What do you do if you can't beat a boss?
What do you do if you can't beat a boss?
look online for help
lower difficulty
give up and drop game
Stop playing for a little while literally always helps.
Take a break, look for different approaches since this one sure as hell ain't working.
git gud
aka, figure out what is causing me to lose and improve upon it
Note: this approach is highly toxic and should be done away with.
make all video games into interactive movies with no failure state
Try again
Try different strategies.
If that doesn't work, grind.
If I don't feel like grinding or can't, turn the game off and come back to it tomorrow. Approaching it when you're less frustrated helps a lot.
"maybe I missed some powerups?"
>Look online
"Maybe others will know how to beat this"
>git gud
"maybe my reaction time isn't fast enough yet"
>look online again
"Come on, there's gotta be a cheap out"
>rest and come back
"Alright, fresh start, here we go"
>still die from shitty boss
>save-state/lower difficulty/cheap out
Is this just bad game design? do i really just suck?
I refuse to lower the difficulty, but in times like this if that's all i can do after spending more time on the boss than the rest of the game, is it worth it after that?
Do i deserve victory if i cheap the boss out?
>Is the game still fun and are you looking forward to what happens after this boss?
>If yes
Take a breather and come back
>If no
Fuck it man there are so many video games out there if you don't beat this one no biggie.
Grinding is giving up unless it's a last resort.
Improve skills over improving numbers. Don't bitch out and lean on a crutch of just overpowering the enemy unless it's obvious you're painfully underlevelled.
I do something that's a bit scrubby, but it really works to get me back on my feet and try again
If I play a game/level/boss that is incredibly hard but somehow feels cheap for whatever reason (me not knowing what to do / me being shit / game actually being cheap), and I fail it a lot, I :
>take a break
>grab something cold to drink
>google "game title x, boss name y" and find other people online who had trouble with it, and are bitching at it.
>get back into the game with added determination to overcome the bullshit (or just fucking learn it because i am dumb)
>Is this just bad game design?
I hate how I keep using this excuse for being mad at something difficult in games nowedays.
The worst thing is that it isn't always clear, so it might be bad design. Like, the Uncharted games have really bad game design in that they are overly designed towards one specific gameplays style, so at times where I didn't figure out what the developer intended me to do, I would keep dying again and again, which felt frustrating as fuck
Be thankful there are less companies like Valve that would consider that "bad design" and not just difficulty
Keep trying, if I still can't then I'm probably getting diminishing returns for doing the same thing over and over, so I take a break and try again later.
Basically just git gud.
I really try to not look it up online, because usually the first results are really easy ways of cheesing the fight, which kinda ruins the buildup I had with having trouble with the fight. It feels way more good if I figure out the cheesing myself or beat it in a fair way.
I fucking wish more people on the internet understood the true meaning of "git gud", instead of taking offense to it.
If we start using "Improve yourself" or simply just "improve" I doubt people would get ass-mad over it, although it means the exact same thing
I cheat.
>Stop playing, turn off vidya
>In the next day, defeat him in the first try
My final boss is university.
I don't know. Probably work a menial job and try and ride the moon rocket on /biz/.
If I'm getting irritated by it, I just look it up online. It's not worth stressing over and hindering my overall enjoyment.
The last boss that ever gave me trouble was the Water Crystal boss on Bravely Default that would always team-wipe.
I had to go online and look up job skills to know which one to grind. After that, EZ PZ
Use a trainer.
What I do
>look on the internet
What I should do
>git gud
I like games heavy enough that have alt+tab bugged (like bioshock), so the temptation to look for a solution is lower.
I just hate bosses you have to be prepared for beforehand to even stand a chance.
Usually their status-effect spamming isn't foreshadowed up until then so you don't equip stuff to counter it.
Then you go against it and fail.
Then you try again, but this time knowing whats up, and it is a walk in the park.
>boss kills me and I can't do shit about it
ok, let¡s try again a couple of times
>boss make a bitch out of me
ok, time to look what items/equipment I have been ignoring in the inventory because I have been killing everything so far without problem
>boss still owning me
looks like it's time to see what other mechanics this game has that I have been ignoring too because I killed everything just attacking without using items, pasives, protection/ofensive magic, etc.
>boss laughs at me
If everything above didn't work I just grind until I can defeat the fucking boss.
After that I look online to see what others have done against it.
Take a break, forget about the game after a while due to busy life, and then pick up the game again and beat it the first try
It keeps happening and I don't know why
Elevate skill
>when you try to post a reply, but make a new thread instead
>Are there levels?
Yes? Grind a looot more.
>Do I know the strategy/pattern?
Yes? Git gud.
Still No? Spend a few lives trying to live as long as possible while trying to figure it out.
>Still can't figure it out
I look online and usually it's obvious and I hate myself for looking it up.
Sometimes I find out I'm beyond fucked and either load up an earlier save, or try to start doing some next level cheese. Usually the latter sometimes works...
git gud
that's how im topping scores and shagging you're gf now
Adjust approach, try again.
Probably the same reason people suggest taking a break or sleeping after studying. It aids your memory so you can memorise the bosses patterns easier.
Grind, usually.
I was playing DMC 3, I think, whichever one was the prequel.
I was doing fairly well for a while. If something killed me, there wasn't too much of a push to get past.
Then I got to the fucking electric vampire bitch, who is evidently, a hard counter to my playstyle.
So I went back and forth from the outside of the boss room to the very first room, killing demons, collecting souls, and buying health potions and holy water until I was confident I had enough.
Spend 2 hours on Wolf as Sam in the sewerage to SSS it. Then stumble upon one room that i couldn't SSS and stopped playing.