KH 0.2 opening

>KH 0.2 opening

>KH 1.5 + 2.5 HD will be on PS4 and run at 60fps

>Drive Forms will return in KH 3

>Sora will be in World of Final Fantasy

Great day for KH fags

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I loved breaking the news to my Final Fantasy fanboy friend that despises Kingdom Hearts about Sora being in World of Final Fantasy.

I'm honestly pretty hyped about that, it's a good game so far.


Can we not give shitposters attention this time around?

First for you fanboys are retarded for eating up piecemeal content that should be bundled/ported properly.

Enjoy KH3.2, 3.5, 3.8, and 3.895 when they come out later in 2018.

Never been into KH, but I love FF. Should I emulate the games, or wait for that 1.5 2.5 combo pack?

If you've never been into KH why would you suddenly start?

You can do either option at this point. Do what you would think would be the best for you.

>You will never bend Aqua over and fuck this ass until all your MP runs out

Why haven't you killed yourself?

Looking forward to Anti-form, already pre-ordred 2.8 and will probably get the HD collection comp for that sweet 60fps

Wait, it's actually gonna get a ps4 port? Was literally gonna buy a ps3 for this shit.

I'd say wait for the pack, but apparently an English patch for 1 Final Mix just got finished, so emulation is an option. If you do emulate, do the GBA version of Chain of Memories over the PS2 version, and just watch the 1.5 movie of 358/2 instead of playing it.

Nice, now I only have to buy a PS4 for the full KH experience. Beats having multiple consoles just to play one game of the same series

Wait for whatever mix they crank out that has whatever 2-3 parts you want in it.


Because people like to try things that they haven't before? And the games are pretty much all together on 1 console now.
Yep. That's new news today.

Also, don't forget to buy KH3.2, 3.5, 3.8, and 3.895 all in one HD collection ports in 2021 after being for kingdom hearts 4 coming in 2034

>Games are pretty much all together on 1 console now.
Only 2 KH games worth getting right now are the final mixes. The rest is irrelevant filler. None of its on Ps4 yet either.

>irrelevant filler

>irrelevant filler
Your comment is irrelevant filler.

Sure you could buy them, i would emulate KH1 and 2 first though too see if you actually like the games before you spend 50 bucks on them

Did you miss the news today or..?

He'll be among the first to bitch incessantly about how the story of KH3 makes no sense, so it's terrible.

I want to see the ddd opening in HD

Kinda wish they would have gone a different direction from Drive forms. Something a little more interesting, like a style system that changes Sora's combat style and has advantages and disadvantages. Not a direct power-up, but redistribution of stats and attack properties.

I feel that Drives are a little too restrictive.

Well, I didn't say that you couldn't emulate them. All I said answer is why someone would get into the series now.

This came close to getting me. I just want all 3 of them to make it out okay. Even dumbass Terra. He didn't want any of this.


Good luck figuring out what's going on in KH3 without playing the other games.


Name 1 important thing anyone did in DDD, COM, or even 358/2 thats gonna be relevant to KH3 in any way besides Aqua.

>Something a little more interesting, like a style system that changes Sora's combat style and has advantages and disadvantages. Not a direct power-up, but redistribution of stats and attack properties.
So, kind of like Command Styles?
If you've been following 0.2, you would have known that they've been working on the look.

We don't really know anything about how they work in 3 yet so we'll just have to wait.

Not that user but I used to watch my brother play 1 and 2 back in the day. It all seemed too complex then, and he stopped playing when the games went full retard by spreading to a clusterfuck of different platforms. With the games now available in one console, it's easier to catch up now


I wish Sora's clothes didn't look like they were made out of some cheap rubbery material. It just looks bad.

Please don't start this shit
I don't want these threads to turn into FFXV threads where every single piece of gras is praised like the second coming of jesus

>what is anything involving Xehanort

The entire point of COM was to lead up to KH2, DDD is literally the prologue to 3, Days is only important if you like the Org and wanted more insight.

Caring for 2 shitty characters and a waifu

I've been holding off on a PS4 re-release for the longest time. It's why I didn't buy 2.5. Plus I'll have the whole series on one platform now. I could retire my PS3 almost just on this.

