Thank You, From Software

Thank you for making slow, boring gameplay popular.

Thank you for the de-evolution of action games from the pinnacle like DMC3/4 and Bayonetta into slow boring shit with rng mechanics, poor hitboxes, and combat severely lacking in depth.

Thank you for convincing gamers that shit hitboxes and sluggish and clunky controls are an excellent way to make a game difficult and challenging.

Thank you for popularizing sickdark settings with bland generic shit like plague doctors and silent hill ripoff monsters as playable characters.

Thank you for churning this shit out and causing other developers to copy this shit now the way everyone started trying to make mobas after LoL's success.

Thank you for taking good action games and removing all the fun and skillful combat stuff like juggles, air combos, air dashes, and infinite canceling, to create a slow and boring style of gameplay based in fake realism.

Thank you for making me hate "action rpgs".

Other urls found in this thread:

Dark Souls is better than your favorite game.

No problem bro

There aren't enough spooky Victorian themed games.

Here come the FromDrones

>He gets mad at games he doesn't play!

How is it better than Witcher 3, the best game this gen?

You're very much welcome autismo.

>dorky edgelord hack'n'slash games
>the pinnacle of anything other than autism
Fucking end yourself

Your opinion doesn't count if you use this as a criticism.

I played it. It's shit. Now we got other devs doing these too, like Nioh. They're the next moba fad.

>mfw no new dmc or ninja gaiden but instead we get souls shit

>stop liking what I don't like: the post, the movie, the video game

DMC3 and 4 aren't dorky or edgy. They're the pinnacle of the action genre and have superior gameplay and combat mechanics to any souls shit.

Souls games are all sickdark shit, and bland because of it. Witcher 3 was a truly dark setting done right.

Dark Souls is not in competition with games like DMC are you fucking retarded?

prove it cuck

I thought Nioh was a mixture of Souls and Ninja Gaiden gameplay

Favorite bosses from each game: GO

DeS: Flase King
DaS: Artorias
DaS 2: Dark Lurkers
BloodBorne: Shadow of Yharnam
DaS 3: Abyss Watchers

It's not in competition because they're basically dmc games but watered down like fuck and made with shit controls on purpose.

You're welcome!

complaining cuz your shitty devs arnt putting out more button mashers and you blaming From lol kys kid

define "sickdark" without referring to any of the games that you think use it

>they're basically dmc games but watered down
You obviously don't understand Dark Souls or Devil May Cry.
Laughing my fucking ass off

Yep, think a mish-mash of Souls/BB, Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha, with little bits of lesser PS2-era action games like Genji and Blood Will Tell thrown in for good measure

Me in the big boss shirt

I ask again, are you retarded? DMCs entire focus is the combat system everything else is an afterthought, the combat is just a part of Dark Souls and things like level design, exploration and build variety are far more important. They dont even remotely have the same appeal

>woman on the dev team

That explains why the gameplay is shit at least in souls games. What the fuck would a jap woman know about combat?

>muh le cuhrazy gameplay
Fucking platinumfags are too retarded to understand that one is a slasher and the other is an action RPG.

>DMC not in charge of all autistic fedora tipping
Some of the cringiest shit I've ever witnessed

>implying level design isn't important in dmc3 and 4
>he wasn;t impressed by the levels in bayonetta

sickdark is basically when a setting is so grim and depressing and fucked up, and when it has real foul shit in it like rape and other sickening things

How do you know she is responsible for the combat? Are you 13?

>Thank you for making slow, boring gameplay popular.
I don't think he's being sincere.

Reminder that bloodborne got owned by witcher.

Ok who are you roleplaying as in souls games? Also the comnbat in dmc is way more fleshed out than any souls game, it's not merely a "slasher", calling it such does it a huge disservice.

You sound like you hate video games

People sure do get butt hurt when they make fun of Roll and Slash the video game franchise

The levels arent important in DMC 3 or 4 clearly because they are trash and dont even mix well with the core gameplay well or are you seriously going to suggest that the god awful platforming, pace breaking puzzle solving and item fetching and whatever the fuck the dice game was are good level design?

>juggles, air combos, air dashes, and infinite canceling
>fun and skillful
Someone less familiar with this board could easily mistake this for irony.

>Hideo Kojima
Fairly sure those aren't FromSoft employees.

>all asians look same meme
Go back to Sup Forums

>level design isn't important in dmc3 and 4
You could of said DMC1. But you went with the worst example of level design in the series, DMC 4 You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Come on man, don't you know shit about jap culture? Their women henpeck the fuck out of them. I can see it now:

>male dev: "ok, for the combat I was thinking of adding an extensive air juggle system like devil may cry series, with intense combos that require skill, and..."
>female dev: "Huh? Who said you could make the combat that way? I decide how it must be, make it realistic, clunky, slow, and boring."
>male dev: "But miss, I thought it would make the game way better if we"
>female dev: "Silence, fool! How dare you question me? Security, send this man to the chamber, I will deal with him and his impudence shortly. Bakame Yaro!"


Go back to Konami, fag.

The chosen undead you dumbass


Those mechanics require way more thought and finger dexterity than hitting the roll button every couple seconds and slashing a bunch of times.

worlds that don't look like a bunch of fucking fields

How insane are you?

Meanwhile DMC you roleplay as Dante, a half human half demon demon hunter who is the only thing stopping all of Hell from invading Earth.

You realize she could possibly work in audio or art right?

There are no choices in DMC or any real character customization

Dark Souls is actually fun to play

Your shitty action game genre died because they were shit and that's why nobody played them, which is why they died.

