Console Tans

*teleports behind you*

Other urls found in this thread:


i like smug loli

Oh, it's that shitty design nobody likes.

Post the twins or fuck off cocksucker.

Fuck off to /vg/ or /trash/ already

These are literally generals right now that are pure shitposting with zero vidya discussion.

Fuck off

>Milf Dock

If we made a rework to K, Can we add a whole 'Megas XLR' console thing

>The Midna Pillow button from previous thread
>Interior Airbags
>Exterior Airbags
>Assemble Tan-force
>Malcom in the Middle refrence
>Snarky Comeback
>'Natural' musk emitters
>Create /ctt/
>Third arm joystick
>Deploy Amiibo
>Deploy more Amiibo
>Deploy all the Amiibo

Which console do you want to see poop?


I'm going to puke.

needs to be a "Destroy Thread", "smug", and "ara ara"

here you go familia, got a little lazy with the guns and i need to work on my facial expressions, sorry about that.

This is perfect.

How can we ever forgive the K-fags for deleting, not only the twin pics, but also the the rest on the Booru. What the hell do they have against E?

Reminder that these threads belong in TUESDAYS, and ONLY Tuesdays. /ctt/ stands for Console-tan TUESDAY, not thread.

Reminder that there's a cancerous shitposter in these threads that's admitted to actively falseflagging, baiting, and making most of these threads to promote more shitposting for his own amusement.

Reminder that content has been REMOVED from the booru, either by the same cancerous shitposter or cancerous newfags, and now the regulars have to deal with re-uploading the content. Someone else's hard work and efforts have been expunged from the booru because you lot keep arguing, shitposting, and making these threads outside of Tuesday.

Reminder that every time you bump this thread or make a new one, you're encouraging that same shitposter to continue fueling the fire for his own amusement at the cost of the community's image and well being. Don't respond to shitposters, false-flaggers, and trolls; the more you feed them, the longer this has to go on for.

Reminder that any newfags and drawfags who want to be an active and positive part of the community should cease from posting in these threads outside of Tuesday immediately, should not post new content, and should wait until Tuesday to continue console-tan discussion. Even if new content is being made, there is a heavy cost to it with all of the shitposting and damage done to the community and its efforts. If you want to enjoy /ctt/ and keep the community healthy, please stop posting in these threads and come back on Tuesdays.

>shitposting twins
This is perfect.

Last one is a stickshift between 'Ara Ara' to 'Oh my' and 'Reverse'

Have faith, I'm sure the booru people are doing something.

People deleted all of the twins art and E art? Why?

Incredible. Twinfags finally did it. They started have started shitting up the booru just because they know they lost.

>implying it's not obvious who the most underhanded shitposters in /ctt/ are

It's not Tuesday, you faggots. Fuck off.

console-tans were a mistake

What part of:
>Don't respond to shitposters, false-flaggers, and trolls; the more you feed them, the longer this has to go on for.
Did you not understand?

Even the shitposting images for K are good.

K with the correct dock.

Well, at least we know what Wendy fag's tastes are like.

truly worst design


whats with all these K faggots tonight?

>the dock is supposed to let her pretend to be a console

You don't understand the console at all, shitposter-kun

There's no reason to fight over design guys, just make more comics about your pick and eventually it will win.

its not like i'm rolling or anything

Let's do this!

so the PSP is a console right? It can connect to the tv

Honest question.

F me for doing it, weRoll

Haha no. Working as intended

No, cuz it doesn't have a dock to pretend to be a console

One issue I have with the straight black full body dress is that it seems harder for draw fags to draw since it doesn't have any marks for proportions etc. You end up with vague hips/ass and boobs combined as hourglassish shape then solid black fill. Other tans have shirt lines, hem lines, logos/symbols etc that demarcate portions of the body and can be used as a sort of guide.
There's also the issue of cloth being to hard to draw and most draw fags not being able to draw Milf moving her legs, walking etc without the dress looking strange or legs looking strange. Compare to the short skirts or pants of the other tans where legs in any positio can be draw without having to figure out how the leg length dress is going to drape or restrict movement. You can see this in a couple of the K drawings where Milf's legs look strange or the dress below waist ends up looking weird.
Visually it ends up with most of the figure being solid black. The one that added gray sides too mimic controllers is a step in right direction but it ended up looking like future space nun due to fabric going up to head. Could at least give her a loose belt in lighter color to break up the design some.

i do because feet

>pretending to be retarded

Loli sylph ha, i I am no pedo so I reroll suck my dick perverts

Are you gonna spam it until you get an empty echo chamber?

rolling for turtle ass


Well shit guess I gotta roll

Red oni (24) looks like its grabbing Hornets stinger...


>the dock is supposed to let her pretend to be a console
Only a deluded nintentard would think this.
It's a charging dock + hdmi cord lol.

>it seems harder for draw fags
are you implying?

I'm not too big on the twin design since it's two people. I don't think that makes any sense. If any console tan should have two people it'd be the DS/3DS since it has two screens right?

I like K the best since it's simple but E is cool too.


