FFXV (New CG trailer in 13 hours)

What are your expectations?

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>caring about this turd of a game


i expect a trailer that will make me cry.

How do you know it's a CG trailer?

>CG trailer

I'll wait for gameplay.

>Ike Garysue poster
End yourlsef.

>more trailers

I feel like I've already played the entire game.

It's going to be the opening cinematic or a cg Trailer because the cover is CG not in game. Noctis is alone without his bro with airships in the background.

The trailers don't spoil the game.

The songs do.



Tabata like the switch.

25fps 540p no grass no shadows version of FFXV confirmed


I don't have any. This game looks really bad.

who fucking cares

I care and that's not true.

>Noctis by himself
Alright how do the other 3 die?

Why do you even do this. Do you have nothing else to do?

Clearly I do. If you don't, it's not like anyone is forcing you to be in this thread.

Will FF15 Turn Final Fantasy into a fully Action RPG? Are the future FF going to use the same battle system or be ARPG as well?

who fucking cares

FF7 Remake confirms FF is dead.

>13 hours

Come back then. No need for a thread about it now you autistic cunt.

11 hours now actually!

Eh, why? It's going to sell like hotcake. The vidya has over 14milliion view: youtube.com/watch?v=Kznek1uNVsg

They're creatively depleted. This XV shitshow is further proof of that. Even 13 was.

hopefully no. I don't want this to be like Kingdom heart.

CGI trailer it is

Nothing good.

Did you fall in love with this 2d girl or what? I see it posted a lot of time. Luna is much better than her.

I don't know who she is but Luna isn't better than anything.

>announcement is something really beautiful
>people should look forwards to it
stella and old regis design confirmed?

>people still think this is yda


Tabata and Nomura 69 dick live on stream

Very unlikely. Though there's a possibility that the clothes from Versus (trash can bag Noctis or maybe Jpop Stella outfit) will be in the game.


Her face is stupid.

Something about it is really off putting.


I'm male and she has manlier hands than me


Don't even bother giving him/them (You)s

Moogle trailer looked really fucking good. There is no RPG out there with battles as dynamic and big.

just like the ps4 version ;^)

I want a 5-7 minute trailer showing some mindblowing set pieces.

literally asian face with white skin and blonde hair

it really is weird as fuck - the mouth especially

hi xv-kun

>There is no RPG out there with battles as dynamic and big

The Last Remnant did it first, and did it better.


I want to see a CGI clip of her. Hopefully, it's in the Omen trailer. I think there was a leak that they're supposed to present a video called "Omen" at Gamescom which has the Leviathan boss fight + trailer but it didn't end up happening due to the delay of the game. So she might be there.

what's wrong with her mouth

>(insert name) trailer looked really fucking good
how do people fall for marketing like this?
do they read this and think to themselves, "oh gee he sure is right, I better shape my opinion based on what someone else thinks"?

Still better than her Kingsglaive look where it looks like she's physically ill.

Just fucking stop with the trailers holy shit, there was a time when there's was not enough info about it, now it's just overload, they seriously need to stop.

>any postivie response is xv kun

Fuck off

Last remenant was turn based wasn't it?

It does look good though, if I was trying to market I could have expanded much more. You're a fucking autist.



this tbqh, tabata(shit) tier trailers released every month of a shitter version of what could have been.

At least she looked like an actual person in it.

This so much. Even with the gameplay. The more I see, the more dull it looks.

>"I drive"

Then stop watching them. Better than fucking western devs that barely show anything and make it all vague as possible, this shit is the gold standard.

What's so great about it?

Doesn't look so great that he auto-dodges all those goblins.

I'd prefer the vague approach over this over-saturation.

His MP probably went to shit after that

not really considering he could still warp out

this game is baby-tier shit

>gold standart
There's a difference between being transparent about your development and throwing out new scans, trailers, gameplay videos, interviews, screenshots etc every 48 hours

Stop watching them and just go off main trailer + rreviews than you fucking children. How can people complain about knowing too much about a potential $60 purchase? This is how it should be.


