Should I play through this on PC or PS3?

Should I play through this on PC or PS3?

its my first play through the series.

I started with Demon Souls, but had to skip Dark Souls 1 cause i cant find it on ps3 and I heard the PC port is really shitty.

Other urls found in this thread:

>PC port is really shitty
I mean it's not a great port but its still much better than playing it on console unless you really want single digit fps

>the PC port is really shitty.
Solid controls and optimization

There is no reason to ever play a Multiplat on cucksole.

Plug your cucksole controller into your PC and enjoy a humane resolution and an acceptable framerate.

you should not play this. bad game. it was made just to get more money to bamco over dark souls popularity.

DS2 is better optimized than 1 for sure

If your computer can run it, play it on PC

If not then play it on PS3 then

The PC versions for all of the dark souls are far superior to the console versions.

When people say a PC port is shitty, they actually means it's on the same level as or only marginally better than the console versions. That's certainly the case for DaS1 even without DSfix, and with it, it becomes substantially better in many respects.

But DaS2 isn't worth playing at all, it's the cheap knock-off in the series. Maybe if you've played DeS, DaS1, BB and DaS3, and still aren't bored, it'll be worth a playthrough after.

The PC port is still the best version out there especially since it has no fps dips if your computer is good enough to run it.

You realize retarded you sound, right?

Wait what's wrong with DS2? I'm almost done with the first one.

Shit level design
Shit aesthetics
Shit graphics
Shit mechanics
Shit atmosphere

Skip 2 and 3 and play BB instead because it's the true sequel DS1 deserved.

It's only a little worse than DS1 but Sup Forums likes to exaggerate, so now it's the worst game ever made

Fuck off, the trendy thing on Sup Forums recently is to actually prop it up. It isn't a terrible game in its own right, but it is objectively the worst in the series.


Get Dark Souls 1 on PC then install DSfix just don't skip DS1 it's the best in the series and one of the best games ever made imo

Shit lore and no challenge. All the enemies and bosses are boring humanoids with few unique attacks. The whole game was just made for PVP.

This is a very in depth video that goes into what was wrong with the game, but essentially DS2 was made by devs that tried to copy the surface elements of DS without understanding what made them work.

Either ps3 or the dx9 version on pc.

Go with PC for 1. And 2 is still a great game. Play the Scholar version.

But sadly this thread will be a shitpost fest about 2 and 3.

Pretty much this. But make sure to get all the addons with it to. Although there is the sotfs version, which already includes everything. However in exchange the atmosphere might be worser than the regular edition

PC, and for the record the SotfS fixes most of the real issues with the game. The remaining issues is nonsensical plot (which to be honest does bother me) and nonsensical world layout (which is way over blown by youtube dark souls commentators, I mean where is the bitching about ash lakes location in DS1?).

It's a step down from 1 and 3 but it's still way better then most games. Plus it has some really cool levels.

Sotfs is just the regular game and dlc on ps3 and dx9 on pc.

Worser is not a word.

Please god don't skip 1
And PC+DSFix>>>PS3, fyi

Sotfs is the conplete edition, but they have also changed some graphical settings. Some of these were for the better but some for the worse. Like how they overblown the sun in the sky with extra effects or brightened up the game by a lot

It runs quite well on pc however I'm not sure the user base is as big as PSTriple's.

As a PC player of all three be prepared for maximum twink/faggotry.

>had to skip Dark Souls 1

You may as well not even bother with the rest.

, , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , There isn't a difference because most people already moved on to DaS III and Soul Memory makes co-op difficult until you hit the cap which is at 5 million+ souls or so. PC version is optimized really well and runs at 60 FPS.

I literally started playing SotFS after getting it on a sale. I played the original on release and haven't touched it after 100+ hours.

ADP/Agility makes the game unplayable if you're used to dodge and not blocking. Starting as deprived means you have a lack of souls and the dagger needs about 5 hits to kill a hollow infantry and 7-9 hits to kill the hollow soldiers which they throw at you in swarms. You need to grind 1200 souls for the club and there's no STR bonus when two handing so you have to grind souls to get STR and grind another 12 SL to get 18 ADP to make your dodging possible. Soul gain is really bad early game and with a dagger is stupid when normal enemies constantly swarm you and you need 25+ hits to kill two hollow soldiers which constantly surround you, not to mention you have bad iframes when dodging to and super limited estus use early game.

They changed Iron Keep and throw a shit ton of Alonne Knights at you and the Dragon Keep warriors don't attack you at all which makes the run to the arch/old dragon easier.

Pharros Lockstones/Fragrant Branches of Yore make you unsure of when to use them because they don't actually help you progress and backtracking to the old ones are kind of useless. You get lots of them later in the game though.

I never found myself having fun while I was playing it. There's no incentive to explore when the design was based around having more enemies = harder which makes it tedious and unenjoyable.

, , Agreed

PS3 if you want 5 minute loading times and make sure you buy the Scholar of the First Sin version for all the DLC and updates

>You realize retarded you sound, right?

t. Typical cucksole fanboi

You shouldn't play it at all OP.

holy shit, check out the redditor

user you forgot to reply to my post

Holy shit is your argument all around how hard it is to start as deprived? That's the whole fucking point of the class.

Also ADP makes the game better. iframes should have a stat to it. Look at the current meta for DS3, Quality builds can do EVERYTHING and still roll. ADP fixes that issue and it's why it has the best PVP and even the PVE is still fun.

dont you EVER fucking post like that again.

You forgot to pointlessly green text things. 4/10

>Quality builds can do EVERYTHING
they can't cast magic for one
they usually can't afford to wear heavy armor either because they're dumping two damage stats

Magic and heavy armor are useless in DS3 PVP. Are you fucking high? My entire point with DS2 is you saw more viable builds. In DS3 all you have is 40/40 builds that end up trying to parry each other or fish for a back stab.

