>Player character has time stop ability
>Enemy can move in stopped time
Player character has time stop ability
Other urls found in this thread:
>series has a game adaptation
>game explodes in popularity so that rapid influx of underaged memer secondaries ruin the fanbase of the series
What game?
The Smurfs
Shrek super slam
>Oh geez, gang, we're in a real pickle!
>How can we defeat this terrifying adversary?
>"Well, Star Platinum just learned a new technique that solves it perfectly."
>Oh, so you have a new move?
>"No, he's never doing it again."
>Oh gosh, Dio's stand can STOP TIME!
>"Well, Star Platinum can already do it better."
>Wow, Star Platinum is unstoppable! It took Dio months to reach that level, if you keep practicing, who knows how long-
>"No, I'm not gonna do it anymore."
>Ys 2
>Try to use any sort of magic on a certain boss
>He'll turn it around and harm you
someone didn't watch part 4.
Was it autism?
The part where SP could only stop time for about 1 second because Jotaro never kept on training?
Someone didn't read part 6
>Oh gosh, Dio's stand can STOP TIME!
>"Well, Star Platinum can already do it better."
comfirmed retard
the only reason jotaro won was because of Dio's cockiness star plats time stop was terrible
>"No, I'm not gonna do it anymore."
Uh ohhhhhhhhhh
The first time was a spur of the moment pumped up version to get the ever loving fuck out of Dio's way. For standard use he can only do it for an absolute max of a few seconds due to not having Dio's vampire stamina hax.
plot convenience, like Giorno and his reflect ability.
Please kill yourself.
im here too
Why? The anime adaptation is really well made.
Dio had Jonathan's body and Araki wanted him to have all joestars powers but realised it was stupid and threw it out half way though.
This party's getting CUH-RAZY
Yeah it is, and you dont deserve it
kek this guy
>Kira's left arm in the panel
Never fails to make me laugh.
Nah, Araki just dropped that ability. Just like he always does.
I mean, how the fuck does Valentine do THIS? The beginning D4C chapters were a mess.
Did Kira's arm get cut off?
What's wrong with his legs?
Remember how Kakyoin could possess people?
I can't imagine what you're talking about.
I mean, it's incredibly obvious who shot Johnny Joestar.
Yeah, he can do it real shitty in part 4. But there was still several years where he, for no real reason, decided to never explore, train, or revisit his amazing ability. It was a needed nerf, being able to stop time for huge chunks would solve too many issues.
But then he shouldn't have had him learn it so quickly in a single night, only to be able to do a much worse version years later, despite being thrown into several life-or-death situations where training that ability would have saved lives.
It's a shame the OVA isn't just a little better. The High Dio fight is great and Star Plat moving in stopped time reveal is miles better.
What is Dishonored, Alex.
Or how Polnareff could create clones, or Star Finger, or DIO's hermit purple. Can't forget Avdol's crossfire hurricane either, his strongest move which he only uses once.
Death 13 sure does. Real dropped abilities are Crossfire hurricane and Silver Chariot's armor properties.
The entirety of that fight was god tier in the OVA. Every moment was full of suspense and every punch Jotaro landed felt critical.
Even if the current animation adaptation is more truthful to the source the fight just felt limp.
>you will never go back in time to before JoJo had an anime adaptation and tumblrinas spammed it everywhere
DIO literally forgot all his vampire attacks, like the eyebeam and the ice-touch
Can't do ice touch in Jon's body maybe?
I like the OVA a lot.
Artwork isn't as faithful to Araki's style but the animation is really nice
which is pretty much the whole point of, y'know, animating something.
David's shit is like watching a slideshow
the best thing was just throwing out Araki's "lol they can fly for this fight"
Like, are you fucking serious? Jotaro doing loop de loops over buildings? Dio and Jotaro floating into the air while punch rushing? This is stupid Araki come on.
and don't forget symphony of the night, that shit is terrifying when enemies do it.
>But there was still several years where he, for no real reason, decided to never explore, train, or revisit his amazing ability
Just like how Joseph didn't train and develop his Hamon even though he has a stand that channels it in such a way that even in its shitty, undertrained state he nearly killed Dio by himself
Just like how Joseph didn't use any opportunity in the almost half-year he had with Jotaro to teach him Hamon and turn Star Platinum into a nuke-punching monster
>People talking about dropped abilities
>No one talking about the most powerful of them all.
>every Pokemon Sun and Moon trailer
>"Haha, another Jojo reverence xD"
>it's just a generic pose
that's nothing compared to GER
Why do people pretend JoJo is good? It's literally Naruto written by a gay man.
