My Summer Car
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To the user that posted their .rar:
I couldn't find anything immediatley off with your car
I am sorry
Can that mod at least give us an explanation for why My Summer Car threads keep getting deleted? Something is going on here.
He wants it moved over to /vg/ even though it isn't /vg/ worthy
The thread lives here and the /vg/ thread will always die like it is now
Why is people want MSC to get sent to /vg/ the vidya gulag? The game was only released THIS WEEK.
>My Summer Car thread die on /vg/
Well, I guess it was fun guys.
But I don't understand, what is different about My Summer Car threads compared to all of the other threads on Sup Forums? What exactly is Sup Forums for?
It has had multiple threads that reached the bump limit but literally because the game just came out, this happens with any new title on Sup Forums and you don't see mods complaining then
feel like I've made it
It's because of how stupidly the boards are designed. Once /vg/ was created they intended it to be used for general discussion of games and have Sup Forums for "New" things, or specific questions/posts/complaints, which just leads to a lot of bullshit.
Is it against the rules to talk about video games now?
The dented blue one?
Fuck man thanks for looking into it at least
>Start car
>But it dies if I don't keep it revved up
So is this carburetor tuning or valve tuning?
Please help before butthurt mod deletes the thread
How am I suppose to beg for the game without threads?
/vg/ should be for things that have long standing conversation, I don't think this will, and it's only being talked about so much because of its new-ness which should be okay for Sup Forums.
Nothing. It's a single topic that stays within its own threads, it isn't a 'general' because it's about one game and one game only, it wouldn't even be talked about on the amateur games general, maybe for like two posts
Yeah sorry I took the thing apart, put it halfway back together and still couldn't find out what was wrong, probably some early mistake that you made
Seriously, we've been here a gajillion times. People want to talk about it because it's new and it'll die down in a few days once it wears off, it won't work as a general because it just naturally tapers off. Why in the fuck are the hotpockets getting all asshurt about a game that somehow managed to keep itself in one thread, while most big releases spawn a dozen threads at any given time for weeks on end?
Why is someone trying to kill msc threads. what did finland ever do to them.
pls keep reposting best skin, more people need to discover their hidden Initial D
Please post the source of this, or a her name. Please.
How the fuck do I raise the car up? My engine is done 100% but I've spent the past 3 hours and I can't get the fucking car off of the ground. The forklift just makes it fucking flip over and the beer crates make it spaz out.
Do you have any idea what could make the radiator leak?
It should be, but because most of our threads are just generic "How I do dis" and other misc discussions, they're likely considering it a circlejerk and trying to move it to make room for more pokemon or skyrim threads.
Cap not screwed on, maybe master clutch valve issue or something if google tells me right, but otherwise no
The guide says there are 2 10mm bolts for the alternator and one 7mm bolt. I can only find one 10mm bolt, the one at the bottom in the back, and the 7mm bolt, up above on the arm. Where is the other bolt?
>while most big releases spawn a dozen threads at any given time for weeks on end
Jesus, I remember when MGSV was released... I can't believe that was a year ago, my God time flies. Although I have to admit, I liked the Stefanie Joosten threads before the mods started banning people for them.
Brittney White
Should be around the base of the alternator
Getting the hood to fit is gonna be interesting
I wish there was a rear wheel drive conversion kit for this car.
Her name is buy me the game please.
Saaaaame. When I discovered mid-build it was FWD my motivation to finish dropped by 50%
Fuck that´s a lot
winter will put you in your place
Before /vg/, miscellaneous threads would get strangled out of the front page by several 24-7 reoccurring threads("generals")for popular series. Popular things like Pokemon, Persona, arena shooters, etc. In fact, Pokemon had to get its own containment board since several sub-generals were cropping up within the series; porn, favorite Pokemon, drawthreads, etc.
So /vg/ was made as a specialist for those kinds of threads. The post limit is much higher, so each thread can function as a hub of discussion for several days before being replaced by the next one.