Is Billy Zane still the voice in the re-release of the remaster?


Also, where does BBS fit into your arguments? You don't count it with 1 and 2, but don't seem content to call it filler either?

I've played KH1,2, the ds game about roxas, and the final mixes. Read DDD's synopsis on the wiki.

I'll be fine, trust me.

>DDD, COM, or even 358/2
Tells you exactly what Xehanort's plan is and why we have previous members of Organization coming back for KH3.
What this said for the other 2. CoM is the lead in for 2. 358 is the lead in for bullshit and 3D is the lead in for 3. But if you just wanted someone to tell you the plot o the games you haven't played, you could have just asked.


Xehanort's Plan and motivation and generally the setup for KH3.

The rest just allow you more backstory and insight into certain characters.

Well since 1.5 + 2.5 is happening, lets go down memory lane. What's your:
>Favorite World?
>Favorite Keyblade?
>Favorite Enemy?
>Favorite Music?
>Favorite Moment?

Well I don't want them to die, and I was sad with the shitty fates they got, self inflicted or not in some cases, so I guess I care about them.

Beat like half of fucking Org 13?

>HD port of an HD port
I love Kingdom Hearts but I'm not buying this shit a third time.

Is Birth By Sleep even worth finishing?

I'm playing it right now but god damn it's a chore. The story is boring so far and the battle system sucks.

Hurr keyblade wars
Hurr xehanort was this other old guy before he was who he was in other titles.

Irrelevant dribble, and I said "Save aqua" because shes the only part of BBS that matters to KH3.

CoM have us insight into people like Axel and what type of person he is and how Roxas' friendship changed him.

Namine taught us how memories are connected to your heart and how everything pieces together.

DDD showed us Riku becoming a Keyblade Master. How Xehanort has returned and what his ultimate goal is. DDD is to 3 what CoM was to 2.

As for Days, yeah you've got me there. Just some minor details that smooth out some plot points.

That still doesn't mean that DDD is irrelevent filler. That's like reading a movie on wikipedia to prepare for the finale.

but 60 FRAMES PER SECOND user!

And that's fine
I doubt they expect too many sales too begin with

>Is Billy Zane still the voice in the re-release of the remaster?

10/10 baiting kid

>every KH game is canon

I would have been okay with this if they were all playable on the playstation and not on twenty different consoles.

Drop it

Never saw the appeal of KH. Can someone explain it to me? Also, why didn't Square do what they do with Final Fantasy and make the series not connected? I think that actually may have made me like it.

>Is Billy Zane still the voice in the re-release of the remaster?
Yes. He was only ever in KH1 though.

Which games are important ? 1 and 2?
Why only those?

seeXeahnort is literally Xenmas, prove me wrong. The only thing you'd miss not playing BBS is Aquas relevance to 3.

And now they're all on the PS4.

I don't have a set favorite.
Vector to the Heavens but the Memoria! version.
Xemnas' extra scene when he visits Aqua's armor.

>why didn't Square do what they do with Final Fantasy and make the series not connected
They didn't want to? That's a bit of a dumb question

You replied, didn't you? Doesn't that mean you failed if it was bait? But your (You) is clearly worthless, I'll wipe my internet-ass with it.

Truly masterful, you've exceeded all shitposting expectations.

Hurr is not an argument. It's literally you just drooling.

Can we not be like typical threads and keep responding to shitposts? Especially when you know and have confirmation that people are shitposting? The (You)s aren't worth it.


It's like you didn't play the game

0.2 > 2 > DDD > BBS > 1 > Days > Re:Coded > Re:CoM

Find a flaw. You can't

It's 30fps by the way

Remove the camo and I would much prefer that look to be Sora's main design than the one we have currently. I really, really feel like Nomura fucked up with his new look. Maybe it'll win me over.

>post yfw Lightning shows up

The entire focus of the game isn't on xehanort. You won't understand why Sora is going on a journey nor how the majority of the character interactions factor into it.

You've yet to give a legitimate reason as to how its all filler. Reading a wiki isn't an excuse, I could read a wiki for anything, that's not how your supposed to experience it.

