So, Sun or Moon?

So, Sun or Moon?
Which one will you buy?




The only correct choices. Sunfags need not apply.

Someone give me a rundown of the differences

I'm torn between Edge Wolf and Handegg Lemur

I ain't giving gamefreak a cent.

Pokemons are great

I'll buy neither and pirate moon

I got the steelcase version.

I think I messed up.

I wonder if it'll release early.

Neither. I don't generally buy games after being spoiled on every single thing. There are almost no surprises left.

>3ds games
>2 months till 2017

What's wrong with buying games you like?



Primarina-chan is cute!

Box the starter


Who cares about pokemon when the 3ds is dead?
Why not just preorder skyrim se on the switch 5 times so you can take it on the go and give them to friends and family so you can convince them to buy 5 copies as well
Ill just take a nap wake me up when my preorder numbers are posted

What the fuck are you talking about
Sun = Girl, bright and brings people joy
Moon = faggot guy

im pirating moon

Sun for the better Lycanroc
Although apart from that I don't know any of the version differences. Maybe closer to release I'll decide.

Sun, Boy, Rowlet.

Lemur in Sun or Orangutan in Moon.

I'm going Moon because I like Dr.Zaius.

>Sunfags need not apply.

Moon to play night time without having to deal with 3DS date


Popplio to have a mermaid (male).

Sun. I could be swayed if the rest of the exclusives are considerably better in Moon but so far it only has Oranguru going for it.

Is it true that Red is in Sun and Blue is in Moon?

Looks like they're in both

Red and Blue
People are joking they are gay for each other

You can trade for them so that's pretty pointless to decide based on that.
Important differences are the storyline changes based on the legendary and that the game's gonna take place on a different time cycle based on the version.
Mirrored real time for sun and +12 hours for moon, as in if you're playing during the day time the game will take place at night etc.


pirate both

I wanted Moon at first, but fuck the whole "clock is twelve hours off" thing, so I'm going with Sun instead. It matches with my red 3DS better anyways. Gonna play as the boy and start with Popplio.

Also posting best Alolamon.

Both but
this first.

I work night shift so I'll be getting Moon.

>Which one will you buy?

Both, but pretty much this Anyone who chooses male after X/Y is only asking for disappointment.

>Story got gutted
>Fairy type still in meaning balance is a mess meaning post game is fucking pointless
I'll stick with B2/W2, Platinum, and HG/SS, thank you very much.

>tropical fun island adventure game
>lmao i want night so i dont get sun burn XDD

I'm a man, I think, so I'm gonna obviously play as Sun

Sun for life

getting moon only because my friends are getting the new game. this will be the last pokemon i ever play. X and Y was such shit.

Why is that? What happened in x/y?

Have you preordered?

>He plays pokemon for the story

But the Demo was fucking terrible... how you people want to preorder it after that

Neither because I am no longer 10 years old.


shit character customization options my man

girls got tons of nice choices and boys got very few

no, it's literally the same game and switch probably has shit specs. Why would I pre-order a downgrade?

If this is something you have to ask, you might have a bad case of the underage

>I only play mature games 4 mature gamerz

Not him, b-but I preordered 5 copies T-t-todd
Are you happy y-yet?

>literally no argument at all, just a meme and a reaction image
I see the manchild has been stumped.

But that's just realistic. We don't get to be pretty.

t. owner of a mario backpack, full amiibo collection, wears velcro shoes

I'm too tired to do the full song and dance routine.
Suffice it to say, your personal paranoia and lack of self confidence is just your own problem didgeridude.

Moon all day. Gundam X bat and based Werewolf were all I needed.

>parroting the image and proving my point
Good job autist.



Sorry, but after B/W, B2/W2, X/Y, and OR/AS all being complete shit, I won't be buying either.


Neither, because I'm way too old for this shit anymore.

The only reasonably decent aspect of this game would be on its competitive level, but terrible balance and a retarded lack of diversity, inherent to the highest levels of competitive play, makes even the most attractive aspect of this game to feel boring, and extremely predictable. You shouldn't be able to determine the outcome of a match just because one guy boosted one of his stats twice.

I guess those who don't really know how to play this game at its highest level will probably enjoy it, and they must be excited for it. To me, it's just more useless garbage I'll have to memorize.


Here's your (You).

I never understand how disgustingly poor people who ONLY pirate must be.

Do you not even get minimum wage? Are you 13 and only have your savings?