More like this for ps4?

More like this for ps4?

Shadow Warrior 2?

try the originals out to be a blast on a controller all those super fast demons beat the shit out of you while you try desperately to get one shot in

get a PC faggot no really ANY decently modern PC and a mouse can run the original doom

>FPS on console

Your kind is not welcome here. Leave the premises by yourself while you can.


Haven't you got some troubleshooting to do, Pkek?

this is what cuckboys actually believe

>developers literally had to invent AIM ASSIST to make fps playable on consoles
>people still argue that fps on consoles is superior or equal to pc

>pretending consoles are what they used to be

Wolfenstein is the only similar game on PS4.

Shadow Warrior was on PS4, it can't hold a candle to Doom 2016 though.

Wolfenstein might also be a newschool oldschool FPS but it really doesn't play anything like Doom.

if all you have is the console, doom 1 and 2 would still be really fun even on controller. they were designed with arrow keys in mind so you can play slightly better than someone on keyboard exclusive since you have a variable turn camera that can slow down or speed up

I've beaten Doom on nightmare with a controller and I was under the top 10 on the 360 leaderboards. Stop being shit at vidya you obese loser.

>playing FPS on console
you'll find ~3 games like this on console
just get a laptop and play 90s shooters

True. But in the more chaotic moments it's the closest thing out there right now.

TNO has a lot slower of a pace especially in the stealth segments and the missions at the resistance hideout. And the TOB battle with that Nazi boss guy is nuts, especially being in a very small area.

Ignore the PCucks OP. Doom is fun as fuck on any platform. The new Wolfensteins are fun too.

I got the Doom 3 BFG edition as a gift on PS3. Doom 1 and 2 feel bretty gud on the Dualshock.

Its getting a console port next year

I prefer it on mouse but I played the shit out of the 360 port of Doom 1 and 2. It works really well on a controller.

We all know mouse is superior to aim with on FPS, but honestly; WASD feel like shit compared to an analogue stick. And Shift, E, C etc.. feel a lot worse compared to bumpers or face buttons. A device specifically made to feel comfortable to hold and press buttons.

It might piss off purists/elitists, but I find controller's feel much better to use with FPS, even when playing on PC I'll throw my 360 controller in.

>Playing FPS on your PS4


doom 4 was designed to be played on console like it or not.

This feels true.

Using any of the weapons, but especially the Gauss rifle, while jumping around and aiming at the same time makes the game turbo easy. I don't think they designed the game with aiming while jumping in mind.

Are you fucking retarded? You can aim and jump at the same time on console.

You don't need to slow down in DOOM, ever. You don't need to controll your movement speed. It's full throttle or nothing, and direction input is better with the mouse. You are a casual and you don't know any better. Im sorry, but this is curable.

It's much more difficult and cumbersome than KBM.

To aim while jumping and shooting requires you to either claw, take your thumb off of the analog (the one used for the camera) to jump, or switch to a generally unfamiliar layout such as jumper bumpers.

KBM has you always using one of your hands for aiming and shooting, and then you can use your thumb to jump with space while still using all your fingers to move.

Controller requires you to take a finger off a button/analog, claw, or using a somewhat cumbersome control scheme especially for people new to it. KBM lets you have a finger on every button you'll be using to actively fight.

Please read my post.

>cropped out the fact that it was probably No Mans Sky


I swear to god, consolefags are retards for thinking their platform is any easier to use. Insert disc and play has been a meme for over a decade now, downloadable over 100gb games and huge updates are also a thing.


No. You're inept. Probably also ugly.

>any easier to use

They still are though.

Spider-man 64

Op here, what about shadow warrior 1? Is it worth it or not?

>for thinking their platform is any easier to use
Explain how it isn't? It's not as easy as it used to be, but that doesn't mean it's now more difficult than PC to get to playing games.


You're a stupid idiot.

Do you understand you're just shit with a controller? It's not 'difficult and cumbersome' to somebody who has any idea what they're doing.

Yes, you can jump and aim, that's one objective advantage of using a mouse, which nobody is arguing. The mouse is obviously better for aiming. It's the keyboard that's uncomfortable and unintuitive for gaming. If you could use a Wii nunchuck for example for directional movements and jumping/crouching or whatever and the mouse for aiming, it'd be far superior.

>He is a pc guyso he must be the ugly virgin living in his parents basement!

This is what normies actually believe

barely, also it's really not smart to play for multiplayer feature. You are paying your ISP aren't you?
Nice counter argument, faggot

>it's a "triggered autist has to reply to multiple posts with damage control" episode

The keyboard's only real disadvantage is 8 directional movement. In FPS's this is a non issue because of the mouse and the still present ability to keep a finger on every button. You can snap constantly and make the slight movement adjustments you need.

Using bumper jumpers is objectively more difficult than default control schemes. It requires you to use more buttons at once similar to a keyboard but in a less intuitive way.

I never said it's harded, it's just as simple as PC

PC gaming guide for normies:
>Get a PC (buy a prebuilt if you absolutely want to be a good goy, or pay a small amount to your local GeekSquad© to assemble parts they will purchase for you so you don't do any work)
>Install steam
>pair Steam with your credit card (you normie wagecucks should have one, if you don't use your moms/gf's card)
>Click install
>Plug in xbox controller if you can't wrap your head around kb+mouse (which I assume is a possibility)
>Click play once game is downloaded

Voila, now you have a game ready to play. SO fucking hard.

Go to bed Jericho.

>"It's a faggot uses ad hominem because he cannot back his standpoint with anything of merit" episode

Sonnygers everyone!

I'm not even one of the guys you replied to lol nice "sonygger buggyman!" though

I guess the Wolfenstein games are sorta similar, not exactly the same though.

I'm an idort. you can't bullshit me with this idiocy. A lot more can go wrong with PC gaming, a lot more is needed to configure. Many times I've had to troubleshoot shit, check my drivers or downgrade them. Having to use Uplay with some games even with steam.
There's a reason why 'works on my system' or 'I'll PM you the fix' threads are meme'd on Sup Forums all the time.
Consoles are, and will forever be easier than PC to use.

If you play normie AAA games like more consolefags all you need is nvidia experience which will do all the work for you. I never troubleshooted a game in 5 years counting out the times I try to use mods with something.

>normie AAA games
You mean like Arkham Knight? Though if you've honestly never had problems with games, it sounds like you're the kind of person that only plays said normie AAA games m80

I surely do. The only non-normie game I played in recent memory was Hotline Miami. I'm casual as fuck because I work full time and barely any time for vidya at all. The non-normie part of me is coming to taiwanese chicken breeding discussion board to banter with all of you faggots. This and being antisocial depressed miserable asshole.

I clocked 40 hours in Battlefront recently and I loved every minute of it. Give me a GF and friends and I'm as normie as it gets.