstation or stable internet access when I was younger; I was a Sega and PC kid.
It's surprising how many people on a weeb site have trouble getting into JRPGs.
1) mobas
2) not that I know of
there's probably a better emu out there now, but ZSNES used to be the shit
play SOMA. I'm a big puss and I loved that game. No jump scares, just a spooky atmosphere.
I avoid horror genre, i literally can't play those games for more than 20 minutes, sadly there are a lot of good games under that umbrella and im fucked.
Unless you count stuff like TF2 and Overwatch. Which I don't.
I was thinking more of some problems with gameplay, but I guess being a pussy is a valid reason as well.
MP games in general except for co-op with friends
Fighting games
Horrors because I'm a pussy
Sport games
JRPGs except for SMT and few others.
I have a ton of unplayed must-play classics in genres that I like, so why should I play games from genres that I don't like?
I'm absolute horseshit when it comes to flight sims.
I have Ace Combats 4, 5, and Zero sitting on my shelf and just can't bring myself to play them because of it.
TF2 and Overwatch are mobas as much as Quake is a moba. Not at all.
In that case also add to the list games like strategy games that aren't too casual (shit like Nobunaga's ambition), and games like Tohou
>Are there video game genres you avoid?
>If so, why haven't you played them yet?
I use to dig RTSs with StarCraft and AoE2 back when I was a young teenager, but with time constraints I can't sit down and play a long session like I used to.
I played a few MOBA games but I could never get into them. Time is also an issue, but the main reason is the cancerous playerbase. ASSFAGGOTS can keep their shitty genre.
>I use to dig RTSs with StarCraft and AoE2 back when I was a young teenager
Same, but were there any decent RTS games released recently?
I will never be able to enjoy turn based gameplay, so mosy jrpgs
SMT and FF I guess?
This also includes some crpgs like the new Torment game
I don't go near sports or racing games.
Or MMORPGs anymore.
Maybe if I had friends it'd be different but I just don't give enough fucks to make friends.
If you can learn a moba you can learn a fighting game.
Have you actually tried them? Ace Combat games are not proper flight sims at all, they're very simplified and arcade-like. I was able to beat AC4 when I was maybe 8 years old.
R u sure? Try metal gear, i never played a stealth game before metal gear. And qhile the gameplay is not a huge selling point, the story is phenomanal
roguelikes and sports games
Has any sports game ever been considered a must play though? I thought they were universally shat upon.
Not a big fan of puzzle games
if puzzles are mixed in with the rest of a game they're fine, but I usually avoid pure puzzler gameplay
I never played HL and Stalker because I find fps boring, doesn't matter if the AI is super polished or whatever and you're telling me you've played it for 2k hous because that's how good Stalker is.
Some arcadey ones maybe?I don't play them too.
Good stealth games is a excercise in control and speed.
Bad stealth games is shitty waiting games, with horrible movement mechanics.
Which is why I am glad Metal Gear is a action game with stealth mechanics, instead of being a sneaking simulator.
I always considered arcade games like NFL Blitz and NBA Jam easy to get into.
Don't know what sports games are like these days, Midway was really the only sport developer I liked, and they're dead now.
>Metal Gear is a action game with stealth mechanics, instead of being a sneaking simulator.
Not since 3.
Seconding this. I noped hard on all other previous Frictional games, but Soma was tame enough.
3 is more like a light survival simulator, than focusing more on stealth.
4 is sorta bog standard, like 1 & 2.
5 is OPEN WORLD WOho more than a focus on stealth.
3 really didn't make it more sneaking simulator.
There probably isn't a video game enthusiast out there who hasn't tried at least one FIFA or Sensible Soccer game.
That said, these aren't "must play" as much as "will have inevitably played."
Frictional games are just walking simulators with a light hint of horror.
True horror isn't achieved through atmosphere only, but through combination of many factors, including gameplay.
A monster in a video game isn't scary if it can be shot dead easily, but it also isn't scary when your only option is to run and hide. There should always be element of uncertainty to player actions, making them doubt their decisions.
I don't avoid genres, as I play basically every game. I just avoid specific games that are supposed to be good.
>Half-Life series
Not even going to try playing this, it looks boring to me and I've seen enough videos about it to not give it a try.
I loved playing FF8 but I never understood the FF7 hype and why it is supposed to be the best FF ever made, and I won't try.
>Basically most of those classic game that are the best games ever and I'm not a tru gaemr XD if I haven't played them. Most of them don't look anywhere near interesting to me.
any non linear open world game
MOBA - Just didn't seem fun or rewarding
Grand Strat - I'm retarded and I don't like micromanaging
RTS - I'm retarded and can't keep up with everything happening at once
MMOs - A friend burned me out super hard on WoW several years ago so now the concept of sitting around spamming a rotation or any other MMO "gameplay" concepts disgust me
The only sports game I played for more than a few minutes is Blades of Steel. Was never into football, real or computer games.
>I just avoid specific games that are supposed to be good.
Now I'm Sup Forums AS FUCK, but even I am not this retarded.
I mostly avoid turn-based RPGs hold for Pokémon games, which hold some nostalgic value to me.
Final Fantasy for example I have never been able to get into. They just feel like too much of a chore.
You're just being contrarian as fuck.
RTS, micromanagement is a complete lost cause for me.
Also I can barely keep interest in any FPS with the rare exception anymore, that is the embodiment of a genre destroying itself with oversaturation.
