Anyone on Sup Forums sorta hyped for this game? Not shilling or anything, but it's from the developers who made E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy which is a Sup Forums favorite for a reason. It does look good although I haven't seen gameplay only screenshots.
Ayden Morris
I'm hyped just because I played Vermentide and that was a solid game. I prefer 40k too so theres that. Is there an exact release date?
Easton Rogers
"November 2016"
hopefully releases soon
Dylan Cook
I have a similar outlook. Although eternal crusade has made me keep my hypeness to a low simmer. I loved the game play in vermintide and the feel of the weapons. So hoping for more of the same but with a more technically advance grim darkness.
Aaron Campbell
There's gameplay out there, user. Just look for it on YouTube. It looks really fun and I am stoked for it. I'm also a WH40K slut, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Mason Russell
The lack of new information and gameplay videos makes me wanna brace for disappointment.
Nathan Richardson
This is a shill post.
Robert Rodriguez
I was a good goy and pre-ordered it, the steam store told me November 24th
Jordan Robinson
Can someone sell this game to me? All I know that it's some L4D clone.
Sebastian Miller
Hey, did you like L4D?
Jack Sanchez
Sure, both L4D games. Payday the Heist was meh. Never checked its sequel nor Evolve.
Juan Phillips
There I just sold the game to you.
Luke Morgan
Not really. I mentioned Payday, its sequel and Evolve for a reason.
Samuel Bennett
There's a chance it might not be a left4dead clone. Apparently the french interviews mention they put a lot of work into the single-player campaign--something we know Valve/Turtle Rock didn't put any effort into their campaigns. Shit, the first game didn't even have any consistency in the campaign. Every map was based off a zombie poster an artist drew, fuck having any "plot" or "narrative"!
it may end up being another WH40k Space Marine. If it stays true to Warhammer lore then they all die because that's what Death Hulk is all about though, it's like Ravenloft, the whole point is simply to see how long you can survive (you NEVER can win)
Wyatt Sanchez
E.Y.E only became a Sup Forums favorite after it was out for a while, and was reduced less than a jude in 1943.
Just brace for it to be cluncky, machine translated and some what nonsenceacle while the core shooty game play is a perfectly polished coprolite.
Also for it to be a bitch to host games and melee to have an awful desync for non hosts.
Oliver White
You play as a Librarian on the SP mode, and apparently there are "cutscenes" (Visions because psyker) the devs said its very heavy on lore/story wise
Joshua Fisher
This is a genuine question not meant to start shit. Do people actually like the armors in Warhammer 40k?
Xavier Gray
Well it looks autistic So yeah it works well to people with autism. WAAGGAHAHQE FOR LE EMPEROR XddDD
Christopher Murphy
They hace a nice aesthetics to it
Charles Long
I could say the same with 40kids
Parker Ward
>he doesnt like PAULDRONS
Robert Brooks
its narrative and campaign focused, not multiplayer focused. although it does support 4 person coop obviously
Owen Young
have* I dun goofed
Gabriel Ortiz
Not even close to being enough info about this game for me to pay for it.
The videos I have seen are also low fps garbage that looks like it was rigged up in editing software. Makes me wonder if the game is even in good enough of a state to be released.
I'm expecting hot garbage, as is the case with a lot of wh40k games.
Jack Jones
Can't say I'm all that hyped about Deathwing itself. I can say I'm hyped about Streum getting UE4 experience. Can only imagine them making an E.Y.E. 2 on that engine.
Adrian Butler
i want to play already, then ditch it after a week.
Kayden Stewart
The guys who made E.Y.E made this
Jose Hill
E.Y.E is pure shit and basically the definition of a meme game. Hope this one is at least fun to play with friends.