It's time to admit Generations is better than 4U

It's time to admit Generations is better than 4U.

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Time to admit that MH is trash

And why do you say that?

you'll get used to no lock on after a while.

don't the latest games have lock on?

Gen was fun for ~150 hours but the Deviant quest and their ticket system just made me start to hate the game

There's a few things in it I wouldn't mind seeing carry over to the main games (hold A to gather, most of the base weapon changes were good even if styles and arts were imbalanced)


>Outing yourself as a butthurt sonypony so early in the thread

MH coming to a Sony console never EVER.

>G rank added
>deviants now go up to level 15
>have to grind that shit even more now
>DQ Rathalos will still be the only armor worth using

Oh, and FUCK what they did to armor skills and decoration slots. I swear to fucking god even LR armor in 4U has better clownsuit potential than anything in Gen besides the Silver Los meme set.

what the fuck are you talking about, I own a 3DS and 4U, it's got lock on
does X not have it?

X does have lock on

Transmog when

Monster pets when

Rathalos extinct when

so what the fuck was that outburst about?

Wasnt me nigga. I just opened this thread

I'm angry about XX

The only reason I'm not buying this is because I refuse to grind out another deviant set ever again

One of them plays sub 30fps whilst the other runs around twice as smooth

FPS is just a meme.

Fuck off frontier, no one was talking to you

clownsuiting atleast gave shitters more incentive to copy more armor sets which also meant MORE HUNTING
Fuck off


MHX was one step forward, two steps backwards

And we all know fucking arts is here to stay for the rest of the franchise. I hope you fuckers are ready for MHXX, MHX2, MHX2X and so on.

>Buying Gen
>Buying 3DS games
>Buying games
Yo ho ho


>We'll have to disconnect to check all the villager requests again

You can stop reposting that you retard, it was posted after the XX reveal.

Literally anyone could make up that bullshit.

>you'll have to keep reentering yukumo village because of that one faggot in the footspring

It was posted 8 hours before the reveal

>We'll have to do the villager requests individually again.
>There will be ten more Plesioth villager requests.

Chances are we'll likely be able to transfer saves and thus do an urgent to get to G-Rank or something if already at the end of high rank

>>We'll have to disconnect to check all the villager requests again
I couldn't believe my eyes when the game told me it'd disconnect if I wanted to move to other villages. This feature was great in 4/4U and there was literally no reason to remove it, especially since the requests in X are numerous as fuck.
I'm getting mad just thinking about it.


Honestly, Gen was the only MH game I haven't completed, I don't know why. I got to high rank and no further.
Perhaps it's just that there's too much shit to manage outside off hunts

I've been playing MH for 10 years now since the original, perhaps I'm burned out finally

>DQ Rathalos will still be the only armor worth using
Wait wait fucking wait
I skipped on X exactly because i saw another fucking bunch of rehashing old monsters and assumed the worst that we'll be hunting some fucking shitty raths every tier again because le series flagshit or whatever and this is what actually happened? Like i assumed my worst fucking nightmare and it's fucking truth? Jesus almighty fucking christ
Will these dispicable slant eyed 3rd rate filth of a nation ever get fucking tired of this? Not even thinking about throwing a single broken penny towards MH until they make a proper cast of monsters, get rid of gen1 garbage forever and get rid of the fucking raths forever and ever

>sequels of many others games introduce a wide, varied large cast of entirely new characters and enemies
>sequel of Monster Hunter introduce like 5 new monsters, tops.

Except the entirety of 3 which was all new cast of monsters. Which is the reason it's the best one still

>not hunting so much raths you can hunt them naked with your eyes closed
git gud fàm raths are not hard, they have broken moves but that's it

Dreadking Rathian armor has Dreadking (Attack up L and Windproof Hi), Tenderizer and HG earplugs while having 610 defense.

So basically a +20 skill, a +15 Skill, a +10 skill and a +15 skill on armor alone. It has no slots though so any additional skills come from your talisman.

also on the flipside, Hellblade Glavenus weapons are usually the best weapons for anything minus bows, in which case the Teostra bow in the only bow worth using.



