So can we all agree that 2016 has been pretty good so far?

So can we all agree that 2016 has been pretty good so far?

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Somehow worse than 2015.

>I really, really liked
underaged b&

Not even close mate, I'm 25.
2015 was pretty good too tho tbqh

Yes but your taste is shit

It's a 10/10 year for sure

It's been pretty weak to me sadly.

Never Heard of "furi" i just looked it up and it looks fun, i think i may buy it at the next steam sale.

Any advice/recommandation from other players ?

It's a pure bossrush game that plays sort of like a mashup of a bullet hell twinstick shooter and a top down hack & slash game.

Fantastic music, great boss design, surprisingly decent story, and a higher difficulty mode that actually makes things harder instead of just inflating HP values. It's a great game with decent replayability.

God, what a shit year, and what a shit taste

It's been great.
Next year looks even better

>a shit taste
Wow, people who decry the current state of the industry are retarded? What a surprise!


Fuck me, its gorgeous but its so ridiculously repetitive I cant finish it.
Im at the last character and just cant be fucked to go through the motions anymore.

Thank you!

Yeah, the one flaw they didn't fix with the update was how repetitive it could be.

I took a break after the first three and then finished off the rest while still having a blast, but it's dumb as fuck that the game made me feel the need to do so.

>I'm 25!
more like 15, since you had to give us your "real" identity as an argument.
Let's face it, you failed that thread from the start, you little casual shitstain. you can get those "naughty gods" and "brothesda" back to your mom's facebook page.

You sure do seem upset about something, user.

Isn't rabi ribi just weeb garbage?

it looks like it at first glance but when you actually play it, it's easily the best metroidvania in years


No this year has been fucking shocking lad. I only game I truly enjoyed was DS3 and even that was pretty weak.

I agree with you aside from SMT, Fates, and ZTD, although the last two were disappointing.

So how is Shiren? I opted to get One Way Heroics instead, did I make the wrong choice?

Can't say for sure since I've never played OWH but I fucking loved Shiren. It's easily the best one in the series.

>very good

shit list

You're right, it should be under great.

Fuck off ACfag.

That's clearly not ACfags list

>Overwatch in Very Good
Your taste is shit, but overall I agree, this has been a wonderful year in gaming.

It's the same format but it's not his list.
His list has stupid obscure indieshit all over the top, anything even resembling armored core at the tip top, and everything else like 4/10 and lower.

You're the first person I see besides classicvania faggots who dislikes metroidvanias.

It also has no unreleased games or autistic rants on it

Doom is shit, why the fuck do you have to do a fucking QTE everytime you kill anything,

You don't

Was Shiren that good?

It's fantastic

I think your forgot about the BEST game of 2016
No Man's Sky

Just shoot them.

>one button is a QTE now
Why does every game require me to perform a QTE to move forward? The character should just continually move forward until I press the 'stop moving' button.

I agree with you on most of these except FE:Fates and Darkest Dungeon, I found those pretty good. Also you played Superhot, you got a VR headset? Cause outside of VR it plays like a silly browser game.

Also Sup Forums likes to be a contrarian so whatever anyone says it's good(unless it's old, obscure or anime related) they're gonna say it's shit

Doom is not 10/10, 7/10 max.

I'd give it an 8 desu.

It's at least an 8

I was planning to find some time to play Zero Time Dilemma, are you telling me my time would be better spent with another game time

How about take-downs in Deus Ex HR? are those QTEs too? shut your fucking face

Not him but I thought it was legitimately shit as well

It's still a good game.

I didn't really like the ending, but the rest of the game was amazing for the most part.


>Not good


Old XCOM had fucking tactics, the new one is 100% RNG.

>Great tier

>Very good tier

>Bad tier

I legitimately hate you.

Sorry for your shit taste

>le rng memay
>le old xcom is better memay

The RNG is completely manageable and in no way affects the tactical depth of the game negatively, if anything it's superior thanks to it adding a risk element to engaging targets from range rather than merely having a binary yes/no system deciding whether or not you can hit them - and vice versa.

Fates is dogshit

>The RNG is completely manageable
>in no way affects the tactical depth of the game negatively
no way
>if anything it's superior
Now I know you're trolling.

>not addressing my argument

Now I know YOU'RE trolling.


Darkest Dungeon Meh Tier
Fuck You.