The thing is, new games typically get a grace period before being forced to relegate to /vg/ as an established general. This makes sense since a lot of stuff gets talked about on Sup Forums for weeks before suddenly dying off(FotM, Overwatch, etc) and /vg/ is really only to contain series that will be having generals for years to come.
This retard mod is rampantly deleting My Summer Car threads even though the discussion has been pretty well-contained into one or two threads at a time. And it's only been a few days; we should have a lot longer to shit about it before being forced to /vg/, and /vg/ generals are notorious for being much shittier than Sup Forums thread counterparts
>spend like 30 minutes trying to get the car into the garage with the tractor and the van
>turns out you can just fucking push it with J
What the fuck man, my tractor was running and now it won't start. Just turns over twice and then dies.
How am I supposed to deliver all this firewood now goddamit
I just noticed there is a huge gap between the engine and exhaust also the car makes a load screeching noise while running any ideas?
Thank you!
What does this even mean?
Anyone else cover there car in random junk?
How do the aftermarket parts work. I put in my order in the mailbox. Can I just go around back and shit 24 hours away until the parts arrive? Or do I have to pick up the phone at home first?
>loud screeching noise
I can see the cause right in your picture; the alternator isn't tightened up to the fan belt. Unscrew that one screw with the screwdriver (lol), use the mousewheel to scroll the alternator until it's touching the fan belt, then tighten that screw again.
Is it out of fuel
"Yeah, this car is truly a total piece of shit", "REJECTED".
>This car is a piece of junk
Then crossed what is fucked up.
Pick up phone, go to kauppa, pay for order, take parts home
Means you failed, 'your car is a trash heap'
You're missing the warning triangle, the exhaust is illegal and there's something wrong with your tires. Thus the note "This car is a pile of garbage" and the failed inspection.
>finish car
>get very excited
>drive to the end of the road
>it dies and engine starts smoking
Well, here's a problem, since I don't know much about cars
It was backfiring, I know that
Anyone know what I need to do?
Well, the tires, I'm guessing racing tires don't pass.
Exhaust, I checked, and the muffler fell off on the way there.
Warning triangle though? What's that?
FYI, the warning triangle can be found on top of the rear left wheel of the tractor. I haven't done an inspection yet, but I'd assume that you just need to put it in your trunk or something.
Where the shit do you get the warning triangle?
and do you need the tires from the auto parts book to pass those?
How do I open the car's hood?
Pull the hood lock in the cabin
>the muffler fell off on the way there
Yeah that might be a problem.
>Warning triangle though? What's that?
I had a pretty good night.
>muffler fell off on the way there.
Hey mods, I dont think theres enough Overmeme threads on Sup Forums. Maybe prune more threads about newly released games that are actually generating discussion? That seems like a good idea right?
No wonder you guys dont get paid.
I keep spawning dead.
This fucking glitch is fucking up my saves. I cannot get anywhere because randomly the game decides I die as I load my game.
Head over to the /o/ thread. I may do another giveaway after work and if I can't find a thread here, I will be there.
I want to play this game so bad but the fucker keeps crashing when I start it, is there a fix for it or something? please help
The steam version only has 1 10mm bolt. The other was replaced by the hand adjust point.
How many hours until you come back from work?
how the fuck do i attach the exhaust pipe
filling the poop truck with gas takes for fucking ever
>First car I had, and the car I learned to drive on was standard
>No choke, but had a lawn mower with one so I understand how it works
>Car shit the bed about 9 years ago
>This game
>You actually have the use the clutch
>Ease on and off it to back up
>Put it in first
>Rev that bitch
>Ease off clutch
>Car lurches forward and dies
>Ease off slower
>Car lurches, but keeps going
>tfw the same elated memories come rushing back from the time when ever I figured out how to drive my car after so getting so flustered and frustrated with it
Ho-lee-fuck. I miss driving standard SO BAD. This feels good. Real good. Thanks for the memories, game. They are good ones.
