How the fuck do we save Nintendo?

How the fuck do we save Nintendo?
Is it even possible?
Is it even worth saving?

lol rip switch

>Uncharted 4 has sold more than Bayonetta 2 and TW101 put together
It's not that this fact is surprising, but it's still really depressing.

Video games are fucking dead.

>Nintendo has 3 of the most valuable IPs in the world.
>gets decimated by uncharted.

Ahh it's gets better every day :) Nintendrones will do mental gymnastics to find a way that this is a positive

>this is good because now everyone will save up for the switch!
>it'll sell more than the ps4! Honest!
>no bully!

M-mario and Pokemon! S-switch Fit and Splatoon 2!

You guys just wait and see! If only based Iwata was here to save us!

To be fair, most people who wanted to buy B2 / TW101 did so upon their release (two years ago) and Uncharted 4 released this year.

Unless I'm reading this wrong and they meant the all-time sales.

Nintendo BTFO.

Dont let this slide

go third party

Uncharted 4 is great. Fuck off with your memes.

we get to go through this again, good times

Third party is something that only actual third party developers can provide.
It's not like Nintendo can force other devs to make games for their platform. They can only provide the tools and hardware to do it.

no, Nintendo has to BECOME third party and stop with the shitty gimmicky hardware

They really need to go 3rd party. They'd be much more profitable and their games wouldn't stagnate behind dated hardware and suffer from forced gimmicks that no one likes


>It's a sales thread

I can't wait! We need a new one with Skyrim and all other 3rd party games. And we can wait for months and months without hearing anything regarding those titles before the projects are cancelled because the switch struggled to sell 500,000 by the end of 2017. We truly are living in wonderful times

Laugh now, but the Wii U Christmas lineup will destroy both Sony and Microsoft.

Super Smash Bros. for iPhone, coming to an Apple device near you!

That's what you'll get if Nintendo ever decides to abandon proprietary hardware. Be careful what you wish for.

>Uncharted 4
Woopidy woo.
Anyhow. If you compare the number of PS4 games that have sold over 1 million, with the number of Wii U games that have sold over 1 million, and it's looking rather sad to be honest. Considering the PS4 is the best selling console and the Wii U is the worst selling one.
It pretty much shows that the vast majority of people who bought PS4s just got one or two games.

>Sonyggers actually believe this

>How the fuck do we save Nintendo?
if they wanted to sell the same, they could try marketing
that's something they don't really do
>Is it even possible?
>Is it even worth saving?
it's not worth changing tactics
as a business, they're making plenty of steady profit, and not overextending their reach, causing them to have to shut down as many offices as they open in a year

>The other consoles don't have gimmicks at a-

There's a big difference between optional gimmicks and forced gimmicks.

A gimmick is still a gimmick faggot

The fact that Nintendo is the only platform NOT embracing VR is pretty damning proof that it's not a gimmick.

I hope you do realize the Switch's gimmick is optional too, right?

Actually, that would include multiplats which break 1m regularly and blows the fuck out of WiiU sales numbers since no 3rd party dev would touch the WiiU.

Has there ever been a leap in hardware as big as the 3DS to Switch one?
So long as people get excited about the portability of console games and it sells well, 3rd parties won't even mind downgrading their games for the Switch, since the platform is offering something the other consoles do not.
Provided the thing is at least Xbone level and Nintendo made some good deals to give the thing some monentum earlier on


>Nintendo has 3 of the most valuable IPs in the world.
and none of them had a game released this year

I know its fucking awful here, but goddamn I am glad I am not this much of a sad fuck.

Games released on multiple consoles sell more than ones released on a single one



Yeah and PS VR already outsold it :)

No one is talking about numbers between all the platforms you fucking idiot. Just the sales ON THE CONSOLE ITSELF.

>Moving goalposts

Are you okay Nu-dentio male?

Yeah, I moved it forward to give the WiiU a chance but it doesn't have any. Regarding goalposts, even shit ass Fifa (on the PS4 only if you were too dumb to comprehend) sells more than all WiiU titles this year combined.

proving once again that sonyggers buy into dumb gimmicks much more readily than nintoddlers

Fuck is that

>PS4 is the best because yuropoor brodudes like it the best!

sugoi monogatari, onii-chan

I would have bought bayo 2 and w101 if they had come out on literally any other console


I think he meant to call you a Nu-Tendo

>Nu Males loves Nintendo!

>Uncharted 4 never outsold Mario Kart 3D World, Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 in boxed retail copies
>Sales cratered so badly post launch for UC4 due to the lack of replayability and lack of staying power in the multiplayer, that they are bundling the game heavily to keep adoption rates high

Guess the marketers at San Mateo aren't getting their bonus this quarter. Better shill harder for the holidays, OP. Your wife might let you out of the cuckshed to see her Son for a day.

>How the fuck do we save Nintendo?
We don't.
>Is it even possible?
>Is it even worth saving?

too bad such games wouldn't have exist if it was the case since Sony nor Microsoft dont care about videogames


With what game?

The ps4 pro will probably sell more than the entire Wii U lifecycle within a year

>still repeating this meme

Form your own opinions, inbred.

>The ps4 pro will probably sell more than the entire Wii U lifecycle within a year

I don doubt it for a second, Sonyfanboys are known for being dumb. Its not like they are going to buy video games.

>With what game?

Videogames but I supposed you've never seen one huh?

