I only have money for one vidya should I get the witcher 3 goty or Battlefield 1 ? (all on pc)

I only have money for one vidya should I get the witcher 3 goty or Battlefield 1 ? (all on pc)

obv witcher 3

Witcher 3 will last you 50+ hours and will probably remain a memorable experience for most of the rest of your life. Battlefield will be a nice timewaster until you get bored of it and never touch it again, and eventually it'll be effectively worthless when everyone stops playing it and moves on to the next flavor of the month shooter.

you do the math, OP.

how the fuck should i know??

do you like online rooty point and shooty?? then get battlefield repaint #244

do you like open world shit with swords and magic?? then get hot dad 3.

Definitely witcher 3

Witcher 3, no contest.

You can buy 2 the witcher 3 (with full dlc) with the price of one battlefield 1 (standard edition) game.

use your brain

Battlefield is a flavor of the month you'll stop playing by the time December rolls around.

You will play Witcher 3, sit on the edge of your seat and enjoy a well-crafted game and then remember the game 2 years later and wish there was something good as TW3 out and then be miserable knowing Cyberpunk 2077 is never coming out.

Witcher 3. No contest.

>he hasn't played witcher 3 yet

>All these people projecting their experiences of Witcher
Come on man, I was going to recommend it over Battlefield but there's no use in glorifying it by saying shit like "it'll stick with you the rest of your life"

Witcher 3

>there's no use in glorifying it by saying shit like "it'll stick with you the rest of your life"
why not?

Witcher 3. Game's amazing

I've only played Witcher 3, there's like 5% fun and 95% pure boredom. It will probably last you more than 70 hours but it's a fucking slog when you've spent 30 minutes in Velen.

because its hyperbolic af and a stupid thing to say

the witcher.

>because its hyperbolic af
how so?
>and a stupid thing to say

Witcher 3, Steam sale is prob right around the corner, wait to see if it gets a discount

This is coming from someone who payed 80 dollaroos for Niggerfield. The Answer is W3 over anything else on PC

witcher 3 is at least 100 hours

What's the best witcher gear and why is it Ursine?

The main game is not.

Even more since op is getting GOTy.

Witcher 3. Fuck Battlefield 1.

What if OP has a toaster?

i really wish you could travel to kaer morhan much earlier in the game to get the wolf diagrams and stufff

witcher 1 was ok
didnt like witcher 2
how is witcher 3?

Ursine is for scrubs. Feline provides you with somewhat of a challenge due to the low armor rating.

The Witcher 3 now, Battlefield 1 when it's cheaper.

Witcher 1 > Witcher 3 > Witcher 2

Feline at first but they all look horrible once you upgrade them.

you will probably like 3. most people who loved 1, hated 2, thought 3 was a return to form but of course ymmv

It's Mass Effect 2 to Witcher 2s Mass Effect 1, if that makes sense.

It has unparalleled presentation and visual design, but has bland as all hell combat and is over reliant on Witcher Sense.

I think it's easily the best example of this type of RPG.

Pick Yen

That's weird. For some reason you guys sound like filthy traitors to your school. Must be a mistake on my part.

Good taste senpai

I have a gtx 970 and i7 4970 I can run both at ultra

Not at 60fps stable you won't. You need a 980 for 95% 60fps on Ultra and a 980ti+ to NEVER go below 60 on Ultra.



He saying he DOESN'T have a toaster you dumb frogposter

>muh ursine
only reason people like ursine is because of the over coat hanging down to the ground, that is literally it. the stats on it could cripple geralt and make him wheelchair bound and people would still go apeshit for it.

Wait, what scene is this?

I've never seen it.

But he isn't the OP stupid "dumb frogposter" poster.

Can you prove that?

Triss romance. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. Her content is garbage, much like her writing.

It's a side quest for Tris, it was after you hrlp mages escape . I think it was optional stuff when you was asked if you were boarding ship or not. Might be wrong. Basically you talked and if it led to that, you fucked her in lighthouse.

No, but it's the logical conclusion based on the assessment of his statement.

My first playthrough (with no expansions) of Witcher 3 was 160 hours because I did everything, you will easily have 100+ playthroughs.

