My Summer Car

No, fuck off, mods, this isn't /vg/ worthy
This is a newly released VIDEO GAME and it's worthy of a few threads a day

Post your skins, lads
Post your progress
Post your fuckups

Other urls found in this thread:



Tell the dumbfucks to stop putting numbers in the thread titles. We were doing fine before idiots started with that shit.


>OWfags can spam their shit 24/7
>can't discuss a game a that just released

It's honestly pretty bullshit that you've got to pretend that each new thread is totally spontaneous when it's an on-going, small scale discussion about a new niche release.

Just shitpost relentlessly in the OP like Monster Hunter threads.

Apparently, Sup Forums is only for shitposting so we just gotta act like it.

what's best way to lift the car?

I hope all the moderators die from insufferable cancer along with their families.

They're deleting these threads and redirecting but not the console tan threads?

Are you fucking joking me?

I mean, if we're forcing threads to move, force these threads to vg and then force console tan threads to draw threads.

Stop the bias.

Apparently not that
I never had any problems with just driving the forklift under it and lifting with no other assistance
Just make sure you get it a little more towards the front, the engine and all that is heavy

You don't. Just push it in with J when you want to work on the undercarriage.

Mods seem extra butthurt today.

>inb4 mass ban

I tried with two jacks on either side for balance, and tractor in front to keep it from tipping forward as the stuff is added in

it works

is it possible to install the engine without the hoist? I can't get the damn thing to connect.

You don't actually need to lift it, you can assemble the suspension while the car is on the ground. Once that's done, you can just push it to the grease pit at your own leisure.

There's a distinct click when it's in the right spot, make sure the screws are undone before that.

Make sure you have the subframe on proper, and I haven't tried without the hoist, would be good for experimenting

when hoist arms are down at the assembled block, just screw in the two screws, like magic it connects

it never does, the block jumps but doesn't connect.

they couldn't get the van moving

How do I disconnect sewage truck hose? I sucked that sewage, but now I can't disconnect the hose, I also didn't get any money.

You can supposedly use random physics objects to align the engine without the hoist, but the hoist is way easier to operate and the only challenge is getting it to initially connect with the engine block.

I got it duders

Remember that you need to tilt it to the side to put on the exhaust pipe, you won't be able to do it on the forklift since the... tines? forks? whatever you call the things on the forklift will prevent it from attaching

Fuck this gook running the site and fuck his shitty mods

If it jumps, you're doing it right. Make sure both bolts are fully tightened and try lifting it, it should make a clink and the block should rise. If it doesn't, loosen the bolts and redo the procedure, making sure the block does that jump again, then hit the toilet. When you return to the game, it should be magically attached to the hoist.

Proud of you user.

Literally just put the end of the hose back from where you picked it up from.

>a few threads a day
that sounds suspiciously like a general.

any torrent so I can try it?

Is there a way to walk faster?

Fuck I pray that normies don't find this little gem so we could still have civil discussions about it

I googled for a couple of days to find one and I found one, I believe in you too.

Call me when Overmeme gets moved to /vg/ and banned on sight here, then we can talk about a single active thread versus a dozen.

it has nearly 500 seeders on the pirate bay dummies

with a car

So why are all the several Skyrim, Overwatch and Dark Souls threads still on Sup Forums, several times a day, on a daily basis?

My van is out of diesel and my car doesn't have gas
I've poured the little canister of diesel in the tank but it's definitely not enough to get me to town
What do

Is this game worth buying I saw Robbaz have fun with it and Sup Forums seems to like it too. How much is it?

I did that, it's 100%, just put the tires in, push inside the garage, assemble everything while standing inside the pit.

13 bucks or something
Super fun, I don't regret my purchase

Looks like you're walking buddy

Sup Forums's favorite undiscovered aspie did a video on it

just a tip, don't downshift on the rev-limiter

What about the poop truck and the tractor? Can you use either of those to do a fuel run?

Oh wow, that's some serious shit.

Where are the save games located? Just thinking of backup it up before stuff bugs out on me.

Oh that's an idea
Is there some trick to getting the gas in the car? I managed to get a little bit in but it seems like a lot of it is failing to get in

normies already did find the game retard.

look all over yt

x-raying the engine looks a mess, going to tow it back to home and see what's what

When I turn my engine on, it goes into gear for a couple seconds, but then falls into neutral. What could be the problem here?

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Amistech\My Summer Car

Just copy everything from there.

pissed an' broke

Oh fuck mate you fucked up so badly

how did a piston end up there?

shifted down by accident on the rev-limiter

You just need to find the spot, it's unnecessarily fiddly. There's no magic trick to it.

