Top CRAZY 10 Things YOU DIDN'T KNOW About [Game Series]! (That Will SHOCK You)

>Top CRAZY 10 Things YOU DIDN'T KNOW About [Game Series]! (That Will SHOCK You)
>I do know all the things

Other urls found in this thread:

>Check out this AMAZING video game news that YOU WON'T BELIEVE
>I believe it

>This AMAZING Fan Theory Will COMPLETELY Blow Your Mind About The MARIO UNIVERSE
>it's not mind blowing or clever in the slightest

>Top 10 PRANKS gone wrong!!!!!!!!
>everything is staged

>It's just an excuse for the creator to stroke his ego and taking about fan fiction

>107 facts about Mario
>Did you know Mario was created by Shigeru Miyamoto?

>thumbnail is titties

>the characters were dead from the beginning
>it was all a dream

>Behind the Scenes Mysteries of Unreleased/Cancelled Game Solved!!
>Its just reading off an interview the devs did about the game and showing pre-release footage/screenshots, all of which is publicly available and within a quick google search

every time

>AMAZING Dark Souls LORE!!!
>it's just fanfiction
I feel cheated


>game is actually set in a post-apocalyptic earth

[Character] is The Doctor

>THEORY: [All caps] is actually [all caps]?!

>it's really obvious and was confirmed by the developer years ago

wtf i hate youtube now

>top 10 undertaker and kane moments
>they all take place after 2007


>Joke about Mario
>Peach is having sex with Bowser
>Luigi is a loser
>Mario is insane and/or angry

wtf i hate user now

>Mario drug joke

>107 facts about
>some of the facts are wrong

>Top Ten SEXIEST (Male) Video Game Characters of All Time!
>next video in playlist
>Top Ten Most SEXIST Portrayals of Women in Games!

>Top 10 HORROR GAMES to play this halloween
>Outlast is first

>Open youtube
>See this on recommended bar

>Top 10 HARDEST video games ever!
>Thumbnail is Dark Souls.


SMT is the dark souls of persona

>The Top 10 BEST Video Game Stories Of ALL TIME (That You Didn't Even know)
>Spec Ops: The Line

>Top 200 video games of ALL TIME!
>Portal at #1

She never even flashes her tits either.

>super mario 64 at #1
>ocarina of time at #1

What is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls?

>red circle in the thumbnail


Zombie u is like the only thing that kinda makes sense

>top 10 things players HATE!
>thumbnail is some horrifying uncanny valley shitty photoshop of a character from the game in question with a mad expression

>Top 10 villains that are more DANGEROUS than (classic and popular villain)
>1# FotM game villain that will be forgotten within a year

>What is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls?


It's like distilled Dark Souls.


It depends on how you define "the dark souls of ___". If you base it on difficulty mixed with trial and error, Long Live The Queen is right there too. It's a punishing game.

fuck yuriofwind

t. Sonic.exe fan

>it was all a dream
>main character was insane from the start

not only are those theories fucking boring, but when a game or movie actually uses them it's usually the worst bullshit, why couldn't you write an interesting ending you fucks

>Top # of the worst movie into video game adaptations
>last one isn't E.T.

>Top CRAZY 10 Things YOU DIDN'T KNOW About [Game Series]! (That Will SHOCK You)
>all obvious if you actually played the game

>thumbnail is cropped r34

>Dragon's Dogma is the Dark Souls of fantasy rpgs genre

>3 of the things are completely wrong
>2 of them are entirely speculation

>game set in post apocalyptic world where humanity has died off due to an incurable disease
>human souls are separated from their bodies to give them a chance to come back after it all blows over
>the detached souls start going insane and killing all the bodies
>scientists start binding live humans to books to give out demonic power and use it to stabilize the souls
>main character ends up killing the source of all this demonic power essentially killing all of humanity forever
>side female character (a soulless body) ends up getting fused with a male soul and her body starts correcting itself to match the soul's
>some of her limbs are blackened and filled with puss and she has to jack off her dick every night so the soul doesn't overtake her
>ZERO lore videos about this game
The game is Nier

>Dragon's Dogma - The Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs

Then what the fuck is Dark Souls?

Dragon's Dogma is more Dark Souls than Dark Souls.