3 hours. Maybe 3 and a half depending on how long my trip to EB Games takes.
Oh okay, thanks. That's reassuring. I was getting worried I was going to go have my alternator come falling off while I drove it.
Ok so i tried fixing it but screeching noise still goes on, i noticed that the car just does not move when i put my foot on gas also gears dont seem to switch. Radiator still refuses to pick up any liquid
So i was testing my just finished car troubleshooting some problem where the gearbox went back to neutral and then something broke and this happenned, had to alt f4 im sorry it was just too much for me.
Uploaded to youtube instead of webm for the audio.
What problem do i/ did i have with my gears?
>Get car together
>Drive it down the road
>It runs! It runs great! Alignment is shit, but it runs!
>Drive to the turn-off then back
>House in sight
>What looks like water starts splashing up in front of the car
>Get home
>All caps are on tight
Shit. Anyone know what's wrong? It looked like water but it might be steam. Temperature seems fine but I really didn't drive it long. No weird noises.
I'll be on the lookout.
It's great how such good simulation comes packaged in the dumbest humor and setting. It's such a weird and amazing game.
>spend 2/3 of my money on supplies
>put in back of van
>get home
>bag is gone
is common for it to clip through the van?
You cant put it on while the forks are in the way. You can push the car over the grease pit with J, but it's still a pain in the ass to get on.
It's actually easier if you tip the car on it's side, put it on, then tip it back to the wheels.
Thanks radiator
Code or name? I see this posted all the time but I still don't know the source.
>Damn near everything installed, but I forgot the half shafts
>Can't attach them, even after removing the tire and brake
fug, do I need to pull the engine out?
Shouldn't need to
Often, if you find you can't attach something, saving and reloading fixes the problem
can somebody give me a link to where to torrent this or buy me the game
>mfw I haven't even managed to drive to the store
I'm not gonna make it.
>finish car
>pumped up
>all liquids necesary in
>turn on engine
>wait a few minutes just in case
>engine whines
>turns off
please help
looks like fun, finbros are pretty cool
but I have a rule not to ever buy early access.
is this thing bugged to high hell?
Dont buy it, pirate it.
You can only help yourself.
Dude, I'm looking at your alternator in that pic, it's still not touching the fan belt. You have to hover the mouse over the alternator until a little hand symbol appears, then scroll the mousewheel until the alternator makes complete contact with the fan belt.
The shopping bag seems to be the worst object for me, it's damaged my my car so many times.
If I build up my car, and then change the skin by swapping the file will it cause problems?
It's dumb but I'd rather fix it up first then 'give it a paint job'.
>trying out the game
>no idea how to assemble the damn car
>heard going to the store to get booze and sausages is top priority.
>put the crate of beer next to me in the van and go explore the area while flipping off other drivers.
>take a few beers while driving and end up punching out the windshield by accident when I wanted to flip off a nearby house.
>van flips over and my empty bottles skyrocket in the air
>try to push my van back up on the wheels but end up fucking that Shit up even more.
>visit the nearby house and take a Piss on the guy sitting in a chair.
>hijack a muscle car that's sitting nearby and crash myself into a tree ending my own life in the process.
Great game. What a blast to play.
the brake needs to be installed but not screwed. The shaft uses the same screw.
Unless you cheat, You'll always have the car fixed before you have enough money for the custom paint. also you have to bring the car to the shop to get it applied anyway.
If you mean push it all the way down it doesnt work, when i push him all the way down and then try to screw it back in position it always keeps going up
I can't play this game because when I see the urine meter filling up I get really nervous about what will happen when it gets full.
Then I though about how real life is pretty much the same, and I haven't left my house in four days because I don't want to be far away from a toilet.
screw it in while its running, then you'll only touch the screw and not move the alternator it self.
never had that happen
Oh it's an actual thing?
I thought you guys were just swapping the standard colours
That did it, thanks.