Keep dying on level

>Keep dying on level
>Game suggest you lower the difficulty.

>Keep failing a certain part
>Game automatically makes it easier without asking you
>Beat it and lose all desire to continue playing

>die so much the game unlocks an even easier difficulty

>Keep playing through a level with ease
>Game suggests you raise the difficulty

>keep failing but slowly getting better
>boss suddenly goes down instantly
>that immense satisfaction
>game docks you for letting it lower the difficulty for you

>try beating level all night,maybe 12times
>fuck it,try again tommorow
>beat the level flawlessly


Did you guys know that Ash finally kissed a girl?

Did you know that you never will?

Latias doesn't count Ash

I am married actually.

>get fucking pissed for the last time
>throw down everything, walk towards the door
>calmly kick a huge hole into the drywall
>tell family you tripped and put your head through it


did you know that you're not

So you have your big black bull (B3) doing it for you

>Keep dying on a level
>Beat it after tons of tries
>Die later on
>Game didn't save the progress and you have to redo the level

It happened neckbeards. Deal with it.

Mistyfags BTFO

I don't care
My waifu May is still pure

Ash is a faggot, he didn't even get red or get a boner.

Also I'm willing to bet money that you are OP
And that all you actually wanted to do was talk about this,so you created this ruse thread
And you're here because /vp/ is dead as a rock and Sup Forums is the bigger shithole

>hotline miami

>Enemies get tougher the better you play

Jokes on you, I've kissed TWO :^)

get gud boy

>enemies get tougher the worse you are

DeS was retarted

Or he's alpha.

Your waifu get Poke semen on her spats regularly.


Don't talk shit about my waifu
Also what are spats
My vocabulary isn't that good

It happened to me in god of war, i don't believe anyone changed it, I mean, would you call yourself a man if you did?

>difficulty changes only combat and not the platforming section you keep dying on
Thanks, GoW

>boss gets more difficult the more you die

he could get 80 replies in 20 minutes if he tried baiting on /vp/
it's not a dead board

>Also what are spats
The most amazing kind of pants in existence.

>have "momma's kid" friend
>always plays in easy in the first playthrough
>always looks for the bot / coop mode on games made for multiplayer
s m h

i always start on "hard" unless im completely new to the genre, it makes things more fun to be honest
you dont remember a singleplayer campaign much if you can just rush through it without even having to try

That's why Xenoblade Chronicles X is so based. You get a mark showing that you pussied out on the boss on a permanent record of yours.

Oh that
Yeah I've imagined spewing my load on May's spats alright

>Get to the pre-boss room
>Game admits that the boss just ahead is way overtuned
>Game advises you to drop down to easy difficulty to save yourself the frustration

Spats are also called bike shorts, user-kun.
And they are 10/10.

>keep dying
>game offers you some sort of crutch to make the fight super easy and save yourself the time
>stubbornly refuse and die 50 more times until you win
Accepting the help is the same as losing to me.

This happens so often to me, like goddamn. The worst is when you get stuck and drop a game for months, only to easily beat it after finally coming back to it.

>get to final stretch and boss of the last post game content
>its all fucking death spikes in a maze to get to the boss
>and the boss rapes you six ways to sunday every time
Took two weeks.
I wanted to fucking die.

that happened to me with the Gore Magella in MH4U. It was the first time I ever whipped in that game and just didn't feel like playing any more, went back to it near 2/3rds of the year latter and dumped in a few hundred hours at once with different groups of friends.

Oh and every fucking time i died it asked me if i wanted help. Which was the worst part.
Worth it though, best girl is pic related.

Never get frustrated at times like these, OP. When it gets too hard, I turn off the monitor, get up, walk away from my problems, and then, I, well, I dance. I don't even need to dance to the sound of music, I just dance and it makes me feel untouchable.. You should try it OP. Gets me right back in the zone.

>spend an hour trying to beat a level
>finally beat it
>can do said level flawlessly now

feels good to be pro

but did he ever win?

they didn't even show it? what a fucking rip off

>Ash didn't kiss her back
>Didn't stop her from leaving
>Didn't even blush

confirmed gay

>Spend 2 hours trying to beat a special insta-death level
>Quit in frustration
>Finally get it after coming back to it
>Get to the next special insta-death level
Great, another one of these. Might as well see what it will be like before I call it for the night
>mfw I beat it in three tries

I am sick and tired of listening to you secondaries. His name is Satoshi.

>Be stuck on mission/level
>look for advice online, find out there's a way to cheese it
>stubbornly keep trying without said strategy

Pic related, mfw I finally won the final mission of Xcom 2 after like 3 hours of trying through a lucky rapid fire shotgun crit combo without resorting to pulling the aliens to the earlier room/bridge like a pussy.

>when the game gives you a trophy for dying so much you get a suggestion for lowering the difficulty

>Dies three times on first level
>Game gives you option to change difficulty to Ninja Dog.
>If you accept, you become Kasumi's bitch.
>She gives you some pretty ribbons to wear that make the game easier.

Ninja Gaiden Black didn't play around.

>Set to Ash Ketchum difficulty
>Final Boss becomes Impossible