My Summer Car #3247625439
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Refueling the shitsuck truck is the underwater timed escort level of this game.
Any tips on getting the exhaust on?
the checkmark is somewhere around the handbrake, pray to god it stays on when you click on it and tighten the 3 bolts, 2 at the engine, 1 at the back. Also only put the muffler on AFTER the exhaust pipe.
Make sure the car is entirely over the pit. If the front is past the pit, it becomes much harder to put the exhaust on.
Found the spot before, but it just immediately jumped off.
Oh maybe I'm too far back then, I'll try moving it.
>decide to buy a lot of stuff so i dont have to resupply again
>save game the check if inventory restocks
>it does
>the first shopping bag exploded in the van during saving
Jesus fucking christ
Why don't people flip the car on the side, it's much easier and does barely any damage if you do it gently.
Is this game any good for actually learning a bit about cars?
>almost finished building the car
>fall and drown in this guys' shit tank
Just started playing, any non alcoholic drinks or do I have to deal with my screen constantly shakeing
ei sinappia/5
You have to literally put together an engine from the block up as well as most other parts of the drivetrain.
You'll get basic understanding on how cars work.
I hope you have good mouse.
Can you save besides the toilet bowl at home?
Milk, or tap water if you are at home.
Its pretty good.
>non alcoholic drinks
>this guy slaps your girlfriends ass
what do?
If you take your car to the repairman, can he tune your carburetor? I can only get my car to 40 km/h before my gear stick downshifts into what I think is neutral.
I just got my car back from the repair shop's full service and it runs really well but it STILL WONT MOVE.
I dont understand what could be wrong. is it possible to assemble the clutch set in the wrong order or something?
im definitely sure im not missing any parts and I cant find any loose bolts.
I also have all the fluids
>that urine level
isn't the answer obvious
Guy who's never driven a car before here, I don't even know what a carburator or alternator is, or if even alternator applies to cars
any good resources for learning at least the lingo?
You can save at any shitter one is behind the store and one is behind the repair shop somewhere
I guess the best way to explain it would be that the game does a good job of showing you the "how" but not the "why". Like, you have to fuck with the carburettor for it to run optimally, but you don't really find out why apart from "otherwise the car won't run properly"
yeah, the words that pop up on the screen when you look at objects.
You can clip through the motor if you crouch on it.
I found some loose bolt like that
Ive been doing that for like 2 hours and I cant find any, only thing I can think of is that I have the clutch messed up somehow but I dont think you can mess up the assembly
change gear
>ywn impregnate the Satsuma
I want to build a sauna now
>car won't take brake fluid
>have no brakes aside from handbrake
>already screwed in everything perfectly, including the four bolts at each wheel
Any help? I'm out of ideas. Car runs perfectly fine, except for not being able to brake.
Those are filled with methane that makes you pass out.
I didn't get mine to run yet so i can't help.
>That one kid who would clip through his car to fix it
Oh my god memes are coming true on all boards
Generally, you don't actually drown in shit like you would in water. You become intoxicated by the fumes, pass out, and then drown.
>actually learning how to swim
Has anyone made a playlist yet?
what does Sup Forums use to convert .mp3's into .ogg's?
>find random house in bottom right corner of map while delivering firewood
>said house has a sewage tank lid
>carefully take off cover and try to peer down inside
>drunk as fuck because woodshed alcohol, so I fall in and die
>"Man found dead in septic tank" headline
10/10 goty
You must have a screw missing. Bear in mind that the brake line is tightened both to the reservoir, and the engine, follow the lines and ensure all connections are tight. Then it should hold the fluid.
I really need help with this one
VLC is quite bother some tool when comes to this, but then again, you can convert a whole file of mp3 to .ogg using powershell
okay, I can't fucking turn this car on, there's no key to turn
also how do I kill mosquito and just suck it out from youtube straight into the folder.
Audacity if you want to do it like a pro and manipulate the song size.
Why does this one dude produce so much shit?
how to own music in this game? i put some mp3 in the radio folder but it doesnt work
You need ogg.
I have no idea where the missing connection is.
I followed the lines all the way:
>two to the front wheels
>one to the engine
>two to the trailing arms in the rear
>and every bolt holding it in place on the wall.
