>tfw too intelligent to buy consoles
Tfw too intelligent to buy consoles
Is this another stolen meme from Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
I thought this was from Sup Forums
it's just reddit doing its usually "run an unfunny meme into the ground" thing
if enough people ignore it it should go away
same bro
It's /r9k/.
/sci/ I believe
>tfw to smart for calculus
triggers the shit out of them
I thought it was from /sci/
It's a /sci/ meme
You're getting it this time, nerd
lol the memes just keep on coming
great thread op
any of you nerds play nintendo? I wanna beat the fuck out of you
Don't forget to report and hide non video game threads
Not funny you fucking redditors
me too, thankfully my mom's not
Reddit is fucking gay
found the redditors
>Sup Forums stealing memes yet again
Where were you when you realized Sup Forums was Sup Forums's Reddit?
Ow the edge
>tfw all my punch memes are gone
Sup Forums is reddit's reddit now
all these fucking faggots come from r/Sup Forums with their le epic screencaps and just won't give it a fucking rest until they recreate every single thing they see there, rather than making something original.
that's why it's so easy to spot redditors on here, it's just a fucking circle jerk of played out, unfunny jokes and memes