So will they add the FUN in this time around or are we going to be in for another empty boring as fuck open world again?

Let us be honest here the first game was overrated.

>empty boring open world
Some PCuck is mad or he forgot all about the:
>strangers missions
>ambient challenges, which included: hunting and treasure hunting
>gang hideouts

All of it was the same boring shit.



Does anyone know when the pre-order will be available on steam?

Hopefully I won't have to get a key off g2a if it's too expensive.

They'll probably use the exact same formula as in GTA V.

Since you'll be running in a gang we'll probably get GTA V style heists where you undertake stagecoach, train and bank robberies. To every heist there will be a series of missions to get everything set up for the heist.


this is probably right.

i hope they at least write an engaging story. gameplay shouldn't change too much from rdr1.

your opinion is shit and its a beautiful world thats fun just free roaming and shooting shit up

Top fucking kek, the booty blasted PCucks come crawling out of the woodworks again


Die you fucking cancer

I'm hoping for a picture-esq snow environment influenced by The Revenant.


i dont think so, i doubt theyd want RDR2 to be known as a GTA with cowboys. i think they'll do their own thing. im just praying it doesnt have the awful gta 5 physics

I wouldn't get my hopes up.

I'm just playing a used copy of RDR on PS3 and it's fucking awesome. Never seen such a good game on PC.

t. ex PC gamer

>t. ex PC gamer
die race traitor

>t. Sonypony

>die race traitor

>RDR on the PS3
Nigga there were times when the game shits itself and aiming was difficult. The Xbox One and 360 version should be the version everyone plays. The FPS was the worst in Blackwater. Was hard to enjoy comfy towns.

>The Xbox One and 360 version should be the version everyone plays.

>buying used games on DVDs full of scratches instead of superior scratch-proof GOTY Bluray
>giving Microshaft money for an emulator download
You know PS3 games are superior alone for the undestroyable media they come on.

It was way more fun crusing around on a horse that it ever was driving round in shitty cars

The only thing I want from RDR2 is a better bounty system instead of infinite gunmen spawning off screen. Then it would be perfect.

Need wanted posters, people recognising you, bounty hunters, mission changes for high infamy, lawmen chasing you out of towns if you linger too long, that kind of fuckshit

Hope they do random events just like the original too, GTAV's five scripted mission random events consisting of "help I was mugged" got old fucking quick


you see what the arrows doing don't you