MH is for casuals.

>still has raths
>still has diablos
>18 fucking big monsters
>actually taking away weapons

you tribabbies are the worst kind of nostalgiafags

excluding Deviants, X has no subspecies.

Except for Raths, which Gold and Silver are in :^)

There's literally nothing to prove this.
>B-but he said MHXG was a thing!!
Yeah, nah nigga. Sky is blue too. Please don't ruin this series Capcom.

Technically, Gold and Silver are not referred to as subspecies in-game, they're rare species.

Rath subspecies are Pink and Azure.

this shit triggers me way more than it should

who gives a fuck deviants are subspecies in everything but name too

God fucking dammit with every game the raths seem more and more outdated compared to the rest.

They're subspecies, no matter how you'd like to word it

I hope to god MH5 is on anything but the PS4, I don't want to have to fucking pay to use online which doesn't even work most of the time

get ready for another shoehorned Rath Subspecies for X.

Dreadking Silver Rathalos and his armor gives Attack up L, Defense up L, Evasion+2, Sharpness+2, Razor Sharp, Tremor Res, Wind Res +2, HG earplugs, Hot and Cold Blooded, Crit Eye+3, Weakness Exploit, Carving Celebrity and have 10 slots

On anything? Because the Xbone has paid online too.

What i'm ranting about is that this fucking dumb wyvern is not only in every single fucking mh ever since it's the series flagship, i'd probably tolerated that if at least they were just there, but they either yield you best set for at least high tier if not both and high and g, but their fucking rubies and other shit manages to get hamfisted into half fucking other sets, plus the amount of quests that are purely about them and their endless fucking recolors
I can't stand this shit anymore. We've put so fucking many hours into the series with my friend and can barely count enough time we actually had fun with new mons before it's back to
>oh can we hunt raththis for that raththat?
>welp need some raths
>rath time
>rath rath rath rath
Like you fucking introduce a bunch of new monsters every installment, can their weapons and armors actually stand fucking out for once and give us rest from these shitty fucking lizards?

As much as underwater was garbage and yeah, fucking raths were still there, at least it wasn't a fucking gen1 trashfest. Enjoy your gravioses, garugas and plesioths

I really don't understand why Silver Rath armor is so good in gen.
I always thought the armors were supposed to sort of represent the monster and give you his skills in a way.

So Silver Rath should be an incredibly defensive armor. Since that is the thing of the noble metal raths, right?
Why does it have such a good combination of skills?

that's how it'll always be

>Hunt Rathalos
>Hunt Rathian
>Hunt Rathalos and Rathian
>Hunt 3 Rathalos
>Hunt Pink Rathian
>Hunt Azure Rathalos
>Hunt Pink and Azure Rath at the same time
>Hunt 2 pairs
>Hunt Gold Rathian
>Hunt Silver Rathalos
>Hunt Gold and Silver Rath at the same time
>hunt 8 of them

and they're still pushing out more rath species

Jesus fuck i'd rather just kill myself with a plastic fork

If they fix some things like the stupid charge and the claw attack from a million miles then raths could be fun.

you'll have an even worse version of Rathalos sliding across the screen to hit you from a mile away and like it

What kinds of stuff carries over when transferring save from X to XX?

Online added Conflagration Rathian.
Frontier Z added always-fucking-on-fire Rathalos

if it's the same as any other MH games before it

then money, points and every items with rarity 3 and below

not sure how they'd handle equipment

>open world
nope, open world doesn't work with MH.

Mainly because there's nothing really exciting enough to warrant an open world MH, you go out and hunt and gather. Why would you want to spend 40 minutes heading to a hunt when you can do it in 5?

Like most people already think a lot of open world games are empty, a Monster Hunter open world would be the very definition.

So by deafult no compeleted quests nor equipment I've grinded 100 hours for? That sucks big time.

Maybe it'd be an open world trying to simulate a natural ecosystem. So you'd see Rathians flying in the skies, swooping down on Popos and carrying them off.

In order to hunt monsters, you'd need to travel to their natural habitat. in order to reduce travel time and time between actual hunts, you'd be riding mounts or what not.

but mhgen still has the most content tho

How many new tickets will there be?


