How's Skyrim 2 going for you guys?

How's Skyrim 2 going for you guys?

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can't launch it.
I press play and it goes back to the launcher.

I haven't played skyrim in probably a year and told myself "I'll just start a new adventure in remastered" but once I got to Riverwood and did the first dungeon I realized I didn't want to play at all.

Also graphically it looks pretty much exactly like skyrim at the graphics I can run it at, just with more fog, more plants, and the depth of field makes me feel nearsighted constantly

scour mods for hours to create the "perfect" game
start playing for 10 mins and drop the game

3 CTDs by the time I got to Riverwood.

Pretty bad ass. No crashes, improved graphics, etc. Was going to replay it a few months ago, but was waiting for the update.

Running at 10-20 FPS on a GTX 970

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how.

what the fuck are you on about. im running a 970 with an i5 6600k on ultra and am getting a smooth 60fps with no drops.

quit playing at 8k

>no SkyUI

It's still unplayable

Can't use old mods yet.
So, it's not going. I probably won't be playing it for a few months, as I've played Vanilla multiple times already. I'm not playing it without some new variety of items/armors/weapons to collect, quests to complete, places to discover, enemies to fight and and overhauled skill system to make the experience feel new.. possibly a little bit of survival as well.

Currently, there are no interesting mods and all the old ones are incompatible, despite being promised otherwise.

I forgot how terrible the base perks are, and stopped after the intro sequence.

What's the best ETA for some overhaul mods to get ported?

>Still no way to dual wield shields and actually use them for victory

I'll let you know when Skyui, skse and other mods are updated to work with it.
So maybe i'll get to you with that in maybe a month or so.

Can I still just get the DLC i was missing from skyrim an get this free or did I wait to long and fuck up?

>despite being promised otherwise.
When did they promise the old mods would be compatible?

Too long, promo was only before it got released.

Fuuuck say it ain't so : (

Buy on keyshops, all dlcs costs like 8 usd


>Can't use old mods yet.

What mods didn't work?

according to i am too late for it to upgrade

>i5 4690k
>solid 40 on ultra

I can't imagine the CPU's bottlenecking me, it's well above the recommended.

You've got almost four months to get them. And you could always get all this shit on any sale previous years just for $7.

ok so I'm not the only one, I'm getting about the same fps as well as texture tears.

running a 970m with an I7. pretty unlucky tbqh.



I have done this more than 14 times over the last year

Can not launch it
I guess it's cuz I run a DX10 laptop

Godrays and medium settings are playable on my toaster, so everything is going great. I just need SkyUI.

Loving it, my dude :^)

I have an 95 4670 and 1060, and i'm running ultra at 60 fps. Every now and then theres a bit of loading stutter I think, is everyone getting that?

>1 ctd after opening it twice
>it still looks like shit without mods
I didnt give enough of a fuck to continue.

fuck, an *i5 4670

Disable vsync in the .ini file. Use nVidia control panel to enable Vsync and triple buffering. Use a program to limit the FPS to about 70 (nVidia inspector). I'm getting a constant 70 fps with a 970.

took like 2 hours to clean my original skyrim save from scripts because of all the mods i have but i got there eventually. atmosphere is so much nicer than original skyrim and the only thing its really missing are some HD texture packs to make it a really comfy experience over the original.

>Fullscreen max resolution is 1600x900
>Borderless windowed is 1920x1080

I bet my 97 is better than your 95, fite me

>play Skyrim
>do shitty garbage intro tutorial
>finally get out into the open world
>"oh look some Khajit merchants, I'll kill them and take their stuff"

I never even got that far after 4 crashes.
Literally skyrim with godrays and shittier performance.

i5 4690k (4.4ghz) + gtx 980 here

smooth 60 fps gameplay with no hitches

having fps issues with a rx480 at 720p. Usage drops to 0% sometimes but it doesnt stutter then it ramps up to 87% then back down to 0%. Something definitly messed up and I dont think god rays are working either.

