Sup Forums - Filename Threads

Keep it vidya

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Always appreciate the good implementations of this

















well, guess better start prepping for WW3


Needs a name



Slandering someone in CK2?.


you realize hillary's the one who wants to start world war 3 with russia right

The last Filename Thread is still active you mad man.



that's a lazy filename.





I don't get the joke

you realize that hillary has said she wants to invade russia which is literally 100% guaranteed to start ww3, right?

why do you "correct le record" faggots think trump will start ww3? he's literally opposed to military presence in foreign countries and likes russia and doesn't want any hostilities with them or any of their allies.

that said, take it to faggot


I fucking mad.

Read some Orson Welles, you uncultured troglodyte.

no she wants to enforce a no-fly zone over syria
I mean technically that also requires going to war with russia but she doesn't wanna directly declare war.
She just has to at some point.






MAHAA The French champagnehasalwaysbeennotedforitsexcellence


Yes, Rosebud frozen peas



it's the same thing dumbass

she wants to overthrow putin because soros and the bankers don't control him

she's using the "le no-fly zone" excuse so she can paint putin as the aggressor when it's the exact opposite.


It looks like Griffith as a horse



ummm it has multiple layers of comedy

Doom has a version called 'Ultimate' which is a synonym of 'Supreme'. Elliott Rodgers is known as the 'supreme gentleman'. Ergo having the doom HUD juxtaposed over a picture of a party with bunch of blond girls (who he hated and specifically wanted to kill) and his face replacing the main character of game and combining his self-appellation and game title leads to humourous results.


>drivers seat on the right
nice try UKuck

>Detroit man
best laugh all thread

Your file name wasn't as clever as you thought it was.

What the fuck is this

the american part of the joke is that the driver is fat and lazy.


>New York

Sure thing m8

a majority of US mail trucks have the driver on the right side so that they can reach mailboxes without having to get out of the truck

>Naming this anything but "Crazy Diamond.gif"

Thunderbolt Fantasy.




>console release

I like it

>not reading the filename



all automobiles in the US are required by law to have the wheel on the left

>Elliott Rodgers


Fucking shut the fuck up dude I drove a used mail truck in highschool.

full of country goodness
and green peaness



This thread is shit.

Filename threads used to be great.

thats the joke.png





Got a chuckle from me.


bredddy guyd






>Modding Bethesda games