It says it has some fluid, but it just won't fill up.
Yeah there's a bottle of water in the woodshed you can use
Convert the music file to .ogg. Also name all the tracks 'track1.ogg' 'track2.ogg' etc
Then in game make sure to check import music in the options
>crashed van, no way to get it back
>drink all my beer and pass out
>get back home
My life depends on that little shitbox now.
ok i get it, thanks
it has to be in .ogg format
and you have to rename to "track1" and the second track would be "track2" etc.
you know you can just tow it out from the ditch with the tractor?
Milk is ridiculously good because it decreases your hunger by quite a bit and you can drink from the water taps in your house. But yeah, is prime advice and you should experience it.
Well, that's 62% true, so yeah, basically a bottle of water.
>had my car flipped on its side thanks to the shitty tractor
>stays there as I work on the car, surprisingly convenient
>suddenly starts to spin real slow
>physics engine for some reason is registering the car as crashing into something
>massive dents all over
Don't be fooled.
You actually can swim. It's weird, you just walk through the water (not even any splashing sound effects) but are robbed off your crouches.
Needs to be continued on the end
>make a backup of your save folder
>start a new game
>take meshsave.txt from new save and copy it to backup folder
>move backup folder back
and there you go, a car free of dents
how the fuck do I start
>one car is completely empty
>the other won't start, a meter is empty, water or oil, no fucking idea
>mosquitoes hate me
what the fuck do I do
Oh cool, I was gonna start a new game but that could work nicely. It reminds me of Subnautica's keeping your base between updates.
I'm in my mid twenties, I just have no fucking excuse
my country has a really good public transportation system
Only the car you build starts off empty. Every single other vehicle has a half tank of fuel, infinite coolant, oil and brake fluid, and on top of that they're completely indestructible. The pedovan, poopmobile and tractor are diesels so they're really cranky when cold, either let the glow plugs work their magic for a while or just grind it till it starts.
millenials are in their early to mid twenties you dumb millenial kiddo
technically you can be very early 30s and still be millennial
Video I threw together after a recording a buddies session. He just did this and then I found it in footage later. I was out of the room when it happened.
Actually got the project car working today as well, then it fucking overheated and blew up, no idea what the problem is, I have another video of that going up, if anyone cares.
I thought about doing a walkthrough of the engine and car build, me and my friend are car dudes in real life so maybe we could help some people out with a guide.
>Posted this in old thread, did not realize we had migrated.
Thank you.
What is a glow plug?
Seems like it's a catch-all buzzword then if it applies to people in their 30s
If you set meshsave.txt as read-only any dents will be auto-fixed. Repair joints will go bankrupt.
people say 1981 is the start of the millennial generation, and i dunno i guess i'm pretty millennial desu senpai.
It is.
So its agreed that My Summer Car is GOTY of 2016, right?
Diesel doesn't have spark plugs. It combusts purely by pressure. Glow plugs provide initial heat and are used to help start the engine.
Kek, even better. I'll have to overwrite my save first though to get the fresh meshsave back.
>born 1994
>Strayan though
>because we were so behind the times pre-2005, it's almost as though I was born much earlier
I think I might not have impressed how little I know about cars. Also my first language isn't english so the little I know isn't applicable. I guess I'll google it.
the louder the engine is the faster it goes
It's not really relevant. Just go in the pedomobile, turn the electricity on, wait a few seconds and turn the keys while giving it fuel via the pedal.
>not bringing the boombox with you
What the fuck man
Oh wait, this car is diesel? I wonder if he'll add petrol engine too
and consumes fuckton of fuel
= not beneficial
Bigger gear with lower rpm better than smaller gear with a higher rpm
>and turn the keys while giving it fuel via the pedal.
I'm stuck there, is it w+mousewheel maybe? I haven't been able to use or even see keys at all
how the fuck do i remove this 20fps lock I have? and how do I get rid of this annoying mosquito sound
check left side of a wheel with Q
The project car and the loan car you can get from the mechanic are gas, the pedovan, septic truck and tractor are diesel
The ignition lock is on the left side of the steering column, you have magic keys. To turn on the power, click the ignition, to crank it hold it until it starts.
Van and shit vacuum are diesel. Your summer car is normal petrol.