Witcher has all that and better than any Souls game. Witcher combat is fast paced, cinematic, and thrilling while still being skillful. The atmosphere is fucking amazing and feels like a living breathing world. And unlike Souls games, the world is actually interesting and alive, not some bad ripoff of some depressing slav art where all the scenery is dead ruined castles, evil swamps, and people living in hell. Souls atmosphere and aesthetic is sickdark shit.


Those mechanics make the player character completely and utterly overpowered. Without having to commit to your actions, being able to isolate a single enemy in the air, and cancel your attacks at any time, eliminates any and all difficulty games like DMC and Bayonetta could possibly have. Face it, those games are braindead arcade slashers where the only challenge is beating your own high score by effortlessly chaining combos on helpless enemies, who pose no more threat than training dummies.

>he thinks women respect boundaries

That must be why DMC4 and Bayonetta sold more than any shit souls game huh? Shitstomped ninja gaiden as well. NG was like the shit stepchild and precursor to souls shit, what with the clunky controls, and obsession with blood and gore.

>sickdark is basically when a setting is so grim and depressing and fucked up, and when it has real foul shit in it like rape and other sickening things

Good thing Souls is peppered with helpful and often outright cheerful NPCs then.

>rng mechanics
top kek

Hey man the new armored cores are anime as fuck.

>Holding a company responsible because the consumer interest changed the market
>Holding a company responsible because the market changed for consumer interest

>Those mechanics make the player character completely and utterly overpowered.

Better that than some shit boring character that barely has any attacks or combos, and relies entirely on exploiting shitty dodge mechanics and bad hitboxes.

rgfewtghkjolijudresgt hjirew53arb vnuic6trr4ed cluvtf

That actually makes it more sickdark, since you figure those people likely die horrible deaths or get cannibal gangraped by monsters.

>implying From popularized it.
Fuck you.
souls games is what 3D castlevania should have been.

]>Witcher has all that and better than any Souls game. Witcher combat is fast paced, cinematic, and thrilling while still being skillful.

>woman works in audio
>"Wow I did pretty good today, guess it's time to go shit up the designers' work"
You are seriously delutsional

Glad to see you're not denying it.

I think you're a dumb fucking baby who can't like more than one thing

I love DMC and the souls games in different ways for different reasons
besides, platinum and other devs are still making fast action games, theres only about 2 souls clones out there (lords of the fallen ad nioh), it's hardly like the fucking market is saturated

You mean Metroidvania, which was the worst rendition of that franchise and utter trash. Shitty copy pasted reused snes sprites, garbage main characters, crappy shallow gameplay systems, poor controls, shitty easy enemies with awful ai and attack patterns, terrible writing and characterization, and also a hodgepodge mish mash of random ass monsters and shit that don't even fit or feel coherent.

>lol ok like this area is a dining room hall so like the enemies are gonna be a ouija board, a giant knight armor, a gremlin, random skeletons, a huge greater fiend in one part of the room just because, and a kawaii lol maid with a vaccuum cleaner

>Witcher combat is spammy, character looking silly while spinning like idiot, and requires you to farm minimal gear before you can kill anything for your level

>That must be why DMC4 and Bayonetta sold more than any shit souls game huh?
then why are those franchises dead?
checkmate faggot

Have you ever interacted with asian women, especially japanese? Don't fall for their innocent looks, they're pretty fucked up.

Wait a minute. Are you the same autist from a few days ago that was screaming about Nioh not playing like DMC, despite the devs never once indicating that?

As much as I love metal gear rising, it ain't got SHIT on dark souls.

>5 hours later

>holy shit im only a tenth into in the game - dark souls

>holy shit its over - platinum games

I'd say this is the worst thread on Sup Forums but it might not even be the worst one this week

More than 2, For Honor is soulslike in combat, and there's a cyberpunk souls game being made by the devs of lords of fallen.

you literally got japanese business culture backwards

It does have all the hallmarks of that thread doesn't it?

As a fromsoft fan I must thank you.
Thank you for making this fanbase look good in comparison to haters like you.

Seriously without you everyone would rightfully hate us.

>implying dmc5 and bayonetta 3 aren't guaranteed


>a cyberpunk souls game
What? I thought they said they're making just LotF 2.

>this is bait

Actually the first games too were known to be meticulous slow platformers where you needed to plan out how to traverse the levels with enemies of varying difficulties placed in some rough spots.

Basically Souls games are the Difficulty of the 2-D castlevania Sidescrolling games combined with the exploration of he metroidvania in a 3-D environment.

you cannot refute this.

dmc 3 is better than 1 in every way.

But Platinum Games despite their length, give you plenty of bang for your gaming buck. Souls combat is too shallow, and the worlds too dismal to care about. Plat's released always have me hanging on to the edge of my seat with excitement from start to end.

uh huh, they sold super well sure buddy, where are they now?

shitty genre for children nobody cares about anymore



>pirate Shitter 3 + all dlc
>so boring and pathetic I don't play it more than 4+- hours
>interactive movie with mediocre story and shit tier "gameplay"

I feel bad for the peple who paid money for this shit.

>Basically Souls games are the Difficulty of the 2-D castlevania Sidescrolling games

In other words, piss easy jokes?
>Bloodborne gameplay

>Security, send this man to the chamber, I will deal with him and his impudence shortly. Bakame Yaro!"

Man I bet you decide what games to play based on the resolution of the leaves


I finished rising twice and dark souls three times, bought them full price day one.

Honestly, to this day I still feel ripped off even though the game was great.

Told you japanese women are fucked up.

Post your playthrough of X68k or even 3

This website is 18+ you know

>a movie is supposed to be evidence