Got a i5 2500k @4.2GHz and a 980ti. Game runs a solid 60 fps, but it means fuck all because of random crashes every 15 mins.

Guess I'll try it again when there's more mods. Need me some tiddy mods.


PC or Laptop?
from what I'm reading it may be an issue with the M series of Nvidia cards.

It's like when you spend 2 hours rolling a /tg/ char and then quit 30 minutes into your first adventure.


the game is probably cpu intensive hence why people are having problems.

I want her to bully me a bit

no it barely uses any cpu whatsoever. I think the max I saw mine go was 15%

>play Skyrim
>do shitty garbage intro tutorial
>finally get out into the open world
>"oh look some Khajit merchants, I'll kill them and take their stuff"
>fuck yo girl

2500k at 4.2 aswell but with a 290X and zero crashes

Hey it worked, thanks user.

Now that the game has been out for a couple hours, what are the essential mods?

This 'Special Edition' is actually worse than I thought it would be. Like, Jesus Christ.

First off, it's pretty much a copy paste job into Fallout 4's engine. The main issue is that they did nothing to clean up incompatibilities. It still uses fake SSAO, which just makes shadows darker by a static amount. But the biggest offender is how they're handling the new 'volumetric fog' and godrays. The godrays have the same performance problems that they did when Fallout 4 came out. It was later fixed down the line, but it's literally the same exact issue with them rendering improperly. But the fog? Well, to explain the best I can, we need to talk about clouds. In Skyrim's original release, clouds and the skybox in general had separate layers. This is pretty common in most modern games. From what I can tell though, the Special Edition has some wonky engine limitation for fog to be it's own separate layer, so it's attached to the cloud layers. In order for this to work, fog is technically enabled at all times, it's just tied to an opacity meter/setting that adjusts based on the weather pattern in game. This leads to an extreme amount of coding bloat and the fact that volumetric fog is always on, meaning your performance is going to tank because it's tied to the cloud layers.

And, yes, this does mean that clouds are rendered in dungeons with fog, they're just also invisible. This company is terrible.

A horse is blocking half of my character creation screen

who the fuck added this fucker

Kinda neat, I'll just install mods as I'm playing, don't want to fuck around with mods for hours so I'll do a little at a time as they're released. Trying out the alternate start mod, checking out some of the different beginnings. Think I'll go with shipwrecked.

even run at low settings it runs like a pile of steaming trash. it also auto detected my settings as low which is strange considering my set up.

also fuck me, this game isnt as good looking as I remembered it being

Just had a look at the Nexus page. Mods are already following in.

Runs like shit on a GTX 1080 SLI build with a 4790k processor. It runs OK at 1080p, but 1440p and 4K runs like crap when original skyrim + mods and Fallout 4 run perfectly at those resolutions maxed out.

It kinda amazes me that Bethesda managed to make a game that has been out forever run like crap on a slightly modified version of its own engine without a lot of changes.

mine set me at ultra but the godrays dont work and its doing weird things like going to 0% gpu usage while I'm playing. doesnt seem to affect framerates but I know thats not right. I have a rx480.

wanted to mod it but skse doesn't work sooooooo

This is what I do. Glad I'm not the only one.

>Posts full sized PC parts
>"PC or laptop"

The stupidity of this website never ceases to amaze me.

Trying to play it on steam and it just opens on background processes. Tried everything to fix it, I'm so depressed. Currently on my laptop shitposting while my main PC updates windows 10, I've heard that might fix it. Probably won't be playing tonight.

I just want to play it so bad. I don't want to reinstall. Please kill me.

running the 970m with the I7 which is way above recommended settings. updated drivers, checked integrity shit is still straight busted :(

what? this game is very cpu intensive. even the original skyrim was. i'm getting 50-60% cpu utilization on my OC 4690k

still have the list of the 200+ mods that are objectively mandatory to play skyrim in a folder somewhere.
Can't be bothered installing every mod in order to unshit skyrim but no fucking way am I going to play vanilla skyrim
Fuck No

i forgot how bad bethesda games are
npcs waving their arms around trying to do dramatic dialog and they just knock the plates of cheese all over the place

>I just want to play it so bad

Dunno man skyrim never really touched my cpu.