>Sonyggers still believe this

>Its not like they are going to buy video games.
exactly. why not buy another console with all the money they saved not having any PS4 games for 3 years.

>How the fuck do we save Nintendo?

You can't. Just like a diying dog it needs to put to sleep, but just like the owner too attached to his mascot you'll keep alive, prolonging it's agony by buying swich and pretend it's good until it's final day.

Uncharted 4 is the better game. Keep living in the past though faggot, hope you enjoy playing with toys.

>Not posting the one that says Kill Iwata marked

>Uncharted 4 is the better game

>Its a sales=quality thread
So sonyggers are shitposting, Nintendrones are defending,PCfats are pretending to be either side and Xbros are staying quiet as usual? Sounds about right. Wake me up when Nintendo is doomed for the 100th time.


>sales doesn't matter unless its Nintendo!!

Now tell my how many units Splatoon sold compared to Bloodborn again snd how proud are you for this

If Sup Forums's Rules 2 and 3 were actually enforced to the fullest extent, this board would be a barren wasteland.

>Sup Forums is one person

We seriously going to start doing this retarded shit again? Iam getting tired of reporting and hiding these threads. We need some serious moderation going on.

Try harder m8.
Im here to discuss videogames not hardware or sales. Just because one system outsold the other it doesn't make it better. Also If we bring PC into this, They have outsold every console this gen and last gen.

If you think the Switch isn't going to take off like the Wii did, you're delusional.

You know you can have both a PS4 and a Switch? And you can enjoy both?

Unless you're poor or mommy won't buy them for you.

why would i want a PS4 though? i have a pc capable of running all the muliplats and i'm still not interested in them, and i never liked uncharted or souls games

As much as I'm looking forward to the concept of the Switch, I seriously doubt it's going to reach Wii levels.

First you tell the shitposting Dicks and Crow eater, who started this shit, how proud he is now.

What do you mean OP? The Switch already has more public interest behind it than the Wii U ever had. Nintendo Spaceworld 2017 will be hype as shit

You would have bought them if they came out for the Sega Saturn?

I don't think anything is ever reaching Wii levels again

The "PS4 is selling more than the PS2!" is just a meme Sonyggers are spreading around now and hasn't been true for the past year

It won't:

>It's not portable enought to be a handheld
>The battery span most likely sucks
>They're too retarded to set the price below $300

The only hope for Switch to sell is games, but looking at Federation Force, Paper mario and StasrFox I wouldn't count on it ether.


Haha holy shit.

10/10 reaction pic.

Explain to me why you think this.

I think the Switch can save them, Nintendo was never going to compete with Sony and MS in the hardware race of the traditional console space, but on a handheld with Nvidia parts? I can't wait to see what games actually look like on the thing because Nintendo's studios from both 3DS and Wii U all working on the same device is really exciting.


Console war retards, who cant properly discuss without acting a teenager, deserve to die off the board

All those points are shitty, along with you cherrypicking games isn't helping

Both of kids are pathetic, here's your (You)

this is fake
fuck you liar

How does someone fail this much at reading comprehension?

>this year
It's true though.

Wii U hasn't been selling since PS4 came out.

read the rest of it
>The highest selling game is mario kart 8 at 8 million units

I wonder how many copies uncharted 4 has sold?
>2.7 million
Thats RIGHT faggot.

>I have no idea about handheld history or trends for the last 20 years

Let's have a look at the begining of this gen, some of the main reasons 3DS outsold Vita was because it was cheaper and had games.

Siwtch is now more like a Vita: expensive and has no official games. Did I mention it's supposed to be out on march and there is nothing clear about the console yet?

It's clear not even Nintendo is sure his glorified tablet would have a chance against main consoles and the mobile market

The Wii U doesn't matter anymore, old man. Get with the times, it's all about the Switch now.

wait thats in one week
help me i am retarded ):

Just because your poorfag ass can't afford it doesn't make it a gimmick

The sad part is that nintendo owners don't support 3rd party games in general

I owned all kinds of 3rd party games for my gamecube but for the wii and wii u there's next to nothing, I guess it doesn't help that 3rd party games are usually objectively worse on nintendo consoles than their sony/ms/pc counterparts

PS4 is killing Nintendo just like PS1 and PS2 killed Sega

It's clearly you don't follow the news since Nintendo is supposed to reveal more about it in January

all in all, you're a faggot

>How the fuck do we save Nintendo?
Get switch decent 3rd party support

>Is it even possible?
Reverse viral marketing? Get shit sites like reddit buzzing about how, like, totally awesome it would be to have X on switch?

>Is it even worth saving?
Probably not. Have you seen the titles they pumped out over the last 2 years? Shit like FE:Fates and Starfox are a hollow husk of even the most controversial titles in those franchises, and then you have outright garbage like federation force and the paper marios.

Mario Kart, Pokemon and Zelda will be the only titles worth owning on the switch, mark my words.

>w101 copies shipped


>mario kart
>worth owning

Maybe if you're a nintendrone.

Now if only the same could be said about the Vita

This. Kids grow up with walking simulators and call of poopy. It's sad.

A lot of games, even WiiU ones, already surpassed W101 and Bayo2 sales

Hell I think that shitty MP10 game sold like a million

Blame Nintendo for keeping good games hostage on their shit consoles.

>Having shit taste
Must suck being a Sonygger