>avoid games just because they're highly popular
>A friend burned me out super hard on WoW several years ago
my friends left me to rot on a PvP server where my faction got outnumbered 1:20 because:"lel wow is for casuals" and I continued to play because it was fun
for years I played alone(while being made fun of for playing wow) on that server, it was a fun time but someday I just stopped playing. And now my friends started to play the new expac and tell me every moment how great it is to play with a bunch of friends and something inside me shattered. I don't know what but I'm just kinda sad for the last couple of weeks
>Frictional games are just walking simulators with a light hint of horror.
This wasn't the case with Penumbra and to a lesser extent Amnesia, there were actual puzzle elements at play in those. It wasn't until AMfP that they pretty much pissed all that away.
SOMA was also light on those, but it overcame that with the story and setting.
Skullgirls is my only real experience in the genre and it was just enough to make me realize I'm not willing to put enough work to make them fun. I get my dose of git gud out of my rhythm games and that's damn enough.
I also avoid MMOs on principle, I don't know if there's any "classic" that would make me change my mind.
Have you tried Layton? It's pretty fun
Layton games have their share of "that reminds me of a [unrelated] puzzle" as well.
There's a lot of dogshit. Just play Chrono Trigger, man. If you don't like that it's either because you outright despise Toriyama's artstyle or JRPGs aren't for you.
Metroidvanias. I tried playing Super Metroid 3 times and every time I was either bored or I just didn't like it. But it's not the game's fault, I am the problem. I never play horror games and that's a shame, I love psychological horror stories and I never played Silent Hill. I'd love to but I'm a huge pussy. Guess I'll play them someday
I don't play fighting games. I just, eh. I grasp that Street Fighter and Tekken and Mortal Kombat and whatever else are maybe great games, but I'm not good at them, and unlike with a hard RPG or a hard platformer, I'm just not all that interested in gitting gud. Not sure why I'm that way, but.
They look like really shit action games. I hate how the attacks don't look like they connect to anything, it's just an animation that plays as damage is calculated per second or something, like fucking WoW or something.
And the gameplay looks ridiculously complex for the amount of depth it offers. I generally hate when games can only achieve depth through sheer complexity.
I don't really like strategy games either to be honest, I don't like how the entire genre is basically about severe micromanagement through a terrible interface. It's not even something actual generals do, no CO individually tells every solder what to do all the time.
Advance Wars is good shit tho.
You can play 3 in it's entirety just ramboing shirtless with a shotgun.
Yeah, that's what I said. Setting and story is charming, good difficulty curve on puzzles (I'm not a smart person so that's obviously very subjective), they're pretty varied even after a bazillion entries, and you can always cheap your way out of the "bullshit" puzzles with coins, but that's a bit of a meme, I personally never had a real problem with them.
fighters are good 'party' games, playing them alone is rather boring.
Strategy, fighting games, sports games, MOBAs, MMOs, JRPGs, online shooters and platformers. Honestly most vidya genres are trash.
>being 8 whenAC4 came out
DRPG, VN, ASSFAGGOTS, sports. Fuck that garbage.
I guess indies, if thats even a genre.
Most of them are made by talentless hacks who fap to 8-bit retro games, dye their hair, are hardcore SJWs and beg for shekels on patreon.
I don't want to give my money to people who will shit on me for being a white guy.
This isn't about what genres are shit according to your opinion.
It's about what GOOD games you can't get into, because of their genre.
Ace Combat 04 came out in 2001.
I'm almost 22.
Fightings (requires too much time to get good)
Survival Games (too boring to play)
ASSFAGGOTs (not satisfying to play)
RTS (I can't keep up with controlling my base, my units and everything else)
Sports games
As I said, I couldn't bring myself to play them. I'll start on 4 after I finish Persona 3.
Maybe not genres, but avoid games most games where are dragons or swords or mechs.
So this easly collect all genres and settings I don't like and I don't need reviews or ecelebs what is worth playing.
I also don't like WWII besides RO2.
>no dragons
>no swords
>no mechs
What DO you play?
>Are there video game genres you avoid?
multiplayer games
They all bore me to tears.
I don't buy any match-based multiplayer games. Every single time I've tried them I've noticed that I play a few matches, start to understand the mechanics, and get bored of it once I do. They're just not worth spending money on for me.
The only genre I could never set a foot in are the fighting games.
It's a shame because I like the idea and everything but they're kind of an arcade genre and to find some people who actually play them, I'd probably have to travel way further than just a country or two.
It sucks because my favorite genre are RTS and fightig games are the closest relatives to them with so many things mirrored between both of them.
This for me too, the highest level of RTS i've ever been able to appreciate was age of empires
Nowadays? FPS and Mobas
FPS are all shit after 2004.
Mobas are just not fun they make you rage and general 90% you play with people you don't want to play with.
You should try Spacechem.
OP didn't specify that though.
Fighting games then. Too time consuming to master, and otherwise not very fun to play.
>Are there video game genres you avoid?
Platforming games and horror games.
>Are there any games in those genres that are widely considered to be must-play vidya classics?
>If so, why haven't you played them yet?
Because I don't like them.
I've played plenty of platformers in the past, but not one of them was actually fun to me, so I don't see the point in wasting more time on them.
Same with horror games. None of them are actually scary, unless you're one of those Youtube faggots who think overreacting to cheap jump scares is the epitome of horror. And none of them have actually enjoyable gameplay to make up for the fact that they fail at their main goal.