Dark Souls I & III gives you weapon variety while the deprived has to farm souls just to buy a weapon off the NPC. Even if you started as a thief with the dagger, most enemies die much easily than in II with the amount of hits that they require. Tough enemies isn't a problem but when you make them swarm you, it is.

>buy SotFS on sale a week ago
>haven't played II since release
>controls feel slippery like you have jakiro's turn rate in dota 2
>can't dodge consistantly
>remember about agility
>grind souls in the early area to finally be able to dodge consistantly
>grind more souls because the game doesn't give you weapons except for a dagger that needs 8 hits to kill a "normal" enemy
>grinding souls is slow in the area
>buy the club and realize that 2 handing a weapon doesn't let you have a STR bonus
>first area is tough because of how dodging works.
>get the club and start 2-shotting things
>now the real dark souls experience begins
>breeze through the game because they forgot to give enemies strike defense and realize that the areas are harder than the bosses because they decided that more enemies made it harder

It's dead? And not relevant to what I'm writing.

At least I'm contributing to the discussion.

Just sounds like your mad they made a Souls game hard when you pick the class that's meant to be hard.

>controls feel slippery like you have jakiro's turn rate in dota 2

Why didn't you say from the start your a shitty MOBA player? I could have saved time and just ignored your shit tier hate bait posts

>Magic and heavy armor are useless in DS3 PVP
so? quality builds can't do everything

>Are you fucking high?

>DS2 saw more viable builds
like what, hexshitter 92?

>DS3 all you have is 40/40 builds
pretty much

>trying to parry each other
this will get you killed and you'll look like a huge scrub

>fish for a back stab
I thought we were talking about DaS3, not dark souls
you can't really "fish" for backstabs, only punish really laggy attacks with them
which is how they should be
I seriously hope you don't want DaS2 backstabs back, that shit was repugnant

Don't play it at all. It is literally the worst game ever made. Everyone that has played it regrets it. Don't make the same mistake they did. Play an actual good game like Bloodborne instead.

I didn't have a problem in I and III

>so? quality builds can't do everything

Let me rephrase because you have autism, 40/40 builds can do everything worthwhile. I mean you have a slight point with magic since it can be "fun" but it's still worthless. Heavy armor has zero value for anything so it's meaningless

>like what, hexshitter 92?

So you agree DS2 has more viable builds? Thanks!

>pretty much

So we are in agreement?

>this will get you killed and you'll look like a huge scrub

What game are you playing? 1v1 encounters are to players circling one another waiting for them to swing for an easy parry

>I thought we were talking about DaS3, not dark souls
you can't really "fish" for backstabs, only punish really laggy attacks with them
which is how they should be
I seriously hope you don't want DaS2 backstabs back, that shit was repugnant

This is 100% str weapons are meaningless. To slow to hit, and so easy to punish with a back stab.
So far it seems like you are aruging for my point not against it.

So you are mad they finally made something hard?

it's only hard because of poor design

You only think it's poor design because you can't roll to win

I think you underrate defense

>So you agree DS2 has more viable builds? Thanks!
I was hoping for more effort than this
Hexshitters being good amounts to magic being better (which was nice) and buffs being so ridiculously strong as to invalidate physical builds, since they could do everything a physical build can do with more damage

>So we are in agreement?
on that point, yeah, I'm not here to shit on everything you say whether it's right or wrong

>1v1 encounters are to players circling one another waiting for them to swing for an easy parry
DaS3 has more unparryable attacks than ever before with the introduction of weapon arts, and the attacks are in general faster than DaS2, and thus harder to parry on reaction
I don't understand why you think this
Parryshitters get destroyed constantly

Strength weapons have to pick their swing timings better than most, but they get rewarded for it with a lot of damage
They could use a little faster cooldown on swings so they don't get backstabbed for free, but that doesn't mean the backstab system is bad, and it certainly doesn't result in fishing
Maybe you exclusively play strength weapons, so it seems like people are fishing for backstabs to you
I mainly play dex so no one backstabs me

>So you are mad they finally made something hard?
oh shit have I been arguing with the "DaS2 is hard" guy?
my bad

>unparryable attacks

Name one that comes out fast enough to hit a decent player, ill wait moba shitter

unparryable attacks meaning things like sellsword L2
if you can parry the curved sword r1 on reaction, as in you don't have to press parry until you're absolutely sure I'm attacking, then I'd love to see it
make your password "das2sucks" and see me in the arena, I've got a few minutes
inb4 you didn't buy the dlc and you're not smart enough to use CE and pontiff is dead and other excuses for why you could totally do it but won't prove it

Not the guy you are fighting with but mind if I hop on and duel you?



Do you like troubleshooting?

guess I was too slow
if you guys come back to the thread I'm still down to see your sick parries
I'll sit around for a few more minutes

You weren't the player with the onyx blade?

you two probably fought each other
did it end in a single parry?
if not someone didn't put up

Play Scholar Of The First Sin on PC. Need some1 to co-op with, dawg

>Wait what's wrong with DS2?
It's better in every way than DS1 and makes it feel like a shallow and short corridor slasher, so the Miyazaki cocksuckers go apeshit the moment anyone even tries to mention DS2 and especially SotFS, since it blew the fuck out of DS3 and has almost 10% better rating on Steam.

DS2 is pretty much DS1 improved in every single area, except it's also a game of a much bigger scope. I could never go back to DS1 after playing 2, because it felt too small and limited.

never touch a souls game sequel

as soon as they put a number beside the title it means they're phoning it in just to make the publisher happy

Get scholar of the first sin on PC, it is the best version.