Will you still play shantae games even when she goes through her emophase?

Will you still play shantae games even when she goes through her emophase?

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It's NOT a phase

I love Shantae no matter what. She's the best.

based Shants. Love you kiddo


Can someone photoshop emo-Shantae brown? Brow-emo is better than white emo.

And I like her animu phase a bit better

I'd mating press emo Shantae so hard.

How would emo shantae dance? What kind of animals would she turn into?

I want to pound her asshole while she writes bad poetry.

I'd play a Shantae game with her going through a Murrikan phase

she just looks like a mish-mash between her design and zone-sama

I want to ____ that Emo Genie.

I have never played a Shantae game.

Gee I thought that was Zone-tan for a sec.

Would impregnate.

I will "play" with her "games" for sure ;^)

>people thinking it's a skull
It's an octopus.


Explain further

When does the new game come out?

What did he mean by this?

You lost me.

>thought scene/emo girls were annoying when I was in high school
>they're gone and I only now realize how fucking hot they were

Rotty is the emo
Risky is grungy
Sky is thrash metal
Shantae is glam rock

Prove me wrong

Attractive, sure. Most of the time, they aren't the kind of girls you'd want to pursue a relationship with. There are exceptions, of course.

Like emo guys that dress like scene girls

>that shantae/risky flash

I'd still kill to be with a scene girl at any rate. Pale skin and dark hair is the best thing

>shantae/risky flash
the ass licking one?

Does it look like either of them is ass licking in the pic? I know it's cropped but come on, son.

>removing Shantae's delicious brownness.

hey man, i tried googling and all i came up with is one where risky is licking shantae's ass while she squirts.

If there are others pls point the way

she wasn't even brown until later in RR's development


so is this shit coming out or not?
first they say september then october then november now december too we dont have a specific release date

My counter argument
Besides looks pretty brown. And of course she looks better and more defined as the art style improved

>Patreon gated



gonna need a source on that senpai

So long as she continues to be voiced by Christina Vee, then sure.

there's a new one?

Isnt that just the hentai flash girl?

Emo is my #1 fetish. I want to create a virus that bleaches everyone's skin and turns their hair black.
Then I will do something else for the rest of it.
Then I win.

patreon - peachypop34

now I can paywall shame

>Trying to find it
>Find Paper Peach things instead


that's it?
jesus, the shad one is better than that

>that's it?
lol you dumb faggot. obviously I can't post the fill thing.

You give yourself some wholly unrealistic virologist magic but can't think of a step 2.


Oh but you can

switch can't to won't then. The file is on sfwchan. that's as much as you get.

That looks like more of a decent tan and not really "brown"

S-she's fast

>look up shantae
>nothing showing up

Why the massive breasts, looks bad.

Yeah, let me just go to this hot site with ads that pretend to be malicious but really just make whatever browser window I'm on unusable


use adblock


You don't find it on swfchan. I've been there the past fucking 40 minutes and found nothing

Jesus what is that?

not him but I found one by searching "risky"

I barely like playing her games as is. They're pretty mediocre.

No good. Maybe it's just because my adblock is out of date, but these garbage ads are able to get around it.

oh wait
it's just shad's flash
my bad

>Using Adblock

I'll spoonfeed. use uBlock

emma watson, she's an actress

Not that I don't take your word for it, but why would I use this blocker I've never heard of over ABP?

No that fucked up penis looking thing in the background

>He hasn't heard of uBlock Origin

OK suit yourself. I tried to help for once. Back to protocol.

kys etc.

i dont understand your question

I was literally just asking why, I was gonna' give it a shot, I just want to know how it's going to block the ads that ABP isn't on a site like swfchan.

Because ABP has been selling access to companies to bypass their block.

Only reason to use Adblock is if you're intimidated by custom parameters and prefer a user friendly interface. U is also less resource-heavy. Also, big companies pay ABP to prevent blocks on certain sites.
It really doesn't block much.
Nigger, that's a sunburnt foot.

That is a foot.

I'm aware that ABP is a big fuckin sellout, but I was under the impression that it sold out to providers that actually had money, not some asshole who programmed an ad that pretends to be malware then pops up a dialogue telling you to call a number and give it your credit card info

Oh well. I'll let uBlock have a go at it.

>not some asshole who programmed an ad that pretends to be malware
Money is money, user.

Emma Watson, she's an actress

I'm aware.

Either way, uBlock's not doing the job, either. I don't know how swfchan's getting around it, but these same irritating windows are finding ways to pop up on my web browser. Guess I'll avoid swfchan for the time being.

When are they finally going to draw more emo shanty?

>GBC sprites


Literally perfect female body.

swfchan allows you to search by categories you goober
just go to the search and put "dickgirl" in the category section and it'll be on the first page
t. anime pro


>be 17
>new emo freshman
>she can actually hold a discussion
>nice hygiene
>not a totally typical "emo" attitude
>realize I'm 17 bout to hit 18 in half a year

And that was the die love died


Post the best image in your folder and I will

Go to swfchan.org and look for Shantae.

That won't work because the title is misspelled

I wish I could be Shantae and flaunt my sexy brown booty.

>Risky's facial expressions
Main thing I got off to.

That's where it starts, then it gradually devolves into Sequin Land Runs A Train On Shantae

There you go.

Oh god he's right and now I can't unsee it

Genie magic is amazing

I wouldn't mind being Shantae and letting cute Anons run a train on me.

That's good, you wouldn't be getting much else done

Sounds really fun.



pls more monkey

I forgot how good the music is.

