I'm depressed, what games can cheer me up?

I'm depressed, what games can cheer me up?

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in some series the precures look like men

Play... Cho Aniki

Spoider Man

Noitu Love:Devolution

Ya te vi julio

Valiant Hearts

Drakengard 1


Katamari Damacy. The music alone should make you feel a little better.


Or this



Dont know how bad your depression is, but STALKER turns loneliness into serenity, desperation into eagerness, fear into adventure and the unknown into discovery.

Hotline Miami is also nice, the music coupled with the bright colors and grainy sounds never fail to get me pumped up, might not make you happy but it sure is pretty energetic.

One of many farm life games like Stardew or Animal Crossing too.

Grand Strategy. It's fun to feel like you're making some shithole relevant and beating up on other world powers.

Earth Defense Force

Seconding this.
I'm not even kidding, play it.


The Void

Kirby's Adventure
Dragon Quest VIII
Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle

Shantae series

Something about the eternally optimistic little half-genie's misadventures in Sequin Land always puts a smile on my face. She's adorable, sexy, goofy and funny but also courageous and heroic.

They're happiness in game form. Based Shantypants ^_^

Name one.

Neptunia Re;Birth 1 got me through a terrifying nervous breakdown. It's really comfy, and if you go buy hp bracelets at the start the difficulty curve is just right.


This. Moeshit works best.


Any Katamari Damacy