Go on user, no heals for until you suck on my toes.
Go on user, no heals for until you suck on my toes
Other urls found in this thread:
go home and die
>healers that don't know their place
get kicked out of every game you play because you refuse to heal properly and obediently
*farts on your face*
if your good boy and inhale you can have another (you)
>implying I'm a shitter that needs heals
I only suck loli toes.
oh HELL yeah
but they taste like cheese
>Forcing your team to do shit for heals
>Not handing them out as often as possible
Speaking as a Mercy main, nothing gives me more satisfaction in life than seeing a full healthbar
Just gotta know your place, and I know mine
>that file size
worthless nigger
i'm tired of seeing mercy's die right after her ult.
she should be invulrneable i think
>tfw no healslut to service my healthbar
it feels like most mercys i play with have already been mind broken so bad they can barely heal honestly
Kill yourself.
I'd do anything she wanted
jpg is trash and shouldn't even exist
Don't worry, user, I still take delight in servicing my team
I've been told I practically pamper them
If you ever need my services, I'd be more than happy to help~
>open toe
Come back when you have some actual, respectable thighhighs and maybe I'll reconsider how bearable my injuries are.
>turning a pure maiden into a slut
Fuck you
Yes ma'am.
>symmetra thread, with a neutral OP webm died since nobody posted in it
>stupid lewd /wsg/ tier bullshit and everybody posts in it
fuck you Sup Forums
Is that an offer?
source me
Wtf? Why? Just let me eat you out, that would be mildy enjoyable for me and I'm sure more pleasurable for you than toe sucking.
I actually don't understand stuff like this, or non-femdom foot fetishism in general, what's the appeal?
Know your place. You suck me and I wont let you die
pls be oceanic ;-;
its still femdom silly
I want Mercy to be my mommy
I want beta males who think they can use their dicks out
Do not worry, user. I have no ill-intentions and will heal you regardless of your proclivities.
No such luck, sorry
But if you have an email, I might be able to give you a personal checkup
It just shows Sup Forums is attracted to shitposters with outrageous claims like flies are drawn to shit.
I like how jpeg compression makes her toenails look red when they're actually black.