Yakuza Kiwami

Can someone explain the card game in this? The one with the bug girls?

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Not on my board.

El bumpo.


Happens quite often.

Why is the combat so lacking in these games? It feels like I do the same combo over and over to fill up the heat meter, do a QTE attack and repeat

>I do the same combo over and over

sounds like your playstyle

January just can't come soon enough.

It's not like you can do much else, picking up weapons can leave you shit out of luck if assholes are gonna shit outta luck if the enemies just shield and make you wast the limited number of hits, grabbing works when the game feels like letting it work, and triangle has to share being an attack button and being the heat attack so I end up using heat when I don't want to
Then there's the bullshit of trying to dodge an attack and hit from behind but the assholes turn around so fast and block just as I'm about to attack that it feels like I have to rely on luck more than skill

new info bois


>I end up using heat when I don't want to

Never once had this happen.

I've never gotten bored of the combat myself. I vary attacks and tactics enough I guess.

It's a parody of mushiking

>baby comforting

Bug card game is rock, paper, scissors.

You can find different cards of different girls and they'll have different states.

It's kind of confusing, but easy to learn.

>pocket circuit guy is back
I'm glad Kiryu's original kyuodai is back.

>Mascot guy can be part of your clan

It reminds me of that Cooking Mama spinoff where you take care of a baby

>picking up weapons can leave you shit out of luck if assholes are gonna shit outta luck if the enemies just shield
Except that one hit that breaks the guard immediately lets you do a full combo with the weapon. Stuff on the field is good for around 4-10 uses, and any sort of sign bypass guards completely.

>grabbing works when the game feels like letting it work
It's actually very simple, unless you're fighting Komaki then grabbing works like this:
>Have you punched the guy in the last five seconds and had at least one hit out of the combo land?
>If yes you can grab them.
>If no you get thrown away.
The bigger the enemy the less time you can drag them around, and that rate is shortened for bosses. In order to actually grab someone the enemy can't be attacking or in the middle of an attack, you have to wait for the brief moment where they stop.

>and triangle has to share being an attack button and being the heat attack so I end up using heat when I don't want to
The triangle attack is almost never worth using to begin with, the damage it does is too low, it requires a three second charge to deal any damage at all, and enemies usually sway away from it. You're meant to be using it in square combos not on its own.

>Then there's the bullshit of trying to dodge an attack and hit from behind but the assholes turn around so fast and block just as I'm about to attack that it feels like I have to rely on luck more than skill
It's actually really easy to counteract that, sway behind them when they're in the middle of a combo. While they're in the middle they literally cannot block the attack unless they're that Korean guy in 2 who blocks everything with his feet, and even he can be gotten behind while he's doing a jump kick or a quick punch combo.

This is only really a problem with enemies in the underground tournament or bosses, everything that's not there is not able to properly block from behind while in a combo, and their combos break in two or three hits.

Literally passing and scraping by this semester just to play Yakuza 0 and see the Cubs win the World Series

>The triangle attack is almost never worth using to begin with
Tiger drop is tied to lock on and triangle button, so that could be what he's referring to.

Though you can hold down L2 to prevent the heat action prompt from appearing.

Sounds like you're just a boring dude.

If he's talking about Tiger Drop (It's that quick punch counter with triangle, right?) then I've never had a problem performing it for the retaliating Heat Action, you have to mistime it for the Heat Action to happen since it's directly at the start of the windup, Tiger Drop is like half way through the punch. I used it a bunch when fighting Komaki and Akira Yamaoka in the Underground Tournament in 2 with full Heat since you're constantly guarding against them anyway and that's the only real way to hurt them.

>(It's that quick punch counter with triangle, right
Yes, though now that I think back, there aren't any heat moves you could do by accident while attempting the tiger drop.

The retaliation heat move can only be done if you aren't locked on.

Really though, doing heat moves by accident isn't a big deal since you can just earn it back pretty quickly.

Yeah, that too, it's like one full combo or like one or two weapon hits.
>Using a sign on two guys for the first time
>Go from 0 to a full bar.


I want Sega to make an anime/show of Yakuza characters getting into shenanigans and call it "It's Always Sunny in Kamurocho"
