Surprise Game of the Year. Post yours.
Surprise Game of the Year. Post yours
as in surprisingly bad?
Surprisingly shit?
Ironically I refunded this and got Titan fall 2 instead, which I enjoyed much more tonight
Yeah the niggers were surprising.
Dragon's Dogma and Hitman.
Epic xD
>Being so racist you can't enjoy a good game
I was so butthurt about there not being French that I didn't expect the game to be decent let alone better than BF4. Color me pleasantly surprised.
>liberal projecting
hate how long it takes to level up in this game
Forza Horizon 3
I unironically like it, if just for the Operations mode. I get the feeling its going to die on its ass though.
Differs by what level you are, but it displays an estimate for how long it'll take each time.
>king wewuz
thats alberto barbosa you cancerous piece of shit
kys kid
I haven't played a game from 2016 yet.
I'm waiting until Specter and King Knight but they were delayed til next year apparently.
Fuck my life.
I'm just an autistic history nerd, and having two powers that make up half the body count excluded kind of irks me.
>Oh, but they're in the DLC
Fuck EA, and fuck their DLC. Also fuck their unwillingness to put things on Steam.
>Multiplayer sucked
>Doom 3 sucked
>There's no way in hell it was going to be good
>Oh shit, it's the most fun I've had with a game since Metal Gear Rising
Overwatch. I literally knew nothing about the game until like a few days before it came out and then bought it due to hype. I enjoy it immensely and makes me want more multiplayer shooters, which seem to have fallen out of fashion in the last few years, considering how the seventh generation was all about CoD4, Halo 3, and TF2 for the longest time. Its also rare nowadays to buy a game knowing like nothing about it because of how much one is bombarded with advertisements. I felt like I've played the entire FF15 game already because they release a new spoiler-heavy trailer for the game like every week.
Looking at the player counts people keep posting its already dead.
VA-11 HALL-A. If I manage to get around to it this year, it could be Xanadu Next.