It was an upgraded dodge roll


Kill yourself you illiterate moron.

We have the right to shit on their marketing tactics.

I'm not saying that i don't want them to spoil me or some shit
Their marketing strategy is still all over the place for this game, they just pump out random shit as much as they can because the fanboys can't ge a day without new info

>How can people complain about knowing too much

You're right. We need to be sick of the combat, enemies, and environments before buying the game. Genius!


the gay floral pattern ruins it

Holy shit you must be 18 to post on this board. "Than" is right in that sentence.

>shitting on good marketing that informs buyers on their purchases, so they can adequately make a decision.

>I'm a child who can't control myself

I haven't even watched half of the content they have put out, there's no reason to. But it's there and I've seen enough to know I want it. But that's right you like just taking the words of companies because you're a fucking cuck.


why the fuck are there so many trailers

>"Than" is right in that sentence

square enix are litteraly going all in on this game.

I never said i won't watch it you retard. Do you even read posts before you reply to them
>good marketing
You can have good marketing without 50 trailers, 100 hours of gameplay, 200 scans, a release date event that was a waste of money and prequel books, movies and anime

>Stop watching them and just go off main trailer + rreviews than you fucking children

This is not right. Stupid fuck.


>all in

You mean all out.

Why the fuck are XV fanboys so illiterate?

I wasn't listing actions you dumb fuck, I was comparing you to children. The "than" is right, maybe you should have paid attention in highschool instead of talking shit on Sup Forums like an ignorant faggot.

Can't wait for the Joey Fatone playable character preorder bonus!

No, you meant to say then. Stop being retarded.

more like on the trailers

this is legitimately giving me MGSV vibes

>not maining based Lance Bass

>and just go off main trailer + rreviews than you fucking children

Please go back to school.


Not an argument.

dude I meant it like in poker, you know going all in?
Dont be so quick to judge when you dont know what someone is talking about retard.

It's funny because if it was "then" the sentence would have read "you fucking children" as an action, which is what Benoit did to his.

You're an illiterate dickhead, and most likely the same guy who can't differentiate then and than.

When you talk about them going crazy with trailers and publicity, you say they're going all out. Going all in is only ever used in gambling. That's why when someone keeps baiting in threads you say he's going all out.

XV-fans have such low IQ, which isn't surprising.

How much of the fucking game are they going to show? God damn they may as well as relesse a video walkthrough of the whole game on youtube

Theres like 40 trailers, 5 demos, a movie and anime to set up story, items and moogles and chocobos.shown off, tons of gameplay videos (many over 1 hour). They even let some press play the first 5 chapters or 15 hours or whatever.

I havent watched hardly any of it but i know the Sup Forums austismos saw it all and will say the game is disappointing (oh look they already have been for fucking months cyz ebertibg is shit xD) since theyve seen the whole gane already

>God damn they may as well as release a video walkthrough of the whole game on youtube

There are already hour long playthroughs, kek.

Man, first of all what is your problem? Why do you assume im a XV fanboy by what I have said?

Secondly, trailers cost money, having a sponsored car costs money, all of this is marketing is a gamble in general.
Both terms are fine, calm down.

The funny thing is if you looked it up you would see how wrong you are, yet you act like an arrogant piece of shit without checking your shit.

She's probably a Eurasian like Noct.

>if you looked it up

You needed to look it up?

Fucking kek.

Also how am I wrong? Go ahead, I'll wait.

Eurasians don't look that weird.

I looked it up to confirm to myself that you were indeed wrong and a stupid prick. I already explained how you were wrong, you didn't pay attention because you're only interesting in sprawling your greasy fingers as fast as you can over your keyboard. Kill yourself.

>I looked it up


>I already explained how you were wrong

No you didn't. You're mistaking going all in with going all out, and you're still confused.

Just accept your mistake you fucking baby.

>I looked it up

You're know you're just showing how misinformed you are by saying this right?

>XV thread
>turns into an english class

Yeah... Talk to you guys later before the PGW stream starts.