are you playing this in three hours, Sup Forums?
what's your first character?
are you playing this in three hours, Sup Forums?
what's your first character?
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I already have heavily modded skyrim, why would i waste my time with this bullshit?
stealth archer
inb4 it breaks mods
Should I buy it for ps4 just for laughs? 30fps sounds pretty funny. Good one Todd
Of course it will break mods. It's gonna be another 2 years before it will be worth playing.
some archery, some magic ( conjuration probably, some destruction maybe ), some sneak
hope it runs good, volumetric fog and godrays and all that shit are performance killers in fallout 4
I'm probably gonna get bored quick, but I really want to see how indoors area look, I think even today things like caves look absolutely fantastic even with the basic high res textures and a light enb to make those lightning sources stand out.
pic related, this is vanilla without enb
it's a separate install
your legacy skyrim is fine
Does it really release in 3 hours?
Wait till modders port their mod
Yea, I just started pre-loading it.
I'm hoping the save transfer thing they talked about works.
I got this huge urge to play Skyrim like 3 weeks ago, so I am hoping I can transfer my shit and keep going. I already got all the SoB, and all the shouts.
If I do have to start over I'll probably roll a Mage. Was doing a stealth archer, for the first time in fact, on the playthrough I am talking about.
releases at different times in different timezones/countries. youll need to look it up for youself.
2 hours now.
Going full paladin, starting over. I havent played this game in 3+ years so im pretty excited
Argonian Cleric.
Use Alternate Start to pretend I was adopted.
Maces, Heavy armor, Restoration and a bit of Lightning.
Nope. I'm just going to reinstall the regular game, and mod it instead.
I don't have a powerful enough system for the Special Edition anyway.
in case you need an idea
Thank you Todd Howard for this amazing game
is it possible to use my old character but start a new game
two hours and ten minutes. Yeah, I'm going to give it an hour or so with only basic mods and see how it is
I got a game code for $3 and the all DLC code for $7 like a year ago. Figured I'd pick it up because it was a good deal and I haven't even touched it yet. Now the SE is in my steam library so I guess I'll check it out finally
It does. Texture format and mesh dickery among plugins needing to be rebuilt, as well as SKSE requiring a port. Then there's SkyUI.
So really, it comes out in the next few months.
Why are people so attached to skyui
What's wrong with the normal one
>in three hours
Nope, I'm gonna wait for the lewd mods to get ported.
More like three months.
But everyone ends up being a sneaky archer anyway.
It's just much cleaner and easier to operate in my opinion.
those are boring and aren't even sexy
stealth archer
lets see what Talos decides.
If you can't find a Skyrim mod for your fetish you're either too picky, or into some really degenerate shit.
Rolling for my next playthough after unarmed
gonna roll
>Female High Elf Barbarian Stormcloak that is also a vampire who lives in Dawnstar and worships Julianos and Molag Bal.
How does that even make any sense?
Let's pray to Tod
yeah sure
Roll pls
Old UI wasted a ton of space. SkyUI means a lot less scrolling.
However, more importantly it was a core requirement for many mods because it has the MCM
SkyUi works as a framework for a lot of mods.
Does 64-bit mean it can run over 60fps without having a physics anyeurism?
Roll daddy.
ayy that style list is sort of interesting
My ancestors are smiling on this roll
No, it just means there's twice as many bits to go wrong
Roll my nigger.
rollan mcdollan
Apparently the new special edition also includes Fallout 4's physics engine and high-res shadows that were impossible to modify with mods. And there are some new cut items added to the game. I am quite excited.
fuck me
Going for it.
oh bby
rooly dooly moooly
let's roll
>SE needs better PC
>old game on old pc still looks better with mods than new game on new pc without mods
Why should I play the SE again?
fuck. I have to reroll my 8.
If a bunch of these aren't posts aren't shills then I'm really disappointed in neo Sup Forums
Toddy needs a new pair of shoes
>Fallout 4's physics engine
I can finally decorate properly
I've never rolled for a character before. Rolling.
Kill yourself.
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Cloth physics as well from what I understand. Capes and cloaks baby.
hahah haha good one faggot. Get a real job and save this stupid fucking 'stealth archer' memery for reddit shilling.
Anyone know if Live Another Life will at least work?
>breaks mods
No other reason to play Skyrim so maybe I'll try it in a year or so
Exclusive screenshot of Special Edition improved graphics.
>there are some new cut items added to the game
wonder if they are anything from Cutting Room Floor
Rollin' around at the speed of sound
I'm ready for Sovengard, are you?
Is there even a reason to get this?
Does it run better and more stable? Because other than that I see nothing but massive disadvantages.
How has your cave been? Why pop out now?
No. There's no reason. It's worse than modded vanilla skyrim.
If you already have Skyrim and the DLCs it's free on PCs.
If you're playing on console
>Bethesda release
>on a console
No, stay away.
>implying I wont get bored 6 hours in like always due to lack of content
Rolling anyway
SE allows better stability + capabilities with mods.
Which will take a bit.
Otherwise no point now.
ofc it does
it runs on a 64 bit engine now
and there's 16,000,000,000 RAM limit, so you can literally download every mod you want, as long as your computer can handle it, no more memory issues
I dunno,
some character who wanders into draugr-infested tombs I guess.
if there were any mods for it you could run any mods you wanted.
nice one matey.
>He doesn't play a stealth archer.
bless todd
yee gonna roll
Sadly, my PC isn't powerful enough to run my Legendary Edition without giving me seizures. I was a PS3 player and never got to try any of the DLC.
many wtf's