>MHX/Gen 1244 final form weapons
>MH4U's 598
>MHGEN 3145 armor pieces
>MH4U's 3054
>MHGEN Roster count is 105
>MH4U 98 including sub spieces

>most of the quests are boring as fuck gathering quests
>that one quest where you have to kill 50 bananabras
>no HR village quests

Also personally I hate how there aren't enough torso up equipment.

>1244 final form weapons
>only 20 at most worth using

>MHX/Gen 1244 final form weapons
>MHGEN 3145 armor pieces
Impressive. How many of them actually matter besides Rathalos sets?

>woah i can be this fancy ass Jafar, or a mecha, or something cool like that, and with all the practical usefulness of those sets being a grand total of FUCK YOU
thanks crapcom

>no HR village quests

What, there are a few of them.

Indeed. I even use SnS, DB and IG which make good use of element, and I find it incredibly hard to find a reason to use anything but Hellblade weapons.

Eh, what he said was specifically cross cross (MHXX) when everybody for the past 6 months have been saying MHXG because of the history of G games being called G. If he was merely throwing guesses then there's no reason to follow up with all the other shit. But whatevs.

Open world as in no segmented maps probably. Probably when you want to run away from monsters there will be a hide and seek element to it.

Like Toukiden 2?

>You forget to paintball and they escape, a la 4U expeditions
>Quest failed...

Toukiden 2's open world has no hide and seek per se and it's a huge open world as opposed to no segmented areas per level ala Freedom Wars for example. When you encounter a big monster in the wild, there's a huge forcefield that appears. If you run against the forcefield long enough you can escape the fight. Also in Toukiden 2 when you accept a mission you'll straight get teleported to the monster so barely any travelling if you want to fight specific monsters.

I was thinking more FFXV way.

>tfw no mh generations on vita

They're both fun until you get to the cancerous endgames. Apex is fucking retarded and Guild Quest grinding is Korean MMO-tier antifun but at least there's a full game even without going after relics. Deviant and Hyper monsters in Gen are as bad as Apex shit but if you try to avoid them you miss out on like half of an already short game.

Which does which in your opinion? Both run smoothly enough single player but the moment you touch multiplayer both 4U and Gen take a noticeable fps hit. 4U's performance hit i blame on them not including the "disable useless 3D eyecancer gimmick" option that spiked 3U's performance (both solo and multi) while Gen's performance I blame on overambition despite knowingly working on a pissweak platform for several games prior.

>armor with slots

Everything else seemed legit but nobody is this gullible.

>all the new entries have incredible amount of nice looking armors
>literally doesn't matter because you need to squint while zooming in while at the armor box to even see anything
>might as well be a blackbox on the hunt and there wouldn't be any difference

Both are absolute garbage and FU was the peak of the series.
If you disagree you're either retarded orr a tri-baby


ZTD was trash as well

more like grown ups

Are you done autofellating, fubabby?

Arts and styles were a mistake.

styles and hunter arts were meant to add variety to the game but they backfired and homogenized everything

who fucking cares when Hellblade Glavenus weapon sets broke the balancing of the blade weapons? Literally worth using nothing else unless you are status attacking or using a gun/bow.

MORE LIKE NO MIXING ALLOWED! (unless you're a gunner)

>no Deviant armor caters to Gunners
>ruined clownshoeing by taking away Teostra's Attack Up and replacing with Hotblooded
>Dreadking and Dreadqueen are on par if not better than most mixed sets you can make
>Hellblade Glavenus making building other weapons pointless
>Blunt Edge is going to be awful in XX
>Styles were designed with weapons in mind (DBs and IG for Aerial, LS for Adept, etc) so they are better suited than other styles for weapons that otherwise feel tacked on
>Prowlers were broken
>once again the devs fucked up by making YET ANOTHER BOW THAT IS LEAGUES BEYOND THE REST

>they never fixed hammer's problem which everything whiffs on bigger monsters
I was so happy when adept had a uppercut that looked it had a longer reach but it gated the best hammer move as a fuck you