You should come play our campaign.

There is no way the character survives 30 minutes and when he dies you get 3 minutes to reroll.

i had to change the language to english for me in the game properties. have you tried that?

Cinematic 25fps on Ultra.

I miss the game. I've had it uninstalled for a while and I might just be the biggest, most autistic manchild for the Elder Scrolls series. I've played almost all of them, not just that but most of Bethesda/Obsidians major RPG's. I find them genuinely fun, with rich worlds and great gameplay. I never could understand why this board shits on them so much (mostly Todd Howard and Skyrim).

I've been looking to play all day and here I am, sitting and waiting because I can't fucking play. It's a total bummer.

Wait, wasn't this claimed to be free for people who already own skyrim?

I'm pretty sure it already comes as English. Was yours doing the backround processes thing to? Like you press play on that small initial window and the cursor loads and nothing happens?

only the shilling is free

free for people with legendary edition/all DLC

It's free if you've bought Original with DLC. And you could do it just for 5-7 bucks.

I've played skyrim for hundreds of hours with or without mods and I just can't play it likethat anymore. I get burned out in an hour or two every time.

That feel when loli mods/niche sex mods will never be ported to this

feels bad man

Works fine for me with a GTX 960, AMD A8 APU.

ultra settings, perfect frame rate, no crashes.

Knowing Sup Forums they probably tried installing HDT and SKSE and are blaming SkyrimSE for the crashing.

They did a wonderful job on the landscape in some areas. They claimed they started out crafting it all by hand, certain areas have a surreal quality to them.

steam would pop up saying it was loading, i was in game for like three seconds, then nothing, and i wasnt in game anymore. i had to change it to english before it would start.

The vanilla world feels to empty for me, I've modden it to have huge battles with hundreds of NPC's and even that makes the world feel empty. I think the problem is the combat is crapy even with dual combat realism.

>i had to change it to english before it would start.

I fixed it this way as well. Game wouldn't start because I hadn't set a language in the properties.

>armor, texture mods
>changing a single line of code in Sexlab
>not ported

you're retarded, assuming sexlab is ported eventually

Interesting, that has to be the most random glitch I've ever heard of. How'd you figure to change the language?

Fucking lel the same thing happened to me. Did it just start walking up as you were getting off the cart? Funny shit.

idiot. learn to read.

does mod organizer work with it yet?

stable 60fps on my 970 here.
I don't use the latest Nvidia driver either.

I've seen some weird ass glitches related to steam. One example is Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. If the audio is set to above 48000Hz, it just will plain out not work.

I really like boreal forests, especially ones near lakes or rivers. I would hang around near Falkreath and lake Ilinalta for hours. I wonder if they changed it up. I don't think the landscape feels the same without mods to make the trees bigger though.

skyrim used to have that problem too for some people

looks alright with a rando reshade thrown in

Kek well fuck man I'll give it a shot, my windows update is at 75%, maybe the language thing will fix it and I'll get like an hour in before I hit the hay. Thanks for the idea at least.

it's pretty glorious. it's like playing skyrim with a bunch of graphics mods and a resdesigned lighting engine, without any performance issues whatsoever. loading times are almost instant now.


>Ferns fucking everywhere
Reminds me of something.

it looks pretty much the same except muddier textures from fxaa and increased color saturation

there are all these bethdrone posts i keep seeing about the combat being more "fluid" and "responsive" but i didn't notice shit and i'm sure bethsoft would have been crowing about it if they "improved" anything in that area

oh yeah, and the audio quality is terrible for some reason

I remember combat was locked out from modders. Is Combat still hard coded to be shit or can modders finally mess around with animations, damage modifiers and weopon hit box?