Compare spending 50 dollars on that amount of content to spending 60 or more on a game that you will get bored of within a month.

Get Witcher 3, it has somewhat weak gameplay but everything else makes up for it.

Unless you're absolutely 100% against piracy, Battlefield 1. The Witcher 3 can be very easily pirated with no real consequences, whereas Battlefield 1 would lose a big portion of its content without multiplayer.

>Battlefield 1
are you fucking joking? why would you want to buy a game targeted at middle schoolers which is full of cultural marxism and rewriting of history?

Battlefield 1. Then witcher 3 when it's $10 in the Christmas sale

See, I know you're annoyed because of >muh black people, but I'll agree with you this once because the game is legitimately filled with terrible, Americanised bullshit

>the Harlem Hellfighters are only in the tutorial and all they do is die
>rewriting of history

As opposed to playing as a polack chasing down monsters ?

witcher 3 is the closest to reliving morrowind that you are gonna get

What a moronic statement. Witcher 3 is fucking NOTHING like Morrowind.

If you have friends to play it with, battlefield 1 is definitely not a bad buy. The campaign is like 5 hours long, so it's not much if you don't like multiplayer. Personally, I just love the setting of it

I don't have friends to play with so i'm not sure, but on overwatch I also don't have friends and I have a blast playing competitive .

Also third reich elves from another dimension.

pirate Witcher 3 and buy BF1. Then buy Witcher 3 if you like it, it's worth a buy, once you beat the main game make sure you get dlc's, they are awesome.

>inb4 pirate scum
yeah, fuck vidya industry. Get as many games as you can for free, if it falls maybe the devs will finally make some effort to create actually good games, instead of cashing in on remasters and doing barely any work, relying on hype insted (cough, Fallout 4)

>maybe the devs will finally make some effort to create actually good games, instead of cashing in on remasters and doing barely any work, relying on hype insted (cough, Fallout 4)

Then why buy BF1? Just because of the multiplayer?

My sides, you just destroyed your own hypocritical statement, piratefag.

Normally I would say Witcher but ONLY if you havn't already played and even then, wtf is wrong with you you should have played it already, so you might have to wait because BF1 is that motherfucking good

Witcher 3

BF1 is only worth for it's multiplayer and there's no way to pirate that, so just buy it if it's good, and from what I've heard it's pretty nice. I've been playing hundreds of games but games I legally own are:

-Witcher 3
-Dude sex: Human Revolution
-Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
-Diablo 2
-Battlefield 3,4 and Hardline (don't ask, paid 3 bucks for it).
-Battlefront (got it for eye candy, I recognize it's not the best game out there but it's fun for 30 minutes at a time, paid 15 bucks ar key reseller)
-Gears of War 4 (free with my 1070)
-Dishonored Definitive Edition
-May Payne collection
-Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (free)
-Red Orchestra 2 (free)
-Payday 1 (free)
-Left 4 Dead 2 (free)
-Peggle (free)

All other games I played I played pirated on a PC. Never owned a console. Been playing vidya since 1996.

I almost want to buy BF 1 just so I can laugh at the current year take on a time and place which would have taken the numales of today and left nothing behind but a fine red mist.

What. Feline armor is cheap as fuck though.
>faster stamina regen so you can cast signs quickly
>stacks well early with fast attack skills which makes all your strikes hit super hard

The Witcher 3 no contest.

If The Witcher 1+2+3 are on sale you can get these three game for under $45. Battlefield 1 as of now costs $15 more than the three Witcher games on sale.

Even if you ignore any sale you get the huge The Witcher 3 game with all things included (300++ hours easily if you want to enjoy the game and play it at least two times while finishing as much content as possible) for only $50. No drm, nothing.

If you buy The Witcher 3 I would highly suggest GOG.com. In a lot of countries it is 100 % legal to share this drm free copies with your friend (I said friends. It is still illegal to share games on any torrent site with strangers). The Witcher 3 on GOG Galaxy has even achievements (if you like this kind of stuff).

Witcher 3.

If you are also accounting for the DLC's definitely Witcher 3. Hearts of stone has one of the best characters in the history of vidya. - The entire thing is a steal.

Cons - the weakest link is probably the combat.

The choice is obvious.