This design is fucking disgusting


rollin hoping for something good

Nintendo is LITERALLY selling it as a handheld that becomes a home console. Stop pretending to be retarded you idiot kike.

I do but I don't love the retarded milf suit.

Easily the worst design.

Literally who

Rollin' for a waifu

Gross. Doesn't feel like a Nintendo tan at all.

>docked handheld =/= home console

You can call a turd whatever you like, doesn't mean it's actually a sandwich

I didn't like my last roll, so I'm going for it one last time. Come on, daddy needs a new loli.

The dock literally doesn't improve in performance, it just charges the system and help it connect to the TV.

Straight up not a tan design. Fuck off.

What is Switch's personality anyways?


Why are you shitposting? The Dock is just a cradle with an HDMI port.
The console doesn't "power up" or becomes stronger.
IT can't run better games. The only thing is able to do is overclock to be able to run 1080p instead of 720p at what we can only hope is a stable framerate.
It's fucking nothing.


of course I have to roll

Literally all me.

>or more generally any dish wherein two or more pieces of bread serve as a container or wrapper

your hit just need bread to be a sandwich tho

Adapt this for K pls

>Nintendo hides Switch from the world saying their design is too good and they don't want imitators
>info only revealed now, 5 months from release
>still expect it to sell tons since it's just so good guys

It's gotta be smug

Well they can't fucking draw it. The only good drawing of clothed Milf is Junk's sketch.
Here the dress turns into a rectangular prism because draw fag didn't know what do.
In the "My Sides" pic the Milf's legs are so wonky they're basically not even attached to the body anymore and are warping through themselves.

Please post some good drawings of K Milf in her dress. Like I said there's also the issue that nobody draws her walking, sitting, etc because ankle length dress is going to look retarded since average drawfag isn't super skilled at cloth drawing.
Pretty much every other tan has pants, shorts, short skirts, that allow for easy drawing of legs in any position.

Not even getting into how the Milf's bodysuit is pretty unaesthetic desu. Even simply change like removing long sleeves and giver her a red bra or something would improve it.


Official Nintendo statement:

>The Nintendo Switch, to be released in March, is a living-room console that converts into a portable, handheld device. The console, about the size of a small tablet computer, can be removed from its docking station for play on the go. (Nintendo)

Lying gets you nowhere. You're intentionally misrepresenting Nintendo's intent out of autism.

I'll comission then

>In the "My Sides" pic
My bad I meant pic.

she okay but the milf suit is fucking stupid

>A E S T H E T I C

You are literally retarded. Leave and never come back.

>only difference in performance when out of the dock is that it runs at 720p
>when docked it performs exactly the same but at 1080p
So Nintendo is selling a VITA with a charging cradle and passing it as a home console?

>Nintendo do says it so it must be true

So if Apple told you a docked iPad was a home PC it must be true?

Nintendofags are truly the brain dead among us.

Unaesthetic is a word user.

she doesn't walk, she slides

so are "cringe" and "epic." That doesn't make them not reddit.


What's your favourite song or video from this year's Sup Forums musical!?

This is mine:

>if Apple told
but they didn't


why don't you go complain to nintendo about it, cuckboi?

What the fuck are you talking about? Since when is "unaesthetic" some meme word? Is this from that stupid vapor wave shit?
Fine replace "unaesthetic" with "not visually pleasing; unattractive." happy you autist?

are you from Sup Forums? cuz you have shit taste

Probably the Attack On Titan parody

K is the only one that actually has an understanding of how the console works- it's a handheld that docks with a device to make it function like a traditional console. Switch is a younger girl like the other handhelds who docks with a mech that looks like an older girl to interact with the normal consoles.

The arm-falling-off gimmick that E uses doesn't work because that's not the primary function of the console; it's the controller's gimmick. Same as the Twins.

Plus with the twins, you have two characters (consoles) combining with a dock (trenchcoat) to become a console, which isn't how the actual console works at all.

And yeah, K's "kid inside" thing is good too. I like how she's been characterized as a normal girl trying to pretend to be a mature girl, but not really fitting in. It suits the way Nintendo has been going for the last few console generations, and works especially well with them using a handheld to try and trick consumers into buying a home console. Plus both the dock and Switch herself fit more with the other -tans than the Twins.

Nice digits, but I don't understand your point.
The switch is designed to work as handheld that you can connect to your TV, like the vita but bulkier.
Its weak specs for today's market and the fact that when it's on "home console mode" the only "upgrade" it gets is being able to do 1080p don't sound wrong and fishy to you?

holy shit that was good


fred durst

>And yeah, K's "kid inside" thing is good too. I like how she's been characterized as a normal girl trying to pretend to be a mature girl,

shes characterized as a slut that wants dick, thats literally it.

You really find Milf's futuristic black/dark grey nun habit attractive?
There can be no improvement in her design?


>it's a handheld that docks with a device to make it function like a traditional console.
I can plug my vita to a TV.
Hell, I can plug my PSP or GBA to a TV, it doesn't make them a "traditional console".
The "dock" is a glorified charging station.
Want to fix K? Lose the fucking useless MILF.