Man I was going to replay everything before 2.8, but fuck it I'll just finish up BBS for the first time and wait and replay everything with the new PS4 version. Maybe I'll actually play Days and Recoded in the meantime.

>nearly the entire series on one disc
Good enough reason for me

Because they're the main installments in the series and every other antagoist introduced is irrelevant to the happenings of KH3 aside from adding prequel expo to the first 2 titles and Aqua in 3?

And I said FINAL MIXES. Thats important.

DDD over KHII for me

>Favorite World
Aesthetics wise probably Timeless River, but it got the short end of the stick in everything else. I'm actually pretty partial to Agrabah in KH1 and Port Royal and Halloween Town in KH2. World That Never Was in terms of original world.
>Favorite Keyblade
Decisive Pumpkin
>Favorite Enemy
eh...dunno honestly, Xigbar is my favorite straight up villain. I guess I always liked the ones with the headwraps in Agrabah design wise
>Favorite Music
The Other Promise easily, though the 2.5 remix of He's a Pirate does so much justice to that song in ways that the original did not.
>Favorite Moment
The ending to KH1 where Riku gets locked away and Sora says his farewell to Kairi. Obviously none of that stuck, but it really got me as a kid in no other way any moment in the series has since. Riku and Sora reconciling their differences while Riku had to pay a heavy price for his mistakes was affecting, and Sora being resolute in getting him out was nice. Another Side Another Story Deep Dive was also really fun to watch over and over while waiting for 2.

So what you're saying is that i'll have no problem understanding the story if i just play 1,2 and 3?

>Maybe I'll actually play Days and Recoded in the meantime.

You'll be in my thoughts user.

I want to marry Aqua!

Soras going on a journey because hes bored af on his island and a god damned shadow demon came and fucked it up for him.

Oh I suppose aqua coming and interacting wtih sora was important even though the start to soras adventure is already established?

Its all prequel expo that doesn't matter to the scope of the first 2 installments, which were already cohesive and well-made. LITERALLY filler to stifle fanboys before 3.

Re:Coded is fun, though maybe too long and the story sucks, but whatever.

No one should play 358 though, god no.

If you play KH1 final mix, Kh2 final mix, and KH3, while reading the wiki on Aquas role from BBS, then no. You'll have no problems unless you're braindead.

I'll feel sorry for anyone who takes this post seriously

Who is she

Will they cancel the xbone version of KH 3? Literally no point anymore , Why Square didn't even make it a PS4 exclusive is beyond me

All of their fates were self inflicted though. It's what lead to all of this shit going down and why Sora and Riku have to fix their screw-ups.

But all their other series save Parasite Eve and Front Mission aren't connected. It doesn't just apply to FF.

>Soras going on a journey because hes bored af on his island and a god damned shadow demon came and fucked it up for him.

He's already back on the island in 2. Why is he going on another Journey? Are you stupid?

>Oh I suppose aqua coming and interacting wtih sora was important even though the start to soras adventure is already established?

Well when she appears out of nowhere in KH3 without having played 2.8 then yeah it will be important if you want to know how she got their.


Can we talk about this for a sec?

A drive form dedicated to guarding, is it going to be worthless shit or will there be fundamental use for it in KH3's gameplay? I remembered an article a while back talking about how they're making the gameplay based on 2FM but removed reaction commands in favor of a challenging reaction-based playstyle. 0.2 has a bit of this playstyle where it plays like 2FM but certain enemies like the fire heartless and the swarm boss have unavoidable attacks unless you use reflectaga and counter. Maybe they're reassuring that you have to make use of your defensive options like dodge, roll, reflectaga, and i-frames and make them downright mandatory so you don't breeze through the game using basic attack strings. What do you guys think?

KH Vcast isn't canon tho

Well they can't be worse than Re:CoM can they?

I feel sorry for you having bought anything other than KH1, KH2 FM, and Days. Days was filler but it was the best of the fillers.

The best!

When they announced KH3 they didn't know which console would sell the most so they just played it safe. There's always a chance they'll not bother with it now.

Unless there's fuck all work involved making it, then they might as well try and get a few dollars out of it.