Did you get all the linkage bolts? There's one sneaky bastard higher up on the firewall side of the transmission.


ah ok, I did see that just wasn't sure


I only saw one...

Just let it run on neutral a bit, it'll pass.

Low brake pressure, put into neutral and rev it up to fix that.

>tfw I learned that from ETS2

I should lay off the simulators for a while

That loud beeping sound is because the brakes have low pressure. To stop it, turn on the hydraulic pump on the left side of the dashboard near the windshield wiper button. You'll see a gauge on the right side of the steering wheel that shows the brake pressure; it will increase while the pump is on (or while the engine is revving high) and the beeping will stop.

You dipshits are actually playing a literal meme game made by one of my countrymen?

Your brake pressure is low, which is normal on a freshly started truck. Keep the engine revved and the screaming goes away as the pressure builds up, pumping the brakes and fiddling with the pneumatics lowers the pressure and overdoing it will put you back into the warning zone. Going low enough will seize the brakes until you build up enough pressure to free them.

Meant to say right side of the dashboard.

tavataan torilla.

Ei vitussa, siellä on pimeetä ja märkää ja hesan tuntien varmaan myös yön timoja.

Perkele sissu talvisotta yes.

You have to make your shilling less obvious.
EA shills make a BF1 thread every hour, but they don't get deleted.

My Summer F1 car when


>comfy thunder sounds in the distance
feels good man

Is there a limit on how many songs I can put in the game?

Where should I take drunk friend???

Well it's actually fun, for starters, and just frustrating enough to be a good challenge. I can't wait to see what else will come from it.

I finally figured out you need water in the bucket but turning the sauna knobs doesn't do anything and the room never heats up

turn the timer and heat up, wait a few hours
then splash water on the stove so it steams while sitting on the top ledge like 3-5 times, aim slight above the stove

Crank both knobs to max, you should hear an electrical buzzing noise. Close the sauna door to keep the heat in and leave it to its own devices, it takes quite a while to warm up. When the tasteful thermometer on the wall indicates 80º or higher, you're good to go.

have you ever operated a fucking stove

Nice poster choice

>sleeping with door open
not comfy

how sensitive is it to bolt appearance?

Sorry if being too desperate and thinking that an new game is a post suitable for a video games board. if I offended and hurt you immensely by this regretted post my apology goes out to you somewhat, i truly am deeply sorry for my blind stupidity because i now realize it's the end of the world that's at stake over this and it totally matters on every level to the point you need to comment miserably that's almost as irrelevant as me posting new games on a video game board but 100% honesty is telling me to admit i obviously do not care at all in the slightest your comment is rewarding to my lacking mentality although you commenting is now proven a waste of your time 100, fact, proof and all other vocabulary words that describe i was wrong but im 100% correct in a way that i know doesn't even actually matter in any way to anyone anywhere ever.....forever so thank you the reply i got was as disappointing as your choice of dealing with such things.

please help

How to put posters?

You shouldn't need the jack, it might be knocking it out of alignment.

When i try to put the coolant in the radiator it doesnt fill up like its leaking but i cant find the problem, also what liquid to i put in the clutch master cylinder?

Replace images in Images folder.

All your posters, the flag in the garage, and your license mugshot are freely replaceable textures in the Images folder where you have MSC installed.

Did you connect all 3 hoses? The clutch just uses brake fluid.

based trips and fpbp, how about that.

> Spend an hour trying to figure out why the car won't start. Almost take apart the entire engine doing so.

> Fuel tank is missing.

I legit don't even know where it is. Nor how it ever fell off to begin with.

Where do I get a new fuel tank?

If it's missing, check the landfill site in the southwest corner. All items that fall through the game world will respawn there, look for a light pole.

Trying without the jack; how obvious are the bolts?

fuel tank is this huge ass rusted plate which is next to where the engine hoist lift spawns.

most likely it fucked up into glitchy oblivion and you're fucked.

This game world needs to be smaller

Anyone figured out how2steering wheel?
been trying to set up my Thrustmaster TX and all stuff works except for steering, no single steering option and if I assign the wheel to both left and right it just stays centered.
If I assign the wheel to either left OR right, it will take the entire wheel's range (lock to lock) as only the left or right steering

Yes i put all of them hoses in one by one but i did not see any screws on them do i have to screw them together?

>fueling the poop truck
It's been like 10 minutes, just fucking kill me