My niece is coming over for the weekend and I need a good video game to keep her entertained. Suggestions?
My niece is coming over for the weekend and I need a good video game to keep her entertained. Suggestions?
user you should not pair that image with that post.
What systems do you have?
>replying to a meme pedo thread
Dead Space.
Peanus weanus
>le vanilla loli
>le purest form XDDD
back to Sup Forums faggot
Animal crossing
Hizashi no naka no riaru.
Hide the pickle.
>Hizashi no naka no riaru.
Does she even like games? How old is she? What systems do you have?
Kids like Splatoon and Minecraft. Super Mario Maker..
This is a good suggestion.
that anatomy and perspective lol
My man
Otome Function Coming Soon
Anything on the wii u
Recover the Restarts!
>Those proportions
>That perspective
Has it been updated yet? I heard the developer has been regularly updating his blog all October. It would be a nice change from nothing since 2014.
Hatoful Boyfriend
Try rhythm heaven fever?
English translation when
Sonic Colors?
Delete this
If Hizashi managed to get a translation, amazing work that was, I think Mako will eventually get one too.
why are people responding to you?
i asked for games a few min ago and got nothing
its not fair
Elsa flash games,
something nintendo wii
DOAX3 so she can have some role models
Did you try posting with an animu picture?
What are more games like Hizashi other than JSK's games (since I"ve played them all)
Stimulation is my fetish
Did you mention that the games were for a little sister, cousin or niece? That's because Sup Forums is a very family oriented board so threads like this get priority.
I agree with user and Dead Space.
Trust us we are professional adults.
Any Kirby game.
Multiplayer games where you can carry her through the game if she get stuck.
Give her some doujins and tell her to color it. See if she figures out what it is
I played a little bit of Destiny with my niece once. She liked killing Cabal.
Fuck you man, you made me check.
fuck her in the ass
2016 is the year for sure.
the obvious answers are world of goo and plants vs zombies
Dark Souls
Look carefully at the website link in the image.
"Kodomo" means child, "H" means...yeah that's fucked up.
H means Happy?
>"H" means...
What? Have? Hell? Hilarious?
Cooking mama
Fun for both kids and adults but mostly for kids.
We've got a real fucking detective here.
pic related
take her to the park, to the mall, the cinema or something like that.
Don't waste her youth playing videogames with her. Hell, take her to a convention even if you want, but don't turn her into yourself.