>the Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs
>SMT is the Dark Souls of Persona
Part of me wants to think this is a parody but I really believe people are this stupid

>source music that was used in a hentai flash animation

>The faggot who wrote this failed abortion literally has the title"savior of kittens" in the author section.

maybe he did save kittens

>it's all just basic shit anyone who explored even a tiny bit would find without a problem
>"this note hidden away in the corner of this room (in plain sight and illuminated) gives a cryptic message (plainly states) that X character might be related to Y character! (they're obviously related and it has relevance to the plot so you're either meant to find the item or figure it out based on context)

>it's extremely mind blowing and ruins your reputation

If you're actually watching shit like this instead of ignoring it, you're either 12 years old, a middle-aged woman or fucking retarded.
No exceptions.

>Had a friend who always brought up shit from that Game Theorist YT channel
God damn, I hate that shitty channel.

>Top CRAZY 10 Things YOU DIDN'T KNOW About [Game Series]! (That Will SHOCK You)
>I do not know all the things
>Because several of the things have nothing to do with the actual game itself, but rather made video doing in game.

>roguelike platformers
Gets me every time.

>those few months when pic related was in literally everyone's recommended list

>Top Ten WORST Games of ALL TIME!
>it always has ET, Superman 64, Shaq Fu, Big Rigs, Bubsy 3D, Atari Pac-Man, and other spammed worst games

>accidentally click on one of these videos
>close out of it immediately
>half of the suggested/related videos from now on is from that one video
>stays like this for months
Last time I ever watch anything dragonball related again

>Top 10 INSANE things you NEVER KNEW about MARIO!
>number 3 is someone just posting one of those pannenkoek videos
>number 2 is how SMB3 is a stage play
>number 1 is SMB2's localization process

this happens to me all the time
>linked to a kitchen nightmares clip
>six straight months of seeing just how VERY SICK and VERY ANGRY gordon is at food

Youtube is such a fucking shitpile. It's like a sentient fucking being that's entire existence is based around making the most ad revenue possible

I have never seen this shit. Then again I'm not 12.

Did you know that Super Mario Bros 2 was a romhack a different Ness game called Donkey Donkey Panic?
It's true!

I watched half an episode of game grumps more than a year ago and youtubeis still recommending their videos. This shit is worse than herpes.

>Half-life 2 is #1
>Half-life 1 isn't even on the fucking list

>clickbait zelda video
>thumbnail is of that tech demo

I never understood this. Dark souls has some hard parts, but it's not like it is the hardest game out there. Heck even this fag blows any DS boss out of the water.

Fuck forgot the file

>that boss

>Donkey Donkey Panic.

>watch one 'speedrunners choking' compilation
>getting nothing but speedrun related shit on my front page and sidebar


>the cool interesting thing is about 30 seconds long at the end of 10 minutes of mindless filler
why is this allowed

>watch a video for a fan theory
>decide that it actually makes a lot of sense
>never to talk about it because people that talk about theory videos look like idiots



>The Dark Souls of Persona

Rinoa is Ultimecia
I don't care if it got unconfirmed. It's the only thing that made the whole game sense

I saw a vid on youtube titled
and all I could think was "there's probably only 10 fucking cults in all the Fallouts combined, why are you ranking this shit"

people like top ten lists

no matter how shitty and worthless the information within them is, people are inherently drawn to top ten lists

I don't pretend I'm any better than that, I fucking hate whatculture but I still see myself opening a tab to it once a week or something

>"The protag's partner was imaginary"

Every time


>people are inherently drawn to top ten lists
I am instantly repulsed by people ranking anything in a 5-10 entry list

>Gameinformer's top 200 video games
>3. Tetris
>2. Super Mario Bros
>1. Legend of Zelda

>Top 11 Most SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE Sup Forums Posts (You WON'T See Coming!)

the amount of pure cancer on youtube is mind boggling

humanity is done

that's because you're a contrarian shitposter on Sup Forums

>he doesn't watch top ten videos based on facts and not opinions
Seriously though the only top ten videos worth giving your time to are the ones you'll possibly learn some interesting shit from, like top ten murder mysteries or something. Anything else is a WASTE!

Everything is a waste

if you aren't breaking your back to provide food and shelter to those important to you, you're a waste

it's just we've come far enough as a species that being waste is the norm

She and Daisy are nude on Kratos's shoulders at the end, censored.

>Top 10 video
>all the choices are incredibly safe and the guy talking sounds like he's reading a generic message board post

>top 50 facts that will blow your mind.
>By Matthew Santaro

>Did you know Kenji inafune is the creator of megaman.

I googled it just to see
it was meh
I too have a friend that does that but I introduced him to /d/, /trash/ and /mlp/

I wanted to make things worse

While I know it's not objectively true, I feel like this faggot is the single worst e-celeb ever. some combination of his voice/mannerisms/retarded content makes me want to fucking stab him