What are some good games with replay value (preferably on steam) which you can play with just a keyboard (plus...

What are some good games with replay value (preferably on steam) which you can play with just a keyboard (plus trackpad) and no mouse?

It seems like practically every single game requires the use of the mouse. The only example of stuff I could that that wasn't shit was

>Critter Crunch
>Puzzlers like hexcells and everyday genius
>A few platformers (not no replay value)
>binding of issac (don't really like it though)
>Worms armageddon
>Cook serve delicious (didn't really like it either)
>neo scavenger
>quarries of scred
>old sega games

what else is good?

Other urls found in this thread:


any racing game
why don't you want a mouse?

New Vegas with a melee or vats build

I'm on my laptop a lot and my current situation of where am I staying is physically restrictive enough that makes using a mouse be quite annoying.

I'm usually doing work but I'd like some good vidya to play in my downtime as well.

It's a pretty powerful laptop so graphics don't really matter.

alright, then i'd advise you to get a gamepad. opens up emulation and arcade games. hell, play shooters if you want.

Any isometric RPG if you're into those

Gamepad wouldn't work either I'm afraid.

Trust me when I say that there just isn't the space and gamepad use would be just as uncomfortable.

I appreciate the suggestions though.

nigga are you in a 1sq meter room or something that you can't use a gamepad. put that shit between your legs

>Gamepad wouldn't work either I'm afraid.
Either elaborate or you're completely full of shit. I can see NO fucking situation where you could fully use a laptop keyboard and not a gamepad.

That's some closet you got there.

I know a motherfucker who would use a gamepad on his laptop while bunking in a fucking SUBMARINE.

Get over yourself.

It's at another persons house when I'm literally sleeping on a couch right next to a wall. I'm there all day as there is nowhere else for me to go in the house, I can hardly move my arms much at all, and even moving the computer back a much onto my legs would still cause my playing with a gamepad to block my view, plus the fact that the powerpoint plug doesn't reach that far and the computer needs to be close to me (I have like an inch of extra wire to work with) plus, my vision isn't that good and putting the screen that far away would be hard to see for me.

It's quite a cramped space and looks like one of those joke battlestations people put up around here.

Why is replay value a requirement.
Typing of the Dead Overkill

honestly it's not even a couch, it's even smaller and is just a matress on some couch cushions with keeps falling off

posts like these make me happy that I'm doing well

not much storage space to work with

I know, right? I've been feeling like shit ever since a rent increase forced me to move back in with my parents while I build up a deposit.

Now I feel great.

You've got bigger problems than vidya, friendo.-

Plus I already have typer shark deluxe which is basically the same thing

I'm actually doing ok. It sounds really bad but it isn't. It's just the way it is.

Everything is fine. I just want some vidya I can play in this situation.

Clonk Rage


I remember back in the day when I played FFXI I could play it pretty much 95%+ with my keyboard only. It was pretty nice at the time.

Playing only with keyboard AND requiring replayability pretty much restricts your choices to roguelikes, platformers and shmups.

Your best bet is to emulate any of the thousands of arcade beat'em ups from 1990-2000. They're all small games so space shouldn't be a problem. I have never done it but it should be easy enough to learn with google.


Here's a good game.

Hey, I appreciate any and all advice.

Gothic 2 Gold.

alright nigga, time to install some motherfucking snes emulator and play those jrpgs you've never tried. My first recommendation is Chrono Trigger.
Also, racing games. Also side scrollers.

Oh shit. Get Metal Slug series, this shit is playable without controller. I remember wrecking shit in my local arcade so I don't think arrow keys cannot do what arcade stick does.


isn't doing that kinda stuff illegal?

Yes, don't do it.
My wife son's boyfriend's uncle got caught and now he's in jail.

fuck me that's hilarious

Maybe if you are a faggot it is

Australia don't take kindly to piracy.

Dude you honestly need to get the fuck off this site with that yahoo!answers post.


You can play dorf fortress, unreal world or some other roguelike. Binding of Isaac doesnt require a mouse afair and has some replay value

If you don't mind, could you depict your situation in paint? Can't really imagine how it is from your description and I'm curious

m8 I pirate almost everything and I never had a problem. I only got email notification from TPG for pirating Legend of Korra which I watched 2 episodes of and some B-grade shit movie I didn't even watch, nothing happened. My father pirates movies and tv shows almost every single day too, you can always pretend that your wireless was open and someone made use of it

Get zsnes and try to find some pack with shitloads of roms, just replaying the old rpgs is worth it

>Not steam, sorry

>you can always pretend that your wireless was open and someone made use of it
Man, you guys are lucky. In France, legally you're responsible for your network.
If you're a grandma who wants to use wifi? You better be technically literate enough to know to use WPA2 over WEP, and use a secure password so some shithead doesn't use your connexion to download the latest GoT episode.

Emulators(something like Ocarina of Time or Crono Trigger can be the good time sink), any racing game, CRPG with pause(NWN, BG, Planescape: Torment, Pillars of Eternity, KotOR), anything turn-based, like HoMM, EU or Civ.
Old Tomb Raiders, Devil May Cry 3/4, Spelunky,

Currently doing this, never did the DLC.
Get more perks and perk every level mods though to make it more fun. Play on hard.

Crusader kings 2, dwarf fortress, kerbal space program, Rogue legacy, Tales Of Maj'Eyal or one of the audio surfs

binding of isaac
there are a couple of items you'll wish you had a mouse for, but most of it is more comfortable with keyboard alone


shiggy diggy

How the fuck can you play a modern FPS without a mouse?


>no mouse
>replay value
definitely Gothic. You can beat it over and over again, and it's actually better without mouse.

oh god what the fuck

Point and click games would take longer but you could probably still play em