Right, let's look at some facts

>the only new IP in the last 7 years that SOLD 20m+
>responsible for the term "hero shooter"
>so successful copycats already exist
>revolutionized team based multiplayer
>one of the very few new games with active e sport crowd/coverage

If you think it's shit you're literally delusional

>the only new IP in the last 7 years that SOLD 20m+
Objectively incorrect

Well, prove it

>all this waifu bait
>ratchet remake


Minecraft released in 2011 and has sold more than 100,000,000 units for starters.

Even the alpha only began in 2009.

>for starters
Nice nitpicking but the only "game" that beats it IS minecraft

And it was first playable in 2009 so it exists since then, that's the 7 years

but let's say you're right and OW is the best selling new IP only in the last 5 years

Doesn't really change the fact that it's BY FAR the most influential game this year, nothing even competes

>moving the goalposts

Overwatch was first playable in 2015 so it exists since then.

Ergo, it's not the most influential game released this year - and if you include games from prior years, many more are far more influential than it.

You beat Enter The Gungeon? Prove it faggot

>fallacy fallacy

You tried to undermine the impact of OW you failed miserably, deal with it

BTW just to blow your mind, Overbotch is the only new AAA game that sold 20m+ since the Sims (2000), and the only 20 million + NEW IP first person shooter since the original Doom basically lol

open beta started in may this year

according to your logic minecraft was playable from the first time fat fuck notch run it on his computer

ANybody who thinks that 2016 is a shitty year for videogames is just really bitter in the first place.

Dark Souls 3 was good. Furi was good. XCOM 2 was good. DOOM was good. Overwatch was good.

That's already way more games than we got in 2013.

yet it can't even pass SF5 or Melee in tournament views, despite being so succesful

So stupid, if Melee tournament views are below fucking League of Legends that means it's a flop?

what is false equivalence m80000

no, but the post i replied to said OW has a active e sport crowd, despite the fact that it can't even pass SF5, a game that is considered a failure

I came here to see how many people would be bitching about fh3 being up there because they can't comprehend racing games, and surprisingly no one is bitching. Is Sup Forums getting better?

probably not [\spoiler]

except it didn't sell 20m copies

nobody gives a shit about racing games same as nobody gives a shit about FIFA or madden releasing every year

i have no idea how successful SF5 is, but it's strange that according to you it can muster up numbers bigger than this and is a failure as well, w/e

yet OW can't even break 200k in tournament views.
guess it's what happens when you forget to add depth to your game.

Goddamn, you're fucking retarded. I'm so sick of having to explain this every day to every single retard I see.
Here, look at your shitty site. See the Overwatch row? Okay, now click on the "24" next to it. That way you'll arrive at the citation, a citation is what the editor of the article a random retarded person on the internet just like you used to write it. Now click on the link, let's see what it leads to
>It's worth noting this means there are 20 million registered Overwatch accounts, not necessarily that the game has sold 20 million copies.
Hmm, how interesting! Could this mean that the article is wrong? Let's think about it!
>Overwatch more popular than LoL in Korea
>10% of the Korean population plays league
>Korea has a population of 50 million people
Huh, that means more than 5 million people in Korea alone play Overwatch!
What's that? Overwatch is FREE in Korea?

Now kill yourself

Right you seem pretty salty, but Blizzard never released official sales numbers so people can only assume based on numbers they DO have and the number of accounts is a pretty good indicator since it's a pay2play game

BUT, since all you do is nitpicking PROVE me that it sold less than 20 million if you can

I just fucking did you moron
you retarded fucking idiot

the first really big OW tournament will start oct 29, until we see how many people watch that one whatever you say is pretty irrelevant, the game is less than a year old, the street fighter franchise is almost 30 lol

your only argument that playerbase =/= sales, but first of all you have no idea how big is the playerbase and no one knows the ACTUAL sales number

The educated guess is that it did sold more than 20m

>fucking did you moron you retarded fucking idiot

lol chill out kiddo

You're completely fucking retarded, even spoonfed with links and evidence you completely ignore reality.
I hope for your sake you're just pretending to be retarded.

>even spoonfed with links and evidence
except you didn't

>anything other than "ok, normal, mediocre"
its the definition of nublizzard games

oh wait, you are a tasteless pleb who is also probably american