This game is beautiful with vanilla graphics now. Whats Sup Forums's problem with it...

this game is beautiful with vanilla graphics now. Whats Sup Forums's problem with it? You no longer have to down load 100 esp to make it look good.


LOD is still super fucking ugly, its the biggest problem vanilla now.

besides it being poorly optimized


Lots of Quests but it still feels empty. Also: the "dungeons" suck.

They got rid of proper AA in favor of shitty god rays

>Increased tree draw distance
>Reduced tree draw density
>Still same garbage texture and lod draw distance

>TFW you will never have a TES game where distant landscape looks dense and pretty.
I still wish there was a way in Oblivion to make grass/trees/buildings load infinitely, honestly at this point my PC can handle it, but the game engine can't, if you make it draw anything further than 9 cells it'll just start fucking up physics.

Quest design, dungeons, writing and combat still sucks major ass. Fuck off retard.

Better than op's pic but the dof ruins it

are you saying The elder scrolls 5: Skyrim has good gameplay?

The insane balancing decisions alone disqualifies skyrim from being considered "good" So many elements of the gameplay are 3/10 or lower. Item variety is awful, the stat system is terrible and some items like food are just the fucking worst, the only good food item is the adrenaline regen but thats only because you can exploit the fuck out of it.

Enchanting is incredibly simple with very few enchants. loot is almost irrelevant as well. Not being able to cast while you're using weapons/shields destroys so many hybrid classes and even if you do try that playstyle its going to be a whole lot less fun because you need to equip spells.

The worst part is that they didn't address ANY of these issues with the DLC. Its infuriating that bethesda is still literally the only company making games in the genre. First Person RPG(optional 3rd person) Open World game with lots of dungeons and an emphasis on exploration. That golden formula could be done so much better by literally any other company. We need competition to force bethesda to lift a god damn finger and make a game worth a fuck.

are you dumb ? This is TW3 before downgrade, it doesn't exist.

Hey I'd just like to ask that you not be so rude to other Sup Forums commentators. Thanks

Then why is everything in the foreground blurry as fuck? Are you blind?

Its not the dof, its the motion blur, because this pic was taken while the camera was moving.

Absolutely bang on

The combat system: Is weak, with a strong or weak attack spammed over and over. Every melee weapon has the same basic robotic animations. The cool "killshot" moments are sporadic and often do not even line up right with the foe you are executing. Amateurish.

Spells: Are boring and basic. Think of the technology out there today for them to really get creative with spells. Think of the subclasses of sorcery you could get into and find the most secret society to study it in. You should be able to turn NPCs into frogs and the like and have people in the area react. But nope, go to a vendor and just buy spells. Now you're a master mage!

Every detail of gameplay and gameplay mechanics bethesda RPGs offer has been done better by other games 10x over.

I'm glad TW3 got so much praise and awards, perhaps it will force Bethesda to take its head out of its ass.

Something about the way Bethesda develops its RPGs... All around clunky.

Toussaint looks really good, obviously not as good but if we are talking about really good draw distance and LOD, Toussaint is top fucking tier

Motion blur is also shitty. What's your point?

Stop feeding Bethesda money for tweaking graphics up.


yea, i never denied it, it's just not honest to compare tw3 pred downgrade to skyrim.

>play Witcher 3
>get 60fps on ultra settings
>play Skyrim Special Edition on ultra
>get constant FPS drops to 30fps when looking in certain directions

why do you think graphics are the primary issue with skyrim? it's the game design that's terrible

When the game is running at 60fps it feels smoother than vanilla Skyrim, the AO and DoF is actually pretty nice looking and balanced, the TAA temporal blur while moving is ugly though. When I first exited the Helgen dungeon my frame rate started to nose dive straight to 30fps randomly, almost like it was being locked to 30fps and then unlocked depending on which direction I was looking. Welp, glad I got it for free, I guess I'll start Enderal with my old Skyrim directory and wait for this shit to get patched before I start it again.

God, look at that pointy nose. Why are white women so ugly? Asians are just outright superior.

>implying white women aren't the most universally aesthetically pleasing and sought after women on earth

u gay?

Fuck off satoshi

>this is what white men believe
Can't blame you for such delusion, white men are also pretty ugly with those square faces and pointy noses.


Well it's not bad if you want to stick to your own women. So more power to you...

>this is what weaboos actually believe

What game?


No skyUI no buy.
Skyrim has one of the worst interface I've used.

Looks like hot garbage. I bet you tell your fat landwhale girlfriend shes beautiful even though it looks like shes smuggling a bunch of canned hams and has a big goiter on the side of her fat greasy neck.

Asian women look disgusting without any makeup on, even the Turks have them beat.

Clouds don't look like that IRL.

>Implying OP has ever spoken to a woman not related to him

meant for

this is a really shitty thread

if you are going to try and say a game looks good it better actually look good

That mountain looks like a Mass Effect planet.

That looks just like Skyrim tho and it's a 2015 game

>Those fucking tree LODs

>That looks just like Skyrim
You really have to stop judging shit with nostalgia goggles, especially something as fresh ass skyrim.

I don't mind vanilla skyrim. I've actually been enjoying the SE and the atmosphere of the improved shaders and foliage. My one gripe is that they implied textures would he much better when in reality they look the exact same as the textures I remember when playing it on the 360. This game needs a HD 2k texture pack asap and it will be a solid game for me. I've never really given two shits about mods since I enjoy just pissing about doing side quests instead of wacking off to porn mods all day like most other people.

its not worth 60 bucks retard, had they done it with say Oblivion, adding good looking faces and new textures/lightning, why not, but come on, this is the lazyest moove I have ever seen.

Damn, thats one hell of a minecraft texture-pack


>play Skyrim Special Edition on ultra
>drop it after 40 minutes because it's still shit

only if you stop posting pictures of skyrim on low detail without half of the assets even loaded as a comparison

Hmmm, I'd say the distant trees, water reflection and forts and general distance you can actually look (those mountains in the background) are a lot better in witcher 3. The rest is just as bad as Skyrim, haven't played the Special Edition yet tho so maybe it looks better now.

>t. Bethesdrone who wasted around 3000 hours in Skyrim

>water reflection
I think this was removed in the final version though.


>korean dogs
opinion automatically discarded

You're welcome to post otherwise if you think it actually looks better.

>He thinks that's ad low detail without assets loaded

Poor underpaid shill, and you're trying so hard too.

Fine, I'll bite.

Vanilla skyrim is no graphical wonder but to be fair you have AA and AF turned off which makes everything blurrier and jaggier than normal. Also using noclip to fly above the map is cheap, you can make a lot of games look bad by doing that, there are plenty of ugly normal screenshots you can take with the game on high settings with x4 MSAA and x16 AF.

>but to be fair you have AA and AF turned off
Fuck off, okay? First of all, you were bitching my settings were on medium so go eat a dick. Secondly, I'm literally standing on a fucking rock next to a dungeon entrance, you really need to fuck off to bethesda forums or wherever you defense force garbage congregate, this isn't some fucking ultra exclusive build, this has been out for years, and Bethesda has NEVER been good at handling distant LOD or draw distance in TES or Fallout games.

Whenever you wanna stop sucking a dick, you can go ahead and do that, but you can do it without my participation, because I'm tired of your goalpost shifting.