I thought they looked more like Saint Seiya characters preparing their attacks.
but its nothing like it?
Whats a good game with fun time stop mechanics?
It's not hard to drop powers on a stand that is so incredibly inconsistent
>the player's stealth cloak disappears when they fire their weapons
>enemy can fire their weapons as much as they want while maintaining their cloak
Black Ops 3 Zombies.
>Part 5
>Consistent in any way
>character has an ability that slows down aging
>becomes a senile old man at the age where their adopted grandfather only had some grey hair
Boy am I glad Joseph went through training which made ripple breathing automatic for him. It sure helped him not forget about his cool ability.
How about slow down?
Viewtiful Joe
>Nice try, Corvo.
In part 1 and 2 the protagonists have to actually use ingenious strategies to defeat their enemies.
Then comes part 3, where Jotaro "yare yare daze" Kujo just steamrolls through everything with Star Platinum.
>Oh, no. We're inside the High Priestess' mouth and its teeth are harder than diamonds. What are we gonna do to escape this predicament?
>lol, I'm just gonna brute force through it with Star Platinum
Bunny must die! Chelsea and the 7 devils.
man who the fuck is this
Or Prince of Persia.
Is this a Jojo reference?
>none of the bosses are effected by the time stop ability
>except the hardest one
>oh no, Jotaro's being sucked a whirlpool. How will he user his powers of precision to win this fight?
>I made mails go limp so that I have more energy to stretch my finger
>Did I mention I have stretchy fingers?
What's odd is that you have clever moments just like part 1 and 2 but you'll never see them come from Jotaro. The Bastet conclusion was great.
Maybe getting reanimated with Dio blood gave him brain damage
>part 1
>ingenious strategies
Straights and Lisa Lisa were autist level experts who uses that shit for everything. Joseph's a born natural yet his opening fight literally has him say "Did you really think I would just use the Ripple"?
He's not that serious of a practitioner, especially when easier to use Hermit Purple rolled around he'd probably just stop shortly after part 3.
in some cases, yes
I can think of a few stands they had to outsmart like D'arby Brothers, The Sun, Wheel of Fortune, Geb.
Jotaro was only great in the D'arby fights
First Devil May Cry had this. Only boss that could be frozen was Nero Angelo, but freezing him did not nullify his invincibility phases.
>some bosses can be inflicted with 1 of the 6 status ailments
>has a 20% chance of it happening
>it's usually nerfed on them
Fuck off with that. Went would I even try.
how do you unlock time stop?
Also that seems like the last boss you'd expect to get effected.
Which one of us gets to go first?
Doesn't it have to do with being pushed between two objects to teleport to another world?
Bangle of Time
>Darby fight
>Joseph doesn't even try to use the ripple
Come the fuck on.
No, it's an image scanned by Bobo.
Araki wanted Kira to be a Hamon master at first
When did you realize part 5 was the best part?
Do they use Hamon gain after part 3? I've only watched the series up to it.
Part 5 is terrible even with the new translation for plot structure reasons that can't be remedied, and hovers roughly above/below part 3 depending on personal taste and tolerance for the peak of JJBA's more visually effeminate stage.
No, Its never mentioned after part 3
No, however the use of stands in part 4 and onward is much different than how they use the stands in part 3 and is much closer to all the Hamon fights in part 2 than anything in part 3.
7 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 6 >>>>> 3
Aria of Sorrow, DMC
Stand power!
But the breathing technique was automatic for him so it's not like he had to consciously do anything in order to use the ripple.
At the very least he shouldn't have aged like a normal person.
2 is too low.
Except it's actually good.
Hey remember when Dio had ice powers and could shoot vampire lasers out of his eyes?
He got out of touch with them because he was asleep for 100 years and he didn't relearn them because he was dicking around with his SUTANDO
Sauce, please.
yeah but he fucking died. Even after the blood transfusion that could have thrown his shit out of wack.
Yeah but he lost it even before his death. He was about as old as Lisa Lisa in part 3 and he was obviously old enough to be someone's grandfather. Meanwhile Lisa Lisa looked like she was in her twenties.
jokes on you I got into jojo because of my friends not the games.
Havent played games, but if they have like a story campaign element thing I will. Anyone shed any light on the jojo games for me?
>all these anime only secondaries not ready for Jotaro/Jolyne incest in part 6
Oh, I can't wait for the reaction to part 6 when it gets animated.
False and homosexual, dont believe him.
Reading P4 right now and my buddies meme about jojo all the time, theres no way they wouldn't tell me about wincest.